A world-wide lockdown to stop people from the inevitable of getting a weak ass cold for a day or two
What took them so long to create this one
Here's the video of the human garbage for those who haven't seen it
Fuck that I'm not going to lay down and die like a bitch if some loser tries to kill me
Is this whole downvote thing in effect everywhere cause i can still downvote any video
I'm more outraged by their commercials i keep seeing that say "truth requires journalists" or something like that
This is fucking insane not even Hitler's concentration camps were this secure
I can't believe all the pedos coming out of the closet
The video mad the account has been terminated lul
Only until they find out that the two losers that got in the way of a bullet are white
What ever happened to finders keepers
What a fucking joke they are all rapists and pedos in pantifa
What racial Injustice? Everybody involved was white
I hope he kicks the bucket
I hope they do so the normies can see how dumb they are even though i doubt it will change their minds
I could live quite comfortably after killing all the pedos and I'm sure he will to
It's probably alot more then that
He needs to get the fuck out of the country before the n's get him
Very nice great success and fuck blm
Dudes logic is horrible
Sounds like a threat
I want to stab my eyes out every time i see this horrible art style which seems to be in every commercial
What's up with the hijabs lul
I want what she's smoking
Or will it be even more useful