Puddinhead 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is pretty close to showing the average IQ of college graduates per subject with the lowest being on top.

Puddinhead 2 points ago +2 / -0

I enjoyed the book. It's one I recommend to people. I havent seen the movie though. It's crazy how so many of his stories have been turned into films

Puddinhead 3 points ago +3 / -0

And they're my two favorites in the same order too

Puddinhead 3 points ago +3 / -0

Honestly. For dick what I really love is his exegesis. Its wild. For his novels. Probably the Penultimate truth or the novella the adjustment team. My wife prefers android I think.

My favorite heinlein is The moon is a harsh mistress followed by The man who sold the moon

Puddinhead 6 points ago +7 / -1

Two parent households where one works outside the home and the other in are a step in the right direction but multigenerational is where it is really at. Costs and child rearing can be spread and shared and the kids grow up really knowing their grandparents and maybe cousins.

Puddinhead 5 points ago +5 / -0

That movie was hilarious. It was meant to mock southern, conservatives, and Christians but ended up showing them as pretty based. Much like the starship troopers film

Puddinhead 6 points ago +6 / -0

Have you read any philip k dick? That guy was a prophet

Puddinhead 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is not nearly as helpful as you think it is. Is he some streamer or something?

by folx
Puddinhead 8 points ago +8 / -0

Based and Henry Ford pilled

Puddinhead -1 points ago +1 / -2

You ever wonder why women divorce guys like you? It's because you are a piece of shit who doesn't understand that women should be protected because they are the weaker sex.

No man has any business approaching a woman in a parking lot. It's not a place to meet women. The only women looking to pick up men in parking lots will be the ones approaching men I those parking lots. And those are not the kind of woman you want to be picking up.

Puddinhead 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yeah. Shes pretty and doesn't like random dudes around her or her children. Fucking crazy man.

Puddinhead 2 points ago +2 / -0

A lot of their authors are very un-Woke. Theyll publish anyone though. As long as they can put a good story out there.

Puddinhead 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most of his stuff is more fantasy than scifi depending on how you define them. His main series is Monster Hunter International. It's about a band of mercenaries that hunts monsters for the bounties paid by the feds or private parties. It's good fun. He has an epic fantasy series hes working on, Saga of the Forgotten Warrior based in an world with an indian like caste system. There is a diesel punk sorcery trilogy set right before ww2 that is a bit more series than his monster hunter series but not quite epic fantasy. Hes got a few Mech books out too. I havent read those yet. Hes big into gaming and has a miniatures board game on kickstarter based on his MHI series.

Baen is his publisher. If you're looking for non-cucked military scifi they have a ton. I'll usually pick up anything with a baen logo I see at a used book store even if I havent heard of it.

Puddinhead 2 points ago +2 / -0

Larry Correia is another one. Mormon too. They fucking hate him. He was a firearms instructor and dealer before his writing career took off. He just put out a great book on the second amendment.

Puddinhead 2 points ago +2 / -0

They win awards but they dont generate the millions that Sanderson can get from a month's work writing.

Puddinhead 6 points ago +6 / -0

Sounds like some hack "reporter" is pissed that no one wants to read his "great american novel" on the depressing life of a transgender jewish person who's addicted to drugs, pornography, and other forms of self harm but is held up as a Christ figure for taking breaks between their autogyniphiic fantasies to think about how they would totally sacrifice themselves to save some person who hates them. Not actually doing it. just thinking about it. like Holden Caulfield in Catcher in the Rye.

Puddinhead 8 points ago +8 / -0

They weren't incompetent. They were crafty. They accomplished all their goals and were able to convince people that it was all a series of unfortunate events that they were forced into when they actually engineered everything. Our enemies are intelligent, perceptive, patient, dedicated and evil. They might have some useful idiots that they use for cover but never make the mistake of thinking that the people behind events like Waco are fools. They most certainly are not.

by folx
Puddinhead 16 points ago +16 / -0

I checked out her twitter account. Shes a prostitute. She advertises for her OnlyFans on twitter and tiktok

by folx
Puddinhead 6 points ago +6 / -0

She has an only fans as well. The woman is a prostitute. That's her job. But she's still homeless because shes shoving all the money she gets from being a whore up her nose. I bet the rules for shelters that shes bitching about are things like not bringing drugs in or banning prostitution.

by folx
Puddinhead 13 points ago +13 / -0

What the fuck is wrong with her voice?

Puddinhead 6 points ago +6 / -0

Hard work is key to true self-esteem. It is it's own reward.

You see these wealthy whites hate on their own race all the time because they know that they didnt have to work for anything and feel depressed about it, but instead of finding something to work at that is productive they sink their time and their inherited money inti flagellating other whites. It's a whipping boy situation.

Never stop working hard for your family. Always strive to make things better for them and the next generation.

Puddinhead 20 points ago +20 / -0

Yeah. My parents did some thing similar with my gay brother. They paid for his college degree, they bought two different cars for him, paid for his apartment, paid his phone, electric, and water bill. And now because my mom prays for him and tells him that God loves him and he calls her a hateful bigot and says he feels unsafe around her. He still wants money though. Hes a satanist now an has convinced my little sister to cut ties with my parents too because they're so hateful towards him.

I love my brother and I hope he comes back to the faith and our family but I wonder if my little sister wouldnt be a septum-pierced shaven headed shrew if my parents had kicked my brother to the curb sooner.

Puddinhead 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well. She is one leaders of her religion. Very much a Joan of Arc for the NWO.

Puddinhead 4 points ago +4 / -0

They care about their actual customers. Who are the ones sinking billions into them? Who are the ones writing laws for their benefit? Who are the ones who's campaigns they fund?

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