How long would it take for a Harvard surgeon to be fired if he was so incompetent he killed his patients? 30 days?
Now imagine he was a black Harvard surgeon. Claudine Gay teaches us that it takes 10x longer for him to be removed.
Basically we can see that hiring a black surgeon or a black lawyer is taking your life in your own hands.
As a further bonus- If/When he kills you through incompetence- YOU will likely be blamed in the media.
Australia bans dual citizens from serving in parliament…
What if she’s a psycho like Mary Kay Latourno who traps the boy into 18 years of child support?
I thought the headline was a satire competition. However much you hate journalists. Its nowhere near enough.
Andrew Wakefield was 10x more principled and honest.
This woman is obviously shilling for big pharma. Andrew Wakefield risked his career to speak what was probably the truth (mercury adjuvants in vaccines cause mental problems)
The coverup of Audrey Hale’s racist manifesto is still shocking.
UK royal family was famously caught blackmailing NBC to cover up their crimes against little children
When Microsoft and Google control all the world’s AI it will be illegal to comment/share everyday news/videos of violence if they contain black perpetrators.
Same way reddit used to be free speech. These everyday videos will be forbidden from the next generation.
This guy collected THOUSANDS of examples of anti white propaganda in ads :
Obviously real - black guy has a government job. Probably passed over 200 more qualified White or Asian guys.
Check out this massive twitter feed :
EVERY commercial is anti white racism.
I read the whole thing. The citation that says female judges are more likely to be biased in favor of women is worrying.
Still - 50% of your genes in each generation came from women. Even extreme Sexual discrimination has this evolutionary balance.
The in group racial bias against whites has only one evolutionary balance - when the group has been completely destroyed.
Its not genetic. They are deliberately taught to feel personally responsible for WW2.
These invaders can smell the weakness. And young women are the most easily influenced by education brainwashing.
They don’t. But they’re brainwashed in school to feel personally guilty for Hitler.
Rationally they aren’t responsible. But their collective guilt is a massive political power.
Two-Tier policing.
Police are 100% indoctrinated political arm of the government.
When marxists preach anti-white hatred in schools, the police lap that up.
A lot of teen single moms incoming
Apparently even the peer reviewers don’t get access to the data to check it.
They check for ideological purity only. (make sure it doesn’t adversely impact the reviewer’s career etc)
The study’s lead author, who also initiated it, Professor Beverley Lawton (pictured above), hid from editors and reviewers that she is financially sponsored by the rights holder to the vaccine.
The researchers, from New Zealand, also failed to appropriately disclose their financial ties to a company, CSL Limited, which owns the rights to the HPV vaccine in Australia and New Zealand.
It was some obnoxious stuff designed to appeal to dippy liberal women.
I didn’t even have a photo on the profile. So google 100% succeeded in human reproduction.
I remember a video of him calling for peace that was deleted by all of big tech
I once had used a dating site.
I googled “best dating profile”. Copy pasted it and had a woman come round and have sex “because she liked my profile”
I felt bad.
Also the deep state, all of DC judiciary, and as Kiwi Farms just found out - all tier 1 ISPs?
At the same time as disarming native men, she will demand millions of military age men enter the country with many planning jihad.
Any woman with testicles is a hero in canada. I wonder why metoo doesn’t apply to the working class immigrants he was bullying into waxing his balls?
And wasn’t he organising a swimming meetup for trans teens and himself?
(insert meme of goose asking - “why is it always kids”)
White guy charged with 800 hate crimes by Soros DA.