OldBullLee 11 points ago +11 / -0

it's not like you can't drag your brats to a farmer's market now. Do all these fuckers live in gigantic cities?

Edit/PS: The implication is right--the supermarket that sells produce from around the world is doomed to collapse, and we will revert to the tried and true, something that has become exotic in the minds of those who can't see outside the city limits of their urban shitholes--"grown locally and sustainably" and "free-range."

OldBullLee 9 points ago +9 / -0

No one actually likes working with women either, not even women

I can verify this.

OldBullLee 2 points ago +2 / -0

I learn quite a lot here. I will incorporate "hambeast" and "grievance farmer" into my vocabulary. Thanx!

OldBullLee 1 point ago +1 / -0

I knew one personally. After all his posturing he finally died of liver disease. He did not go gently into that good night, at least not right away.

OldBullLee 3 points ago +3 / -0

While I am sure there are many gay men who want a long term solid thing (and the data bears this out, believe it or not. Once gay men settle down into a LTR it tends to be the most rock-solid of any pairing, at least in terms of divorce)

Casual observation also bears out the fact that gay men will fuck anyone willing until they get old and gross-looking to other gay men. Then they begin looking for LTRs. Much like hetero women, now that I think on it a might.

OldBullLee 3 points ago +3 / -0

There's not even a "panel" as far as I can tell. A lone croaker can make a judgment and it's off to the Sarcopod.

OldBullLee 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well, that seemed to have shocked her out of her self-pitying situation and given her some gumption, maybe even enough to want a longer life.

"Doc, I feel so low I want to snuff it."

"Well, OK, Here's a referral to the Sarcopod. It's in the new Kevorkian wing of the hospital."

"What? Seriously? Fuck you, you creep! Just for that I'm going to live!"

The whole scene is ridiculous, but these Canadian ghouls are getting out of hand--

Doctors have been advised to propose euthanasia as an option instead of waiting for patients to request it – and not just for suffering or dying patients, but for those with “disabilities” as minor as hearing loss.

It's just so surreal I find it comical.

OldBullLee 20 points ago +20 / -0

Goddamn motherfucking lying shitbag asshole cocksuckers.

OldBullLee 45 points ago +45 / -0

Goddamn motherfucking lying shitbag asshole cocksuckers.

OldBullLee 5 points ago +6 / -1

I wouldn't let a black woman doctor treat my ingrown toenail, much less deliver my wife's child.

Between diversity, incompetence, and wokeness, the medical profession is becoming seriously degraded.

OldBullLee 4 points ago +4 / -0

But the attending MD and her nurses on the staff killed the child. I've always assumed that midwives are not medically trained at all, but just play catcher and comfort mothers with new-age platitudes..

OldBullLee 5 points ago +5 / -0

Everyone makes mistakes. Not everyone decapitates your kid tho.

True . . . and perversely, hilariously funny. Well-put!

OldBullLee 11 points ago +11 / -0

"South Loop teens."

They ain't Archie and Jughead.

OldBullLee 3 points ago +3 / -0

I hear you, but the article refers to no such specific evidence.

OldBullLee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Homos and trannies have all the rights every other American citizen has. What they want is privilege and worship--SPECIAL rights and privileges.

"Black lives" are the same as any other lives, you sloganeering dildo. They are not tokens you can marshal for PR reasons then toss aside when their politics become inconvenient.

"The planet" will do just fine without your ineffectual "protection" that will turn us all into slaves, starving, degrading, or killing us outright in favor of other species because of your cockeyed paranoia about "global warming."

Take care of your own goddamn health first before you see an MD. Get a job and pay for insurance. If you're too poor even if you work your ass off, get on the Medicaid rolls or apply for the $1500/month subsidy.

"The world" may be "bigger than America," but we live here and it's getting seriously fucked up. Clean your own house before trying to tidy up your neighbor's.

If you opened your eyes, you would see that forced "diversity" creates conflict, you insufferable asshole. Get a token black roommate so you can demonstrate your moral superiority and brag to your fellow soyboys.

I think you should go fuck yourself and leave me alone. Save your self-righteous preaching for your lefty choir.

OldBullLee 1 point ago +1 / -0

You also need the hard evidence of fraudulent registrations and ballot mishandling/dumping/fraud.

OldBullLee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Same thing with this non-story. Unless someone actually has hard quantified evidence of fraudulent registrations and criminal mishandling of ballots, it's just giving the opposition more ammunition to claim "conspiracy theory."

OldBullLee -2 points ago +1 / -3

Why are they not saying exactly how many of the registrations were fraudulent. How many is "a quantity"?

Michigan State Senator Ruth Johnson, who is a former Secretary of State, told the Gateway Pundit: “My estimate is over 800,000 ballot applications were sent to non-qualified voters in Michigan, including many individuals who moved or died, and even some individuals who were underage or non-citizens. Many were sent to people who had moved out of state.” These ballot applications, if turned back in, would cause a live ballot to then be sent to that address by the clerk.

"If turned back in." Again, this is vague.

Why come out with a story like this if the evidence is not unequivocal? This just muddies the waters because the allegations are nonspecific and the amount of fraudulent registrations and ballots claimed is non specific.

OldBullLee 1 point ago +1 / -0

butter golems

This is almost as funny as the fact that Lardo's being spit-roasted by her tribe.

OldBullLee 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Don't ask don't tell" ought to be standard practice. Pride is a mortal sin for good reason.

OldBullLee 1 point ago +1 / -0

A soyboy Piss-in-the-pailian cleric. How disconcerting. Doesn't exactly inspire reverence or respect.

OldBullLee 31 points ago +31 / -0

Any man not a prancing fag is "hypermasculine."

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