NataliePortmanteau 2 points ago +2 / -0

Evil Jew leftists figured out long ago people can be on school boards even if they don't have kids.in the school, so they move their kike plants to these areas and fund them to win school board seats so they can ram all the pedophilia and racist propaganda as possible into curriculums whether the actual parents of the students agree with it.

Leftists are evil and will be dealt with quickly and violently in the coming times.

NataliePortmanteau 10 points ago +10 / -0

Masked random attacks at night work well. Wear gloves and burn them afterwards.

NataliePortmanteau 8 points ago +8 / -0

Not all neurotics are leftist but all leftists are neurotics.

Busy bodies who are desperate for validation and purpose, and they are handed THE MOST IMPORTANT PURPOSE EVER YOU GUYZ at a young age, are fed a diet that warps their thought process to see everything as oppressive and the world as a place of inequality that can be fixed by forcing equality by any means necessary.

These people are whipped into frenzy when they are faced with a previously defined Oppressor that resists their 100% Absolute Truth. They will feverishly spend their own free time persecuting these Oppressors to the ends of the earth for Wrong Think. And they think they're just and right every step of the way, because that's the binary black and white dichotomy that feeds into their neurosis and justifies the energy spent by their inner madness as purpose.

NataliePortmanteau 7 points ago +7 / -0

I graduated from a teaching college and my major was a minor for a lot of education majors. They were majority female, leftist, and feminist. They were all leftist ideologues. That was 16 years ago.

NataliePortmanteau 8 points ago +8 / -0

They likely scrubbed it and are going to re-launch now that the scary racist dislike button is gone.

NataliePortmanteau 13 points ago +13 / -0

Something something cutting out a man's tongue because you're afraid of what he may speak, etc.

NataliePortmanteau 14 points ago +14 / -0

This happened the day after Disney put out that George Floyd Xmas Special trailer two days or so ago. It got ratio'ed hard and Disney must have made a call to remove the dislike button.

NataliePortmanteau 4 points ago +4 / -0

There are so many guns in this country and so many crazy people. Aren't there at least a few Mark David Chapmans out there who would like their names in the history books?

NataliePortmanteau 21 points ago +21 / -0

Desperate bids to make globalism happen despite every single indicator the 20+ year shift towards that has been a complete fucking disaster for everyone involved.

You know, like how we have a massive supply chain crunch and almost-failure every single day and it's been that way for months? But supply chain failure is GOOD for, uh....well, not nature...or America...or the countries we do trade with...or the American people....or the economy....


NataliePortmanteau 9 points ago +9 / -0

"Jab" diminishes and normalizes it. "Injection of experimental gene therapy treatment" doesn't sound as harmless and commonplace as "vaccine jab."

Jab is a silly word that sounds fun and is no big deal.

NataliePortmanteau 8 points ago +8 / -0

Well she ended in dead last during the DNC and is pretty much hated by everyone. So of course she was top pick for VP.

NataliePortmanteau 6 points ago +6 / -0

Translation: they carried the granite.

The architecture, mathematics, engineering, planning, craftsmanship, capitol, masonry, tiling, bricklaying, carpentry, that was all white men.

But Kinda Kinte carried a rock from one place to another and now he's fucking Frank Ghery.

NataliePortmanteau 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ah, CRT. So batshit even most lefty intellectuals laughed it out of academia long ago, but some late-90s grad school leftist drudged it up and made it a centerpiece for the Yas KWEEN SLAY revolution of 2016.

That's a seriously fast move in 5 years going from discredited ultra-leftist racial theory hokum to being implemented as curriculum nationwide in elementary schools.

This is what leftists have spent decades waiting for: working their way into positions of (unelected) power so they can suddenly ram all sorts of insane radical shit through.

Fortunately, their beliefs are tattered garbage that doesn't hold up under even the lightest inspection and fail almost immediately once implemented. But it's like a 5-year speed bump as they flail and fail. Repeat every 20 years.

NataliePortmanteau 1 point ago +1 / -0

One they promote vigorously but then claim they're not white, they're "Jewish," which, uhh, have a lot of white European people and it's a religion not a fucking ethnic group but OK.

"White Supremacy" is just Jewish Supremacy holding a non-Jew white in front of them and saying, "Oy vey! Here's your racist!" while they rub their hands in avarice.

NataliePortmanteau 13 points ago +13 / -0

If they lived in inner cities they would not have positive views on black people.

NataliePortmanteau 27 points ago +27 / -0

For decades, and increasingly into the 1990s, liberals used the phrase "slippery slope fallacy."

They claimed that those square, uptight, Christian conservatives were putting forth a fallacy that once we give gays open permissiveness in society it would lead to further degeneracy.

That's what the PC police said when Roseanne became the first lesbian kiss on television.

That's what the PC police said when Ellen's character came out as gay on ABC during primetime.

That's what they said when gay culture came creeping in overtly in the 2000s and shit like Lady Gaga and Katy Perry cemented the new "all women are whores and bisexual and that's a GOOD thing!" status in the US (with some extra-heavy push around rumors that Lady Gaga was a man because hey, gotta start messaging early).

And finally, that's what the PC police said when gays were federally allowed to marry.

That was only 5 years ago.

Look how fucking steep that slippery slope was.

NataliePortmanteau 58 points ago +58 / -0

Boy Scouts died once they lost the battle against the gays, like the rest of America did.

NataliePortmanteau 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree, now is the time for all creatives who never got their project off the ground to start making it. Make the content you want to see in the world and put it out there. Against this shit it couldn't do worse. Fuck, I may actually be able to make a better Bond or He-Manin all-but-name than these major corps.

NataliePortmanteau 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would agree, but Bond is largely representative of the masculine fantasy and served that perfectly. For that representation alone, I find any change to canonical Bond tropes yet another property lost to this shitty grey future.

NataliePortmanteau 5 points ago +5 / -0

Considering I just saw a "Don't blow your brains out, veteran, here's a free gun lock!" commercial yesterday, I don't think the veterans of those wars are going to be of much use. Plus Afghanistan was a 16-year quagmire that ended in ultimate defeat, so idk how useful that was as a training exercise, either.

NataliePortmanteau 5 points ago +5 / -0

Hence the importance of keeping that threat always a very real possibility.

NataliePortmanteau 2 points ago +2 / -0

Walk through a toy aisle lately? I have, but I have a 2 year old.

Literally just the toys of my childhood, in the exact same packaging. Guess they just dusted off the old molds.

NataliePortmanteau 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes. Always have been.

People need to realize the true business of the FBI, ATF, CIA, etc is to do all the bad illegal shit they claim they're defending against.

ATF are the people funnelling drugs and selling unregistered guns into the country. FBI deal with intimidation, child smuggling, child porn, all the grisly nasty shit. CiA are a bizarre shadow government that run blackmail, money and info ops.

Everything you think this world is, as it presents itself, is usually the opposite. There's a mirror in the lens of every camera that turns the upside down right side up. This is what you're seeing on your screens

NataliePortmanteau 7 points ago +8 / -1

I stopped being nice years ago to leftists. Lost lots of friends. Nigger Saint George was the final straw. Bunch of cucky leftists jizzing all over themselves about Burn Loot Murder and crying over a dozen dangerous niggers getting gunned down a year during commission of a crime. Told them all off, deleted FB, never looked back. My life continued on just fine; these losers are still prostrating themselves everyday on the Alter of Faggots and Niggers.

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