I feel like I've been hearing someone say AI is going to change everything for years now and we've had some cool advancements like better language translations, voice emulation, image generation and enhancement, some barebones essay writing and better/quick search summarization but aside from that, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot that I am aware of.
Someone mentions how AI has made big advances in some industries for certain niche tasks. That's good but again not life changing.
Is AI actually going to change much or is it going to be as it already has. Rather incremental, fairly niche and nothing earth shattering?
If AI is truly going to be groundbreaking stuff that'll change everything what are some sorts of skills/knowledge that will be useful in knowing in the future to make use of the coming "AI age"?
I really feel like AI is just a giant scam to make techbros tons of money and give them more influnece in politics, tbh. I feel lke it's really being overstated.
That is how I see AI being used. It's a liability avoidance tool for corrupt people. People with low IQ will see AI as a call to authority and believe it simply because it's AI. All the redditards that used to say "SOURCE?!?!" will not demand a source from AI because it's AI.
None of this is good but I can see why politicians and jews love it.
spot on