Long term plan for better position later is always more important than now. The weak and the lazy are afraid of ambition and paying the price of success because it is hard and inconvenient. Take the path that leads to your best END game. That's what I've always done and I have a house, a truck, a gaming pc worth as much as a small car and can casually drink 300$ bottles of triple malt scotch. And I'm not even retired yet. Oh, but you will suffer for it now. Just remember that, you don't get the rewards until later.
Fuck you wizards. The second you showed the signs of woke, I instantly dropped everything you own, every IP and moved over to the Onyx Path and Exalted. I convinced all my table top companions to do the same and we will never go back. Not only because the storyteller system is functionally better than DnD in literally every way, but also the system straight up warns you that there is racism, rape, violence and bigotry as part of the game, and why it's good for the world lore, by generating drama. Also, it's fucking fiction. At least the Onyx Path are not a bunch of frightened, retarded children.
It's okay little james, we already know your movie is not going to meet its financial goals. You are already too late going on the offensive to your critics. Your avatar 2 movie was doomed before you even launched the trailer.
The board of directors don't care, the share holders don't care. None of them have ANY morals or ethics. All that care about it watching their stock grow infinitely. Iger can prattle all he wants about stupid shit. But if his "Okay, Disney" get woke, go broke ideology continues, he is next to get his world view crushed.
I abandoned GDQ back in 2014 or 1t when they started demonstrating woke bullshit. Fuck em.