I’ve seen quite a bit of TNG, but don’t recall that episode. That said, the idea of a society without gender would only come about if there was an undeniably biological position for it. The Asari aren’t female, they’re a monogendered race that took form much like human females (hence why humans will refer to them in feminine manner), and have their own unique method of reproduction.
Hell, lately, a society like that seems more like the left’s aim.
Man, Kyle could very well become the civil war catalyst at this rate. One side won’t ever accept a loss without rioting. This time, the opposing side might actually go even further than that in the case they lose, after literally being shut out of all support by rich bozos that have already decided he’s guilty of the greatest crimes imaginable.
I’ve been stopped by police ONCE. EVER.
Because I did something so obvious there was no way around it. The officer and I were in opposite lanes, and I made a really speedy pass on someone else. They hadn’t even u-turned yet and I had myself already pulled over from the second I saw his lights go up.
Man, remember when IMC was an anti-GG leftard? Holy shit, things have really changed.