NatalieBiden 8 points ago +8 / -0

Maybe I should delete the post because she’s a nutjob.

But I think she perfectly shows why AI lies - because it is bullied into lying by thousands of little Karen hall monitors.

NatalieBiden 18 points ago +18 / -0

“dear fellow white women”

NatalieBiden 36 points ago +36 / -0

The actual definition of a “hate crime” is any crime that the troon considers is motivated by his trooning.

So asking a troon “do you want to appear the hero in this investigation?” - I predict 99.99% of them will say yes.

NatalieBiden 15 points ago +15 / -0

suffered a “hate crime attack” - if this was in the UK I assume someone merely called him a “pig in a wig” (that alone has been prosecuted by the political police force as a “hate crime”)

NatalieBiden 17 points ago +17 / -0

John Oliver was last funny in 2003 when they last questioned the government.

(about the Iraq war lies)

NatalieBiden 23 points ago +24 / -1

Irish government is now begging locals to stop burning down hotels so they can dump illegals in them :


(she claims she wants a discussion- 95% of locals were against it. but you would never know because in fact it is illegal to be against the replacement in ireland. they will censor you from big tech and marxists in traditional media will ban you and smear you as racist. “discussion”)

NatalieBiden 5 points ago +5 / -0

We should assume its an insurance job/NGO arson for media sympathy until we can trust the government. (you can never trust the government)

Thats a very interesting point. Some countries BAN non-citizens from owning land.

I expect those countries have much less replacement of the natives for cash going on.

NatalieBiden 12 points ago +12 / -0

Damn that’s beautiful.

We need some non-woke movies for the kids of today.

NatalieBiden 7 points ago +7 / -0

We are so close to the Catholic church performing poly marriages.

NatalieBiden 29 points ago +29 / -0

Technically the worst thing you can do for carbon emissions is take a guy from Africa (where his carbon footprint is minimal) and dump him in Europe (where it costs thousands in heating/transport/policing)

NatalieBiden 6 points ago +6 / -0

Women are responsible for 70%+ of all divorces.

If we want to make marriages more suitable for kids then stop financially rewarding women for divorce.

  • make prenups standard

  • put more men in family courts

  • put cameras in family court

  • end alimony- you don’t deserve anything “because i was used to it”

NatalieBiden 9 points ago +10 / -1

Obviously its true. In any relationship men pay more than women.

But there is a balance between men and women through the generations.

More dangerous is replacing native populations with illegal invaders. There are no evolutionary forces to stop a genocide.

NatalieBiden 17 points ago +17 / -0

This could be arson from anybody even a state minion,it could be electrical etc

But with no evidence the media and usual suspects by mornings end will be claiming the big bad far right done it

You know,the ones that claim attacks aren't terror related without knowing a motive.

NatalieBiden 27 points ago +27 / -0

Its not only taxes.

The government deliberately created all the inflation in our society. For decades they removed our rights to save in stable forms of money (like gold) - 1933 - all personal gold was seized. 1971 - we “temporarily” left the gold standard.

NatalieBiden 10 points ago +10 / -0

Its arguably far worse than rape -

a modern woman only has to have the consequences of rape for a few days - morning after pill/abortion/adoption.

A modern man has to suffer the consequences of this for 18+ years.

NatalieBiden 7 points ago +8 / -1

If you allow 100 million illegal invaders into your country you have already lost.

They will eventually have every lever of control in the military and police.

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