LibertyPrimeWasRight 7 points ago +7 / -0

It took me less than 30 seconds. If you happen to get unlucky with the queue, you can always open another tab and leave it alone for a couple minutes.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 13 points ago +13 / -0

You say that, but I also would not watch a show about a gay disabled wizard with a fetish for Blacks. And if his entire kingdom was clearly modeled after medieval Europe and populated by Whites, I would still call it bad world building to have him be obsessed with being Black—unless that was a deliberate point of contention where his court and subjects dislike him for it. And are right to do so.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 6 points ago +6 / -0

He says vaguely agreeable right-wing stuff too. He does a lot of tailoring to his audience. When the idea that he’s Indian caught on, he ratcheted up his references to watching anime dubbed in Tamil and hating Indian women specifically. I think the whole group of accounts is some troll’s bit, but I wouldn’t be convinced that anything we “know” about him or anything he says is truthful.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 25 points ago +25 / -0

I don't know that "this singleplayer beat-em-up game from four years ago has no players now" means much. If you think it's worth bringing up at all—and I'm not sure it is—you'd be much better off linking the page that shows the all time peak of 84.

Also, archive link. Of all the sites to direct link to, you picked Kotaku? Come on.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 12 points ago +12 / -0

It’s some narcissistic fetish thing, where they have to imagine everyone going wild for their fugly self-inserts.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 5 points ago +5 / -0

Kamala claimed smoking, while listening to rappers whose songs weren't out at the time she was in college, because she believed it would play well with the democrat's stoner/ghetto/moron base. She may or may not have smoked, but her statement about having done so is inherently unbelievable.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 8 points ago +8 / -0

I’m just going to suggest that telling another man to suck your dick isn’t making you look less gay.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 11 points ago +11 / -0

I assume this is a riff on some terrible piece of dialogue?

LibertyPrimeWasRight 2 points ago +2 / -0

Are you insulting McCaffrey, Jordan, or both here? (Or maybe neither, but I read it as negative for at least one of them).

LibertyPrimeWasRight 40 points ago +42 / -2

Yeah, that’s what makes you the faggot. We’ve gone down this path before, where I point out to you that the importance is to make sure the BBC, or CNN, or CNBC, or whatever known unreliable, lying, leftist media institution you’ve linked today doesn’t just delete or edit the article later.

In response, you always say a bunch of dumb shit that completely misses or avoids the point.

Thus, I’m cutting to the chase and calling you a faggot.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, plenty of people don’t learn English at all, because nothing forces them to. Like help lines in Spanish, web pages in Spanish and, now, presidential candidates allowing people to repeat messages in Spanish. Mainstreaming non-English languages directly removes incentives for assimilation.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 2 points ago +2 / -0

Really? Could you point out where rule 2 says anything other than violence?

LibertyPrimeWasRight 1 point ago +1 / -0

Absolutely. But, on the flip side, none of those systems would—unless we’re talking about kangaroo courts and equivalents—suggest that the same singular person can always determine intent despite their own personal biases, based usually upon one or two sentences with no action coupled to them. Which is much closer to a fair description of what you do.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 2 points ago +2 / -0

He’s anti-Christian, pro-Paganism now.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m not sure exactly what it means, but I read it as considerably harsher, and assumed it was some abbreviated profanity I wasn’t getting. Clearly, at least one of us has failed to determine intent. Good thing no one would ever try to enforce rules based on something like that, right?

LibertyPrimeWasRight 5 points ago +5 / -0

But, again, that’s not violence. Unless “KYS” is an actual death threat now?

LibertyPrimeWasRight 9 points ago +9 / -0

She doesn't even have the equipment to do that. (And no, Netflix, that was not a request to give her that equipment).

LibertyPrimeWasRight 1 point ago +1 / -0

That just makes it worse. If they started it after it became clear they'd need a retcon button, one could try to excuse it as trying to work with what they had. Since they started it before that was the case, it means that they actually thought building towards time travel and alternate timelines and multiverse stuff that never needed to be in Star Wars was a good idea on its own.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, but that's mostly a thing that reverts to the mean, or at least did in the past. When everyone is mostly living in their own racial groups, you get the one or two guys and gals who want to mix (AND have the opportunity AND aren't swayed by the much stronger social pressure against race mixing and so on), they have some mixed race kids and that one mixed race family lives with a bunch of other families that aren't mixed. Then over the generations, it dilutes. So the first generation is half-American Indian, half-American White. But they're living primarily with a bunch of American Whites around them, so the next generation is 25% Indian and 75% White and so on until you get down to someone like Elizabeth Warren who claims to be Indian and then turns out to be something absurdly small like 1/1052.

Of course, in modernity those geographic barriers and social barriers are both lessened, so we see a lot more race mixing and it's less likely to revert to the mean over time.

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