NataliePortmanteau 7 points ago +7 / -0

New Jersey is where corps go to do their dirty business before heading back into NYC. The entire state is so awfully corroded and corrupt there's literally no saving it.

When I left the dichotomy being set up there is clear: the poors are there to justify buerocratic bloat, the illegal aliens are there as a servant class to the rich, the rich live like plutocrats, and There's no room or place for the middle-class anymore, not unless you want to be taxed to oblivion for everything since you're the target demo for taxation in the state.

Unfortunately, the ultra wealthy's homes are easily accessible by roadways so I don't know what they think is going to happen when their wretched cultivated underclass rise up to destroy them, but that's not my problem now is it?

NataliePortmanteau 8 points ago +8 / -0

And a constituency with no regard for it's leaders will rise up.

NataliePortmanteau 8 points ago +8 / -0

Joke's on them. By the time someone will be arrested with this bill things will have already set off. Pour sugar into gas tanks. Slash tires. Make roads inaccessible via dynamite.

Fuck them. Urban warfare in the US is going to be amazing. Problem with an elephant is they can't manuver well and you just need to trip them to make them fall.

Call all outraged Americans terrorists and let's kick this off already. Wait until the trannies and fags are cornered and obliterated by roving citizen platoons. Where's your painted whore god now?

NataliePortmanteau 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think your version of realism is heavily skewed and full of logic holes.

So NYC gets destroyed by a nuclear missile but for some reason everyone in the military is so retarded they can't say boo without the head giving the OK to retaliate? That's not how any of this works.

Also, my Wyoming example was meant to illustrate scale, distance, and the naturally decentralized arrangement of power across the US. NYC gets destroyed. How does that affect Pittsburgh? Or Chicago? Or Houston? Or Seattle? Much less the hundreds of millions of people who don't live in major metro areas.

You seem to want to prove the US would collapse instantly from a nuclear strike. I keep pointing out why that wouldn't really affect anything and you keep returning with the idea the US is one giant body and if the head dies we all die This is not, and never will be, the case. You should pull out a map and really understand what the US is before claiming we'd all submit and die instantly from an attack.

NataliePortmanteau 4 points ago +5 / -1

Wonders of the World were built by slaves, bigot. That's why we have to torch them all and put up a hundred-foot solid gold statue of Nigger God George Floyd in their place.

NataliePortmanteau 7 points ago +7 / -0

Good thing here in the states you're called a bigot for not sucking girl dick but if China and the Middle East think gays are yucky they are left on the cutting room floor without so much as a question.

NataliePortmanteau 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your doomsday scenario only plays out if our entire country is dependant on chain of command at the federal level. It is not.

If a nuclear strike hit our capitol, pretty sure whoever fired it won't be alive much longer to retaliate further, much less strike.

Also, you keep ignoring the physical size of the country. Someone in Wyoming won't be affected directly if a nuclear bomb destroys NYC. The whole country doesn't hinge on one or two cities.

It seems you really want America to be as pathetic as our retard media portrays us. We are not. If our stupid federal gov't falls we have states rights and would love on from there.

NataliePortmanteau 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nobody's nuking half the country. Why would you irradiate the land you're trying to conquer? Also, that would have to be a LOT of nuclear bombs and would lead to global nuclear annihilation.

Are you American? Have you been to America? This country is mind-bendingly huge with literally every type of climate and geography. Frankly it takes like 5+ hours to fly across the country with a lot of lateral space. You would need thousands and thousands of planes and pilots to even attempt an air invasion. Not to mention the thousands of miles of ocean between us and the rest of the world.

We also have a gigantic -- maybe the biggest -- stockpile of weapons on the planet. If things get as loose as we're suggesting, I'd estimate it would be giant blocs of militias holding ground.

Yeah, I'm not too worried about the US. Any army that would stretch their supply line 5000 miles and across an ocean onto incredibly hostile territory -- including a type of urban and suburban warfare that has never been approached before -- is going to die before the tail makes it to land.

NataliePortmanteau 10 points ago +10 / -0

I looked up that term and can see search results have been papered with nothing but positive sites for these disturbed deluded molesters.

NataliePortmanteau 1 point ago +1 / -0

Things collapsing would be nice where I live. My state is inching towards secession anyway and we're low pop and isolated, so it would be pretty cozy. Like a soft return to the 20th century. Localized economy, increased focus on local community, a return to the ideals of America, sign me up.

NataliePortmanteau 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fuck it. America is a gigantic country. Nobody is ever doing a successful ground invasion on the US. It'd be them vs a half a billion heavily armed lunatics who will think the world is ending.

I say let's balkanize and then sort it out. I propose the Midwest secedes and leave the coasts to starve.

NataliePortmanteau 15 points ago +15 / -0

Yes, but I will not trust the reformed leftist because they were too blinded by their ideology to realize they were shifting the entire system to make EVERYBODY interchangable and thus replaceable and insignificant.

Well, this was what we were trying to tell you dumb cunts for decades: what you're doing will turn everything into shit. Now they got what they wanted and are complaining that it turned into shit, and are telling us we now have to turn their shit pile back into a functioning society.

Go blow. Men can have kids when they're old and can wait for the next gen of girls that are 18 and hungry for a man that doesn't like to suck cock or watch her get fucked by other men. Zoomers are nearly untouchables now.

NataliePortmanteau 12 points ago +12 / -0

I left the not-so-great state of NJ in 2020 (and am never going back) after living there for 25 years, and let me tell you something: the illegal alien Mexican population is astonishing.

It feels like there's a literal pipeline being run from the border directly to NJ. In the past 20 years the illegal pop exploded and only accelerated within the last 5 years.

These fucking people were living better than me by the time I left. Free large housing for their 5 kids (it's a lie it's 20 guys to a room; maybe 20 years ago!), Free expansive medicare for their entire family, giant monthly food stamp allocations (2 carts at a time!) And of course cars cars cars.

Here's how the scam works: you immediately get a driver's license in NJ if you're illegal and you get funneled right to the welfare office. Since m & dad aren't legally "married," the woman is seen as a single mother with 5 kids. So she gets literally every benefit you could imagine. Meanwhile, dad moves in and has a cash-only job that pays literally 50k+ a year in some blue collar work, and they have the American fucking dream. Plenty of cash, no expenses. Even dad has healthcare because he's also a poor dreamer. They don't even have to pay taxes!

Meanwhile I was scraping by and with a newborn realized I was never going to make it there, not with $1200/mo baseline rent, forget ever owning a home or saving money. And Miguel and his six kids are enjoying a standard of living literally no legal citizen has ever enjoyed.

Goodbye, New Jersey. You were always shit but Jesus Christ.

NataliePortmanteau 15 points ago +16 / -1

It's called gaslighting.

A school introduces CRT. Parents show up to school board meetings to complain. The leftist plants in the board yell down parents, insult them, call them racist, etc. Then some leftist shill goes on TV or the local paper and says CRT is far right fantasy. Then they wait and schedule secret meetings to pass CRT into the curriculum where parents won't show up to complain. Now the school has a whole year to teach this retarded garbage.

And Molotovs are easy to make, too.

NataliePortmanteau 14 points ago +15 / -1

Canceled to who? People who aren't and never will be their audience? Who cares?

NataliePortmanteau 0 points ago +1 / -1

This is a great way to summarize what "conservative" and "liberal" really mean in 2021, policy-wise: fewer restrictions and more personal liberty vs. more restrictions and less personal liberty.

If a policy goes for the latter, it could be assumed liberal, and this would mostly be correct. Outside of perhaps abortion policy, but even then, abortion control saves lives.

NataliePortmanteau 11 points ago +12 / -1

I kinda love that Trump is now this omniscient phantom menace that pervades all thought. These people think about Trump far more than I ever have.

NataliePortmanteau 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also using "Carbon" as a shorthand for dirty and unwanted. Uh, so we're made of carbon? As is kinda everything else, so...

NataliePortmanteau 2 points ago +2 / -0

People must be even bigger pussies than I realized.

My daughter's too young for school but if I ever came across this kind of shit from a school board member we'd be having much different engagement out of session. I would dedicate part of every day to fuck up that person's life out of spite. Maybe that cunt will think twice when her windshield's been smashed, both tires punctured, and "WHORE" spray painted on the side. And that would just be for starters.

NataliePortmanteau 5 points ago +5 / -0

However, the "girl power" moment was delightfully upended when half of the women get their shit pushed in immediately afterwards.

"YAAAS KWEEN SLAY!" [Gigantic punch to the face]

Reminds me of that stupid hippy dreadlock girl who fucked around and found out. Glorious.

NataliePortmanteau 3 points ago +3 / -0

Laughter from the crowd undercuts the super cereal drama they're trying to promote. Stop laughing at their shitty thin lies, the warped statistics, their false science, and this nonsense society.

Don't laugh at the 23-year old 85-IQ mother of four. Don't laugh at the grotesque man in a dress. Don't laugh at our empty suits on the screen.

They can try all they'd like but they can't stop people from laughing at them. So they'd like to kill us for pointing out what a joke they really are.

NataliePortmanteau 10 points ago +10 / -0

All we ever got is, "Patriarchy bad! Masculinity bad!" But outside of telling generations of boys to shut up and sit still, nobody actually proposed an outlet for the natural aggression men have due to biology. They just said, be like girls and shut up, and that's it. Where the fuck do they think that natural testosterone and aggression goes when you suppress it and shame it?

Hunh, shaming and suppressing people's natural orientations, wonder if any group may have experienced this recently. Nope, guess not!

I sure hope this suppressed and shamed natural aggression young men have doesn't foment into a violent revolution pointed towards destroying everything that shamed them. That would be bad.

NataliePortmanteau 6 points ago +6 / -0

You're close: they don't care about short-term profits or even the general consumer at this point because if they stupid Great Reset happens they'll be part of the corporate fascist regime that guarantees endless monies into perpetuity through gov't-mandated UBI -- and that they'll never have competition again because no new companies will ever be allowed once the Green Deal goes through.

Why would they care if they're losing money right now? If all goes to plan their company will make money forever afterwards. They're just here to pump out propaganda to massage the public into accepting their garbage cyberpunk future.

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