MetallicBioMeat 10 points ago +10 / -0

Did not skull and bones need to be released due to some contracts with govs or other orgs?

MetallicBioMeat 1 point ago +1 / -0

So every one need to booby trap their place and activate the trap once they go to sleep, haha

MetallicBioMeat 7 points ago +7 / -0

Well, we already had other evidence in regards with the gov involvement on psyops (covid) and using antifa (see germany) still it is a global game and getting the normies to accept that the gov wants them dead and they think it is funny, is slightly harder.

MetallicBioMeat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ok, this seems like a fun bug, in which it takes a random user and then copy it to the other

MetallicBioMeat 15 points ago +15 / -0

Always a good thing to remind about the mod logs.

We can simplify this all down to 'no porn, no advocating illegal activity, and if you're a handshake you don't have human rights.'

Don't come here with human rights stuff, we are not the UN xD

Regarding the rules eh, simpler rules could lead to more power for the moderator in some extent, since at the end they do decide what is going. Not sure about a solution since if this forum would grow in size the will and theme could be easily changed.

MetallicBioMeat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Imagine being her partner. Just imagine…

Why do wish to torment people, we are all good strangers here xD

Regarding the rest, there is no point to care for the insane being used to push agendas.

MetallicBioMeat 3 points ago +3 / -0

What is interesting to me we got a lot of media or to some extent dealing with suicide in which the instigator is a identifiable party, but most of the time the narrative is more about overcoming the will to die / escape / improve rather than making a last stand, although to be fair the east got a lot more schlock in which the last stand is part of it. I guess what my ramblings is wondering about is this something that is being pushed from above in psychology or does it have other roots?

MetallicBioMeat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nice list, And interesting what is begin done with the Sora stuff, still the the ones trying to look more closely too reality are the ones that seems a bit off,

I think the bigger problem with getting decentralized AI is the compute power required for training, which will be regulated to the ground, I mean the perfect angle of attack is the energy consumption in their green agenda and the limited amount of hardware manufactures. This is another reason why current AI architecture is not really the right way to go, but not sure what alternative to go for,

MetallicBioMeat 1 point ago +1 / -0

But the first season of Witcher was blasphemy? why torment yourself? If you need entertainment go to the source materials in this era.

by Lethn
MetallicBioMeat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just a question how many balls are you trying to juggle at the same time?

Now onto your query, I think to some extent the market for such games are saturated (but ofc hungry for a good new title, any market in this climate of globohomo is :D)

Also you are mixing a lot of genres that goes more or less hardcore when it comes to grand strategy (the mention games are Paradox interactive, presume Stellaris,hoi4, etc and CA (total war series) and then Age of Wonders 4?) where some are true to the genre and others are more classic 4x.

So with that in mind I've been wondering about the type of grand strategy game people would want that doesn't have the DLC garbage spammed everywhere. I would personally want something that takes over the Total war series and does the overview and battlemap well, and I would like a medieval period perhaps the up till the late medieval since that gives your overview map a lot of fun with different ruling systems which could give flair to different factions and it also can ensure different specialties of units while keeping it somewhat grounded. The major point except fixin AI in battlemaps is the need for opponents to follow personality trait more than just being random retards that they usually are. I'm not against giving the ai cheats on higher difficulties levels but the core need to be somewhat thinking to provide more of personality that makes sense in the context. Also, I want naval battles back.

Sort of like the anime GATE but in the reverse and I'd have it where Rome ends up invading a fantasy world which would be hilarious I think but also somewhat interesting.

What level of tech would this magic society be? I presume the romans would be the underdog requiring to reverse engineer the magic from this new world? Or would it awaken Romulus? I'm not really seeing the appeal of this theme tbh.

I do know that Age of Wonders exists, don't get me wrong but boy did that game need to be optimised, don't know if they've fixed the issues yet.

Depends on what optimization you are talking about, to some extent it is better now. Altough that could be that they nerfed the reserch rate since to some extent the slowdown was tied to the amount of research (how?! I do not know, but like all things the engine programmer is most likely alone trying to keep something working) which has been nerfed. Still got the horror of huge log files being created in which I do not know how to turn of logging weird telemetry and dumping it as logs. which can be quite large after a game. And don't get me started on how AoW4 increase the amount of globo homo by taking a series name and just trying to turn it into a blob.

On entirely unrelated thing, have you seen this old comments of Total war series being mods on top of mods xD

MetallicBioMeat 4 points ago +4 / -0

No, the modern progressive calls it Magic infrastructure since it is not the dirt but the subways that convert people that is why I'm american/japanese/portugese/france/swedish now xD

MetallicBioMeat 1 point ago +1 / -0

And here I thought the weather would keep them away, Still I do wonder how much of the scum that arrive would lead to similar settlements in their own country being abandoned or are they all just the city scum which acts as release valve for the foreign cities?

MetallicBioMeat 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hmm, so this boarding up and creating pesudo potemkin villages, they would once and for all disprove the theory of the broken glass windows right? Or how is the crime level in these areas?

Other than that is fun to know that world operate the same everywhere, it used to be villages were abandoned and become deserted due to famine and plague but now they are gone completely due to economics since it is so diverted from the land it is on.

MetallicBioMeat 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's all they know. it's why you'll be hard pressed to find a young gamer these days who has an issue with DLC, seasonal passes, battle passes, microtransactions, loot boxes, etc. It's all par the course for them. The next generation of gamers won't even know what non-live service games are, unless they play classics from before 2010.

I mean even the old guard seems to be routed to some extent and talking about it like it is no problem. Some time we get a small bump of resistance like the Diablo phone game but overall, it seems like the modern man is a convert until the electricity goes out.

MetallicBioMeat 6 points ago +6 / -0

Infinite growth is a sort of ponzi-nomics that funnels stock cycles, and the bizarre idea that you can forecast your company's profits for the next 5 years with total accuracy.

Oh, dear we are in the planned economy of the ccp, it was just hidden by a extra layer of words, haha

MetallicBioMeat 10 points ago +10 / -0

Copy Helldivers 2 microtransactions where you can pay for new stuff or earn it in game so it's more 'pay to skip'

It is a sad state of affairs that evil has become so common that even consumer are arguing for a lesser evil as solution.

MetallicBioMeat 4 points ago +4 / -0

Librewolf is good firefox derivative, you want chorme then brave is the choice to go. You want to get out of firefox/chrome completely you got the Pale moon and Basilisk independent forks of firefox (long ago)

MetallicBioMeat 2 points ago +3 / -1

They themself got the data saying that Japanese media, even Korean drama is more popular than the stuff they produce now. I think you could even get Turkish shit and it would be better.

MetallicBioMeat 4 points ago +4 / -0

That seems extravagant, their own words says that only words should be required haha.

MetallicBioMeat 3 points ago +3 / -0

Can't find it on the books, And all old links I dig around seems to be of making this part of the Australian Classification Board job, which means that it get limited in the method of access but not illegal to own? Not sure about the aus legal system so if someone can point to the law in question that would be great.

MetallicBioMeat 3 points ago +3 / -0

You think they wanted him dead as deterrent or just did not shoot enough puppies that day?

MetallicBioMeat 7 points ago +8 / -1

I think perhaps we need the triad for this, the modern Yakuza seems a bit watered down these days.

by Lethn
MetallicBioMeat 10 points ago +10 / -0

Huh, At first i thought you were talking about the cuts made in the speeches, always jarring that people no longer can be arsed to train themself to do a full presentation, but a minor nitpick since i'm not paying for content.

Other than that can't say I got much of it, since I keep myself away from normie stuff to a quite good extent, got any example?

MetallicBioMeat 14 points ago +14 / -0

Hmm, A more direct avenue of attack, if it goes the way of crunchyrolls own made anime we should be safe (for a while longer) since currently it seems to be stated as goal of greed, however if they get into the business and establish themself they will be the central staging ground to acquire more ground. It really comes down if they can play the long game or not.

Globally, albeit not in every market, but certainly in the U.S., parts of Europe and Latin America, we’ve got strong anime audiences.”

So they got the numbers that the plebs do not like their shit but cannot comprehend why.

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