Lurker404 6 points ago +6 / -0

Does that actually work? Can you just shut down a criminal enterprise, destroy all evidence and start over when you get sued?

Lurker404 21 points ago +21 / -0

The whole theory is utterly meaningless anyway.

According to their theory it took ancient aliens Africans 40.000 years to leave Africa, traverse all of Asia, intermingle with various other human species (the ones that supposedly left Africa were just one of many) and eventually arrive in southern Europe. Even IF that is true, the people who arrived had little to do with those who left Africa.

Hell, if you look back a bit further, evolution says, we have shared ancestors with literal apes and if you go back even further with single-cell organisms. So?

by Lethn
Lurker404 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've been using these speakers for a few months now (gaming, watching videos, listening to music): https://en.creative.com/p/speakers/gigaworks-t20-series-ii

They are nicely compact, sound great, good build quality and are powerful enough to replace my old giant 90s Sony hi-fi system.

They come in a bigger version (https://en.creative.com/p/speakers/gigaworks-t40-series-ii) but you can't really max the T20 out as computer speakers or they'll blow your ears out. Maybe if you want to listen to music in a big room.

Can't say much about headsets. I have a 7.1 headset and the only thing I can say for sure is that headsets in general suck for longer periods of time and surround is utterly pointless.

Lurker404 14 points ago +14 / -0

It's not about their brands or products. It's about using their market position to push an agenda. Literally "Burgers?".

Lurker404 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yea, I used to like Guiness and Kilkenny but I gave up on them many years ago. Not the first time Diageo did some shit. Don't remember what it was back then but I've been avoiding them for a long time.

Lurker404 55 points ago +56 / -1

A foreign government is literally buying seats ... but don't you dare call them a foreign agent.

Lurker404 20 points ago +20 / -0

Ah yes, those damn Trump-loving googles, facebooks, linkedins, amazons, etc.

That has to be the most schizophrenic article I've read in a while.

Lurker404 16 points ago +16 / -0

Diageo is one of those globalist megacorps that buy up all kinds of drink brands: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diageo#Brands They're the Unilever, Nestle, etc. of the alcohol world.

A good rule of thumb is, if you see expensive ads for something (TV, big magazines, newspapers, etc) it belongs to one of the globalist megacorps that should be avoided.

Lurker404 18 points ago +18 / -0

Please do! Come one! Do it! Pretty please!

If they try more lockdowns the government around here (Germany) would collapse. The majority of people already want snap elections.

Lurker404 34 points ago +34 / -0

"We're not violent terrorists!" says the leftist as he has a baseball bat in one hand, a molotov cocktail in the other and fantasizes about attacking political opponents.

Lurker404 4 points ago +4 / -0

Youtube is all about exploiting retards these days.

You can invest time and money to make quality content and get a few views, or you can churn out manipulative clickbait shit and rake in millions of views.

Lurker404 2 points ago +2 / -0

True, but on the other hand, in a 2 party system each party has to appeal to the lowest common denominator. They cannot satisfy every group. They don't have to appeal to everyone but they also can't.

That's the advantage of a multi party parliamentary system. There you can actually have parties that appeal to most everyone. That's the theory at least. Europe shows us that they still manage to pervert that system in a multitude of ways.

Lurker404 6 points ago +6 / -0

Video in the replies shows him throwing a flare at protesters.

Lurker404 2 points ago +2 / -0

Failure Frame has an interesting twist on the usual isekai trope but that CGI animation style is horrendous. Gives off a real 90s vibe, and I'm not talking Toy Story but those low budget TV series: jarring transition between drawing and rendering and stiff as a board. I might keep watching for the story but damn do the action scenes look ugly.

Lurker404 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yea, Wind Breaker is a bit of a "don't think too much about it or your eyes might start rolling" story but I really like the animation and character drawing style.

Agree with I parry everything, too. The obliviousness of the MC is a bit overdone but it's still amusing, so I'll keep watching to see where it goes.

No longer allowed really has an odd MC and it takes a few episodes to find out what the title is even about. Considering the flood of isekai series it's nice to have something different.

9anime has been around with a few domains but it's hard to keep track with these streaming sites if they're still the original or some mirror because the previous one shut down. I'll add aniwave.to to my bookmarks in case 9anime shuts down.

Lurker404 15 points ago +18 / -3

The problem is that in US politics you only have two choices and it's all or nothing. It's not a choice between Ron Paul, Trump or Harris. It's just Trump or Harris.

A vote for Paul is effectively a vote for Harris and you don't have to be a "Trumptard" to have a problem with that.

Lurker404 18 points ago +18 / -0

making indecent images of children

I'm confused. Isn't that a requirement to work for the BBC?

Lurker404 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ah, that sucks. I'm currently 6 episodes into season 1 and it's pretty good so far.

Lurker404 57 points ago +57 / -0

Men beating up women for sport is somehow progressive and liberal. Can't make this shit up.

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