It never motivated Republicans to fix it because most of the Republican party is just the other side of the globalist coin.
Mass immigration is a key element of their strategy.
I think the decay is too pervasive culturally and socially. And our world is very globalized so that makes any attempts at repair seemingly impossible. It looks pretty grim.
No, it was thrown out long before that. The covid situation is just what alerted many to the mind boggling levels of insidious corruption in the medical industry. But it's been this way for years and they've been involved in plenty of shit that sounds like tin foil hat type stuff but is real.
The FDA and CDC along with the medical establishment are not your friends.
Manipulative and double speak use of language is a critical part of leftist/globalist ideals and strategies. Most of the pro abortion slogans are as illogical as tranny propaganda.
Obviously the baby that gets crumpled up and extracted is the one most effected.
Thought this was a funny image from a promoted youtube news video. We've got [left to right]: Obese black women, fat mixed women, fat black women, chubby black women, tranny who definitley can get pregnant too, and finally a fit black women. Headed up by soulless eyes soyboy. Classic.
Because generally as you get older you begin to accept and understand reality more as opposed to living in a fantasy. Most liberal ideas are literally dillusional.
Sure it's nice, but I'm compelled to complain/remind: they reproduce primarily by mind raping other people's kids through their now inescapable propaganda machine dominating our society.
Yes, I agree on all counts. But sometimes I want to bitch without typing an essay outlining the conditions and context of it all, you know?
I don't know honestly, I didn't try to go back and look into it. I was just using it as a general example anyway to illustrate my point that the past couple years have been intensely profitable for many corps and billionaires regardless of inflation, or perhaps along with it.
Some of what's going on is actually straight price gouging though. Like the big factory farm meat producer that cried about inflation causing their price increases only to post record profits. The inflation also occurring is the perfect cover.
I hate how the left/globailsts seized environmental causes and subverted them.
No, my assertion was that "the left assassinated thousands of cows using a bio weapon has to be part of it" sounds fucking stupid.
Take it easy; if you'd mentioned some of the cattle were female you'd sound like Imp.
As if the world wasn't already heavily controlled by globalists & bankers by that point, including the US.
Agree. Also many autistic people are more vulnerable to such types of sadistic social manipulations and subversions those the trans cultists employ. It's sickly abusive.
Well, being a woman would solve a lot of their issues in those cases. It's just that it's, of course, impossible for them to become a real woman.
Well Oy fucking Vey.
I don't know what a satisfactory label for my views would even be anymore.
Or like that infamous porn hub ama reddit thread where someone said porn might be bad and they immediately pulled an oy vey the antisemitism even though the person never mentioned jews.
If only, but that's probly wishful thinking with how decayed and subverted we already are.
In the rubble of our civilizations.
Well whether or not it's a women is a mystery.
I'm assuming that's a black man so yes but they probly raped the asian girl with their feminine penis first, then killed her. Another tragic example of white supremacy targeting asian Americans
Another thing Islam is right about...
More importantly than that they've deluded the average person completely regarding who the true global villains actually are to begin with.