MAGAnic316 13 points ago +13 / -0

Your argument’s fatal flaw lies in its attempt to employ logic and reason against people who are ruled by emotion and “feminine” energy. People who smile and wave “immigrants welcome” banners as their cathedrals burn and their rape rates skyrocket, people who can barely mount a lacklustre rebuttal to JD Vance without bursting into tears on the world stage.

Weak men are the most dangerous, and Europe is infested with (and ruled by) them.

The US founding fathers were hands down the strongest and smartest human beings who ever lived, they were 100% correct on everything they ever said or wrote about the old world. It’s fucking doomed.

MAGAnic316 5 points ago +5 / -0

you're hard pressed to find anyone who hates black Americans more than Africans.

South African here. Can honestly say some of the worst things I’ve seen in my lifetime was black on black. I’m talking barbaric shit, primal. I’m not even sure that goes far enough as an adjective. They hate one another worse than the Chinese do.

Makes no difference whether the accent they hear is American, Nigerian or Zulu. If the skin is black, they go into tribal mode. It’s like some kind of an evolutionary response, something Darwinian.

MAGAnic316 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don’t think about you at all

MAGAnic316 6 points ago +6 / -0

That explains why I’m not allowed back at the zoo… 🤔

MAGAnic316 7 points ago +7 / -0

My grandfather explained this to me when I was still ten years old. “They want to live in the white man’s world, but don’t want to follow the white man’s rules or carry his responsibilities”.

The old man knew what he was talking about

MAGAnic316 8 points ago +8 / -0

As a South African I spent the first 10 years of my life in the old SA, and then next 10 in the new “democratic” SA.

No, no it wasn’t the right thing to do. Caving to woke leftists and the international mainstream media was the biggest mistake my people ever made. Hands fucking down.

And I’ve always hated the shit out of Trevor Noah (even when he was still a small time nobody in SA and hadn’t even made it to America yet), but I have to admit I got quite the kick out of hearing him say the same things Hendrick Verwoed said around 70 years ago when apartheid was first created 👍

MAGAnic316 57 points ago +57 / -0

Good God almighty, do their memes suck 😑

Imagine seriously believing that an unelected, supranational cabal of WEF bureaucrats passing censorship laws = “democracy”, and that a USVP urging them to restore free speech and open communication = “fascism”.

It’s not even worth trying to argue with these people anymore, they should just be stripped of their citizenship and deported with all the rest. Fuck em.

MAGAnic316 4 points ago +4 / -0

They’re still pissed that he drove them from the temple

MAGAnic316 3 points ago +6 / -3

And saggy, kangaroo titties 🤢

MAGAnic316 7 points ago +7 / -0

Bridget Jones: statutory rape

MAGAnic316 8 points ago +8 / -0

muh grifters

Ugh, shut the fuck up you leftist twat 😑

MAGAnic316 6 points ago +6 / -0

TIL Hell has chicken tikka masala

MAGAnic316 1 point ago +1 / -0

Journalists are literally retarded.

MAGAnic316 5 points ago +6 / -1

Fascists are historically known for democratically asking people what they want and then granting it, dont’cha know 😆

MAGAnic316 18 points ago +18 / -0

Africa belongs to the Africans

That’s how you know it’s not a real person. This is a vintage black nationalist talking point. I was born in Africa and spent 35 years of my life there. I have never set foot in Europe, I’m about as European as a Texan is cockney. White South Africans like me would all feel the same way, even the woke ones.

Understand that we DO have a big issue with white leftists - it’s basically how we lost our country. But now that time has proven us pro-white conservatives CORRECT, the lefties cannot help themselves but deny reality and repeat that there’s no problem, even when they themselves are being robbed raped and murdered.

Commie scum are commie scum, no matter where in the world you are, but the posts above look and sound so fuckin fake, I refuse to believe they’re real people.

MAGAnic316 4 points ago +4 / -0

Did they pay back the money they made from those porn shoots, or did they not regret that part?

MAGAnic316 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think banging Amber Heard is a far more embarrassing misstep than faking your Diablo chops.

MAGAnic316 3 points ago +3 / -0

I hate that “partner” bullshit so god damn much. I always make a point to correct them. “My WIFE, yes…”

I deliberately play dumb with them when it’s the other way around.. Especially normal straight people. “Your partner? What, like your business partner? Your tag team wrestling friend? Square dance?”

I don’t let up until they fuckin say it.

MAGAnic316 11 points ago +11 / -0

just nice people sending food and medicine to hungry, sick folks

Yeah they can go fuck themselves sideways with this bullshit.

Just nice people using cash fleeced and extorted from impoverished taxpayers to prop up Washington DC and fund global psyops, pandemics, war, regime change, climate nonsense, LGBT insanity and mass migration.

They forget that they’re in the cultural minority (probably always have been). Trying to make like the deep state is still some crazy figment of our imagination is a pussy move, especially when notable assholes like Brennan and CNN etc have already come out and admitted it’s real. It shows they really do have nothing left in their quiver and will NOT survive when the last pile of that sweet USAID money finally dries up.

MAGAnic316 17 points ago +17 / -0

My dad was a cop in South Africa in the 80’s. They would get sent into the shanty towns and squatter camps and he’d literally find dogs, cats and once even an African baby boiling in a big pot. He still has nightmares about it.

When I was 6 our maid ate my turtle (wish to god I was kidding 😑🤦🏼)

They are sub human, barbaric savages. I know the dindus in the US are bad, but you guys can’t even begin to comprehend what actual sub Saharan Africa is like. Watching a clip on your phone or computer doesn’t come close.

MAGAnic316 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe we don’t know what Trump knows and are just a bunch of guys on a website speculating?

Bibi DID seem strangely uncomfortable on camera while Trump was announcing this all 🤔

Maybe it’s better that something decisive is finally done in that region instead of continuing with the failed “two state solution” bullshit that’s kept the west involved in that Middle Eastern shithole for nearly a century now.

Like most people here, I would rather we have ZERO involvement at all, but again we don’t know what information Trump has or what his long term plans are.

MAGAnic316 4 points ago +4 / -0

Obi Wan

Literally a 2 minute scene where Obi Wan cuts Vader’s helmet open and catches a brief glimpse of Anakin’s mutilated remains beneath. He tells him, “I’m sorry Anakin, for everything”, and Vader smiles and says something like, “Anakin is already dead, I killed him myself”.

And that was it, that was the only thing in that entire show that even remotely mattered in terms of lore.

Everything else was just modern Disney slop; ten or so episodes of Obi Wan being cucked by a stronger smarter little girl (who inexplicably doesn’t remember him anymore when she’s grown up in episode IV, as well as strong black female antagonist who dominates all who stand in her way. Oh and don’t forget Ewan McGregor making a video clip from his car about how racist we all are for complaining.

This franchise is dead and buried. I don’t know what that stupid Kennedy bitch is thinking, pumping more and more time and money into the brand. It’s done, it’s over. I don’t care if you have Scorsese direct it, I’m not watching it nor will my children.

In this house we believe there are only 3 Star Wars films 😆

MAGAnic316 3 points ago +3 / -0


Jesus, I’ll be drying the coffee from my keyboard for weeks 😆

The way he kept ragging on Liz Hurley and her son’s gross sexual stuff, and the iPhone’s wisecracks about the Joker cumming too early, lol.

He’s a funny sumbitch, this was great to watch at my computer instead of working 😆

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