RoulerBleu 9 points ago +9 / -0

Even if it wasen't shit, was there a market for this? Likely not.


RoulerBleu 24 points ago +24 / -0

Ongoing shenanigans in Pensylvania BTW, Democrats admiting to counting illegal ballots.

RoulerBleu 5 points ago +5 / -0

Show was accidentally dangerously based, so the authors set it on fire because the wrong people were having fun.

RoulerBleu 15 points ago +15 / -0

'Unrealized gains taxes'' is insane. And the people who it would be hypothetically ''ethical'' to target this with, already shielded themselves from nearly all of it.

RoulerBleu 8 points ago +8 / -0

At the end. Imagine thinking voting Harris would have ment less war.

You don't hate the media enough.

RoulerBleu 5 points ago +6 / -1

Beware of the AGP subset of troons. Those aren't your ''typical'' effeminate gay men broken by anxieties who think they can be women and thus normal.

The Autogynephiles have an absurdly high degree of overlap with other paraphilias such as zoophilia and pedophilia. High levels of violence, the more unhinged ones rape children and women. And keep raping women in women's prison under Woke governance.

RoulerBleu 33 points ago +33 / -0

''I'M TRANS! My vEry exiSTenCe bREaks HiS RuleS!!!''

You could just stop LARPing for 10 minutes.

Obligatory ''muh snoflake pronouns''. This is grooming propaganda.

RoulerBleu 1 point ago +1 / -0

I dread the day I will retrieve the old computer at my parent's house and try to do something to salvage what's on it. Lots of nice old games. Almost unplayable in the state the computer is in.

Takes ages to boot, takes ages to respond to any request. Full of bugs. Was used by parents who click ''YES I WANT TO DOWNLOAD MORE RAM TO MAKE MY PC FASTER'' adds and install everything.

Just cloning the disk on an SSD would fix nearly all the ''drag its feet for everything'', but I have to open the thing first to see if it's compatible with an SSD, and which gen.

And it would still be packed with Internet STDs. But it would be usable.

RoulerBleu 8 points ago +8 / -0

Thanks for the heads up.

It's not hoarding if it's digital!

RoulerBleu 5 points ago +6 / -1

Isn't it ''the demand for racism far outstrips the supply'', then?

RoulerBleu 13 points ago +13 / -0

To grasp what's going on in Germany, imagine if Democrat woke Hate Speech laws went up to arresting people for tweeting a morbidly obese politician is fat, and the elements of the justice system were actively seeking to put Conservatives in jail and banning their political parties.

Well in the USA you do have Democrats trying to jail Trump, but not for his political positions, for bogus accusations that would not even go to trial in a non-corrupt system.

RoulerBleu 8 points ago +8 / -0

The natives are Polynesians rather than Austronesians. So +15 IQ points on average.

RoulerBleu 12 points ago +12 / -0

They found one dance in one place that was performed by Maori women, so that obviously means all war dances were done by women everywhere too.

Because Intersectional Race Marxism.

RoulerBleu 5 points ago +5 / -0

I notice in alot of mid or post-apocalypse series, almost no thought is given to the children population being 0%-2%. Years into it you'd think people would re-establish and make enough children for mankind to survive, but no. Strong wammen keep taking high-risk positions, even if pregnant.

Now you can argue "child actors is bad long term" for why background characters also have 0, rarely 1 or 2 children in their care.

But this is also the norm in cartoon/Anime. And extends to genres like medieval fantasy where it seems every town or city must be headed to demographic collapse given the age pyramid.

Strong whammen fighters with no kids, the plebs with 0 - 2 kids. In a setting with sustained, very high mortality, you'd expect families of 3 - 5 kids being the norm. Especially in rural areas. Nope. 0 - 2 kids.

RoulerBleu 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's totally the knives that cause the problem. Please remember that noticing is strictly illegal.

RoulerBleu 2 points ago +2 / -0

How hard is it to microwave a cup with some instant-whatever in it instead of paying $15 to get Soybuck delivered at your door?

Bring back shaming.

RoulerBleu 6 points ago +6 / -0

The reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee from people who don't want the gravy train to end will shake the nation.

''We're on strike!''

Elon : ''You're already fired. Keep not working, I don't care.''

RoulerBleu 10 points ago +10 / -0

In college, with a bunch of friends we had a good laugh with one dramatically reading a ''women's romance novel'', trying to acurately predict when the Mary Sue character would be ''ravished rolling in the grass'' or something.

It happened alot.

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