LesboPregnancyScare 2 points ago +2 / -0

Who has benefited the most from the lockdowns?

China is the only country to actually grow its economy in 2020.

LesboPregnancyScare 7 points ago +7 / -0
  • profile pic with a mask

  • "RESISTS" by supporting corporate, MSM, big tech, university positions

  • calls for political violence (terrorism)


analysis: 100% SJW

LesboPregnancyScare -6 points ago +1 / -7

The one that time traveled to San Francisco to get a whale sound to save the future. Either way, it was a complete shit movie.

LesboPregnancyScare 10 points ago +12 / -2

Star Trek is the ultimate fictional commie universe, there is UBI, people pursue whatever they want, they dont have to work for a living, there is a replicator or something that can produce any goods.

Ever see Star Trek 3? It is literally about saving the whales.

LesboPregnancyScare 30 points ago +30 / -0

I flew to see family during the holidays. The plane was entirely packed, even the middle seats. Cant neglect that profit when you are spending the same amount of jet fuel regardless.

The attendants announce that everyone has to wear a mask or they will be kicked off and put on their no fly list.

Then 10 minutes after reaching cruising altitude they go down the isle with the snack/drink cart and hand out everything. Everyone pulls their mask off and starts eating/drinking. Shoulder to shoulder.

Then the attendants deboard by rows, 3 at a time or whatever, and tell everyone else to remain seated.

Its a complete joke, the whole thing.

LesboPregnancyScare 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think millenials and some early Gen Zers are about there, they have thoroughly destroyed culture, and support communism, demand free stuff, support everything "woke", believe racism is the worst atrocity in the world, believe "silence is violence".... they are a bunch of narcissists like the boomers but on a worse level IMO.

LesboPregnancyScare 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thats true, "its a private company, they can do what they want" only applies to leftists.


That same flu is not, however, more important than social justice demonstrations.

This was my 100% confirmation that the chyna virus is complete BS. When not only were BLM protestors not condemned, but endorsed. Endorsed not by some wacko fringe doctor, but more than1300 health care professionals.

LesboPregnancyScare 9 points ago +10 / -1

imagine letting your dick do your thinking. you deserve all the complications a vaccine would give to you. Out of the gene pool bud.

LesboPregnancyScare 2 points ago +2 / -0

But, why the fuck would a woman want to be a man? It's a lonely, cold, stark existence if you aren't lucky enough to build a family with a good woman who isn't just looking to settle down during her child bearing years with a convenient schmuck and then looking to bail at a time that is strategic for her to either trade up or move on while you foot her bills for the next 10 years.

because they are told that men are superior and have male privilege, which is why the patriarchy exists. They are also told there is no difference between men and women. They want a piece of that action. Since from the time they were young, women have been subject to benevolent sexism but they dont recognize it because it has always been there.

If that wasnt enough, the average woman: 5' 4" and shaped like a woman: smaller jaw, narrower shoulders, skinnier arms, wider hips tries to present as male becomes the biggest beta manlet of men despised by both men and even more so by women.

LesboPregnancyScare 1 point ago +1 / -0

they are the ones pushing communism because "adulting" is hard, they want the government to take care of them.

LesboPregnancyScare 1 point ago +1 / -0

young people are by far the most likely to live life like a simulation: everything is online: socializing, watching TV/movies, videogames, intimacy [porn and e-thots], food delivery, and now a lot of jobs have migrated to online. They have no capacity for determining the severity of risks anymore.

LesboPregnancyScare 16 points ago +17 / -1

This was obviously done by a low level foot soldier.

this is what I dont understand: the foot soldiers supporting communism/big government.

I understand the elites and their servant class supporting communism. But the foot soldiers, they are going to be as screwed over as the "deplorable" blue collar poor rednecks or whatever they think of those opposing communism.

I dont see how they cant see they are useful idiots and will be discarded the same as BLM was after the 2020 election. Only in communist history, those agitators are second against the wall, right behind the political opposition. After commies take over, they cant have people who know how to incite others or a revolution stick around lest they do the same to the commies.

LesboPregnancyScare 4 points ago +6 / -2

what happened to Rand Pauls wife and how does it involve soyboys? Im sure the tranny health secretary has a good 30 lbs and 4 inches on Rand, but if he/she is soft enough from her transitioning, she and him may be an equal match.

LesboPregnancyScare 1 point ago +1 / -0

when can we start identifying as other races? I want some of that sweet sweet minority victim privilege.

LesboPregnancyScare 3 points ago +3 / -0

I havent watched it but I assume the Cobra Kai members are the ones who are anti SJW anti leftist politics. Are you sure you arent cheering for the "bad guys"? or are they not made out to be the "bad guys"? If they are supposed to be the "bad guys", they will probably turn to "the light" over the duration of whatever season they want to end it.

LesboPregnancyScare 6 points ago +6 / -0

i cant pretend to know why CA politicians do what they do. Maybe it is to virtue signal, maybe they believe it would work, maybe they have too big of an ego to admit they are wrong, maybe its the quick fix superficial response to get their constituents off their case, maybe its a feel good response to keep them in office..... I dont know.

But at any rate, its incredibly stupid and mismanaged. CA has gone from the best state in the US by all measurable metrics to the worst in as little as 35 years.

The smart people with money are leaving CA, the smart people with maybe not so much money are leaving too. The ultra wealthy and poor are the only ones who are staying.

CA is devolving to a south american style society like Brazil or Caracas where there is no middle class, the wealthy have everything, and the poor who dont have a path out of poverty.

LesboPregnancyScare 4 points ago +4 / -0

northern Lebanese mountain men are light skinned blondes with blue eyes but with Arab features: almond shaped eyes, big noses, bushy eyebrows, thick hair, etc.

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