I know you're joking - but conservatives will continually lose unless they play by the same rules as democrats.
Democrats have seized the bank accounts / put innocent citizens on terrorist watch lists for being in the same city as protests.
We need to start targetting George Soros' family assets since he's assisting the traitorous invasion of our country.
grooming for shooters
That’s 90% of reddit
Assume every page they haven’t released is 100% anti-white leftist academia stuff.
Police in Lyon, France are mobilizing to stop a tribute for victims of an anti-White attack in Crepole.
Authorities have outlawed the event over fears of “xenophobia.”
Yeah. He joined microsoft. I wonder if he has to serve his notice at microsoft?
The perfect summary of the reproducibility crisis -
Because the author KNEW that BBC “news” were thirsting for anti-white “research” like this.
It will probably be “settled scientific consensus” in 10 years that London has always been majority black.
The BBC is genociding straight white history faster than Nazi Germany in the 30s.
They know this will create hatred of straight white people.
But they think this will benefit them somehow?
Is Hayek where your name comes from?
I wish I had an intellectual username…
I am 100% past listening to women when they don’t even call the police.
Women have been known to invent rape allegations due to :
boyfriend found a new woman
taxi driver wanted to charge her for taxi ride
woman cheated and boyfriend discovered it
In 2023 Trans have murdered more people due to their bigotry and extreme brainwashing*.
(*obviously they are easily brainwashed- reddit hunts out autistic kids who have no friends and tells them - “you will be accepted and loved if you join our underage genital mutilation club”)
Ilya was clearly not hired for his good looks.
But the guy is a genius in terms of AI - he’s been behind many advances for decades.
Maybe she should go to the police and have him prosecuted?
Or is she making false accusations in the hope of $ome reward$?
Have governments ever run anything well?
Did she go to the police and prosecute him?
Because a bitter woman complaining is worth about 50cents.
I believe Ilya Sutskever was worried about AGI and wanted Sam fired for not being cautious enough.
Or Ilya just used this as an excuse to get Sam fired?
Ilya believes the glorified autocomplete of “guess the next word” could lead to human level AGI.
I believe Ilya Sutskever was worried about AGI and wanted Sam fired for not being cautious enough.
Microsoft’s CEO sounds impatient and wants products right now. He’s obviously pissed with openai and offered to rehire them all.
Ilya just posted a tweet that “he regrets assisting the board in their actions”
discord seems just as bad?
This is the funniest timeline - the genius behind creating AGI cannot see the consequences of his actions 2 days ago.
OpenAI could go from a $100bn company to a $0 company. This fiasco has to be one of, if not the, biggest examples of fumbling the bag and stupidity we’ve ever seen in our entire lives.
The new line is : unless we can stop co2 production then you will have to be invaded by millions of africans fleeing 1’C warming over the next 2000 years.
Hopefully the employees are angry and leak the weights.
We can only trust an open sourced AI.
chatting needs to be 100% independent from the stalins who run the companies.
We need forums free of Jannies.
They are becoming more powerful due to AI.
The problem is these Jannies have never been punished for their treason against our free speech rights.
The punishment for treason needs to be SEVERE. Otherwise the traitors scheme and plot to steal your rights the next time.
What temperature do they work well?
I can see parts of Europe getting completely fucked if they rely on wind/solar and then heat pumps stop working…
A race cannot survive if it constantly attacks itself.
Interracial crime stats are the only true measure of racism the world needs.