Why is it racist to want to have a home for the native white people?
Why is it also racist to even question the ethnostate of Israel?
She’s a legend as a crazy canadian doctor who refused to ever take off her N95 and refused to treat patients who didn’t get vaccinated.
She got covid 4 times anyway and then quit twitter.
Sounds like they need to hire and promote white or Asian guys again!
Julian Assange is being prosecuted for treason against the US for far less than this.
They will unite and resume the regularly scheduled attack on white people soon.
It literally says UK judiciary.
Judiciary’s need to be replaced with a provably honest AI calculation:
f is a computation that takes two weeks to run on a regular computer, but two hours on a data center. You send the data center the computation (ie. the code to run f ), the data center runs it, and gives back the answer y with a proof. You verify the proof in a few milliseconds, and are convinced that y actually is the answer.
Every calculation can be signed to prove it was done correctly. And AI is just a calculation.
Uh oh- some ancient feminists about to hit up the dating market and settle down.
The Imp would have been ecstatic about this.
Will we get any accountability for the warmongers who created this artificial war and caused 500,000 to die for absolutely nothing?
Russia was always going to get what it wanted in the start:
land bridge to crimea and russian speaking people part of russia and not being genocided by Zelensky. Also - no ukraine joining NATO.
Historically we hired judges and lawyers based off merit.
Too many diversity judges => unstoppable communism in another branch of government
I hope its possible for someone to sign an AI model result in the same way you can sign something on the blockchain- so everyone knows it was calculated fairly.
Courts need to be 100% replaced by provably impartial AI.
The laws were already passed. We don’t need activist monkeys to pass new laws.
So the censorship laws are used to keep out foreign companies and products?
Diversity Hire achievements of the decade :
1- Shi Zengli - Female gain of function research champion 2019-2023
2- 200 Diversity Boards at Boeing - 787-Max product of the year.
I’m not sure how elon’s strategy of elevating “subscription accounts” as bot-free will actually work?
Can’t Israel buy many subscriptions?
With the original Jan 6th tapes
What happens in Europe is -
ONLY hate crimes are investigated.
The police are too busy/lazy to even come out for non hate crimes.
So now you have a two tier justice system- muslims and jews are protected. Whites have no protection or rights.
In a sane society:
1- Maybe Marxist brainwashing is causing anti-white hatred in our educational system.
2- Maybe pumping girls full of MALE testosterone caused this shooting.
A trump supporter would have been murdered by a shot to the neck for less.
this is only a portion
We should assume the remaining portion is WORSE for leftist ideology.
The Biden administration clearly wanted to cover it up due to the embarrassing mental state revealed about liberal white women who are the only whites who vote for him.
I believe this is the most important page -
(I made a post of it just now)
That’s the most Australian video I’ve ever seen.