HyperboreanDNA 1 point ago +1 / -0

No one ever suggested culture doesn't have a significant impact but rather, it isn't a bandaid for genetic problems.

HyperboreanDNA 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's also like 10m Arab Christians in the whole world.

How many terrorist attacks have White Muslims committed?

HyperboreanDNA 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree but also, I think races of people conglomor around certain means for their behavioral qualities and if many people of the same race become X religion, they change the religion to suit their "inherent" (nature), which is why ultimately race means more than religion.

Religion/Culture is downstream of race. Race creates culture.

HyperboreanDNA 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've got a Quran next to me. I find it useful to lookup stuff when people say something wrong about it. Took me a while to find a decent English translation though.

One thing that is pretty obvious from reading the Quran is that the race of the people who follow it matters more than the religion. Kind of like how black Christians in Africa aren't necessarily better than a bunch of White atheists.

HyperboreanDNA 1 point ago +1 / -0

What's your solution? Just wondering. I still feel trying all these angles is still worthwhile because it forces them to have to act either way and that isn't always easy.

Realistically, we need to find a way to get all the leftists to cease to exist. Not sure how exactly though.

HyperboreanDNA 1 point ago +1 / -0

We should want 0, absolutely 0 regulation on AI. We should also want 0, absolutely 0 government funding to AI. As soon as the government starts funding AI projects and starts regulating, that's when we get a Judeo-Ai that becomes as anti-White as it gets.

HyperboreanDNA 11 points ago +11 / -0

The purpose of a FICO score is to have scored correlated with certain probability of default. Changing them for no reason other than to make it harder to get good scores would actually work against banks' interests.

HyperboreanDNA 18 points ago +18 / -0

Why is it so hard to understand that America is literally run by jews? It's not a conspiracy theory, it's the reality. That's why Israel needs aid because the jews are pillaging the coffers.

HyperboreanDNA 4 points ago +4 / -0

LOL, the only two countries where the foreign aid truly is a problem are exempted? Talk about worthless.

HyperboreanDNA 5 points ago +6 / -1

That is how I see AI being used. It's a liability avoidance tool for corrupt people. People with low IQ will see AI as a call to authority and believe it simply because it's AI. All the redditards that used to say "SOURCE?!?!" will not demand a source from AI because it's AI.

None of this is good but I can see why politicians and jews love it.

HyperboreanDNA 2 points ago +2 / -0

The progressive income tax needs to be abolished to get people to work more. I make $150k/yr working 40 hours a week but if I work another 40 and get paid $150k/yr for that additional 40 then I'll be earning barely minimum wage because of progressive income taxes. That's a joke.

Not only that but no where is going to pay me $300k/yr to work 80 hours a week instead of $150k/yr to work 40. I'd do it if I was paid appropriately.

HyperboreanDNA 18 points ago +23 / -5

A lot of radical feminists hate the fact men have superior strength than them. A lot of radical feminism can be reduced down to a fear of men's ability to dominate them physically. Radical feminists can't accept the differences between men and women. Women have advantage they can employ over men which is what dom/sub can be compared to or ying/yang and other elements. Women have the ability to employ their strengths to hack men's brain but radical feminists absolutely despise the need to employ these strategies as many of them are bad at it compared to other women and resent needing to do anything because of a man.

In any case black men seem far more intimidating than White men when weighing just the physicality. Women don't really understand fighting IQ, actual strength, tempered aggression, strategy, etc... they just see the basis aggression and physical size. Blacks are at the top of the chain for men that must be eliminated for making radical feminists scared of men.

The reason these women hate black men is not the same as the reason a conventional White male racist would dislike black men. These women just want to hate on men and blacks seem apex for what they hate, whereas White men dislike blacks because they see them as inferior and a detriment to society, in part because of the same reasons radical feminists hate them but it's different.

It's a shame so many plebs will likely completely miss the distinction.

HyperboreanDNA 17 points ago +17 / -0

Reminds me of reddit. Someone asks a question on reddit. I give the actual real answer. Downvoted. Suspended. Banned.

HyperboreanDNA 4 points ago +6 / -2

What I meant is more in the sense of balance of probabilities. You've been presented with evidence she's a jew but the evidence isn't entirely rock solid because there's no archive but her comment does seem to align with another comment you know was true. It's also a weirdly illogical comment that doesn't seem likely to have been faked because a faker would have probably been more direct so the evidence is good but not sound.

Therefore, you have to conclude she either is or isn't, though you could say "unknown". Still, based on how she has behaved given the evidence, I think it's enough to conclude she is jewish but that's my opinion ofc and there's really nothing 100%. There never truly is 100% solid evidence since she could be making up her own words too or was lied to by her parents about her ancestry also.

If it talks, walks, acts like a duck, it's a duck.

HyperboreanDNA 5 points ago +9 / -4

I agree too that all women carry the "spark of feminism" which is why expecting women to act "based" is a fool's errand. The rules of society must be designed to keep women in line rather than expect them to willingly act the way one wants them to. But that's for a different topic.

Even though I'm antisemitic, I occasionally find jews hot, sometimes more so than a lot of White women. Lauren Southern was pretty and she was saying stuff men wanted to hear so I sympathize with your disappointment.

HyperboreanDNA 5 points ago +6 / -1

No, I don't. I just found it here.


Sometimes when it comes to things like this instead of looking for irrefutable evidence which one might not get, we can just take the wisdom from the bible: " You will know them by their fruits."

HyperboreanDNA 10 points ago +12 / -2

I get it. You like the guy. I wasn't trying to do a whole bio on him. Just enough context for the situation to matter for those unaware.

HyperboreanDNA 19 points ago +20 / -1

Yeah, she is. She once admitted she had Jewish heritage but isn't religiously Jewish so she's Jewish. Also, her real name is Simonson not Southern I believe.

Makes sense they fell for each other.

HyperboreanDNA 1 point ago +1 / -0

Property taxes are another type of tax that needs to be discussed as entirely immoral like an unrealized capital gains tax.

If you own property and say grow your own food with solar panels for energy off-grid with well water access, why are you forced to earn an income to pay taxes to the government otherwise you lose your house? It's a form of indentured servitude and serfdom. It forces you to always be engaging in the system to earn money to pay taxes to the government.

All taxes except tariffs and consumption taxes should be abolished.

HyperboreanDNA 5 points ago +5 / -0

Well, a smart company would have a report button that's 100% a placebo. It does nothing and goes off to no-where land. Maybe an automated message saying "thanks for the report, we've dealt with the matter now" even though nothing happened.

HyperboreanDNA 12 points ago +12 / -0

The "report" button needs to be removed from these large communities. Illegal content can be searched for using algorithms to detect much illegal content. Non-illegal content doesn't need to be reported. Block buttons exist. Leftists need to be encouraged to block people they don't like rather than report them.

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