Hellsbells00 3 points ago +3 / -0

First major commercial loss of life in the US since 2011, you mean. There have been crashes by other countries. Pretty sure a few asian airlines have gone down since, I think a passenger plane was shot down over Ukraine too.

Hellsbells00 3 points ago +4 / -1

Abolition of the state would be anarchist. But these communist goblins would deny water is wet if they thought it would give them the tiniest advantage.

It is hilarious that the name of the goblin that wrote this is "jacobin", though.

Hellsbells00 5 points ago +6 / -1

I'll do it right now. No group should be allowed to immigrate in numbers that come within range of native population replacement numbers. They should also be quota'd by destination - no "little syria" or taco towns should be popping up inside states. No minnesomalia should ever be tolerated - either assimilate or get out.

Hellsbells00 0 points ago +2 / -2

They're actively false flagging goblins playing the exact skinsuit subversive act they claim to be protesting.

The "reeee joooooos" retards are mostly stormtroopers being led by the nose by globalists. The problems with their autistic fits are deliberately exacerbated by the loudest voices - and those are fakes. The pretense that racial collectivism or socialism is right wing is a psyop meant to damage the right - the goons you mention are either too stupid to live, or in on the game.

I don't want any foreign country to have agents in our government and dual citizens should be thrown in jail for attempting to run for office. I've never had a conversation with an actually intelligent human being that can actually articulate these issues, that would also devolve into "reee JOOOOOO" spergouts. The "people" that do that are fakes.

Hellsbells00 -1 points ago +5 / -6

wehhh people won't simp for my favorite leftist dictator wehhhh how dare they not like socialism and national suicide

Die mad about it

Hellsbells00 1 point ago +4 / -3

You have a friend that believes 9/11 was faked, with the most commonly cited motives for such being obscuring the 2 trillion missing dollars and starting another MIC funding operation - and he doesn't believe in government waste?

Is he fucking retarded? Did he have an accident with a nailgun or a brain tumor?

Hellsbells00 -1 points ago +7 / -8

Sorry for the rabid response, then. Too many unironic retarded brigaders on this board recently.

Yeah the absolute degeneracy being weaponized against us does echo weimar shenanigans, or late roman empire shenanigans, or other collapsing empires - decadence and cultural rot is a consistent marker for the decline of a society.

Hellsbells00 -4 points ago +10 / -14

our nazis

Nazis weren't and wannabe wehraboos aren't right wing.

Trump isn't a socialist authoritarian, this board and movement aren't socialist authoritarian, take your "our" bullshit and shove it where it belongs.

The enemy of my enemy is not my friend, and leftist infighting isn't the same as actual right wing opposition to leftism.

Hellsbells00 1 point ago +1 / -0

You know group what there is no good member of, that acts like ravening animals with no observable morality? Commies. Like you. Goblin.

Hellsbells00 0 points ago +1 / -1

Except you have a board for you faggots, and this board isn't about your delusional gay race communism variant - the entire existence and purpose of this board is anti idpol, you goblin. Die mad about it.

Hellsbells00 0 points ago +1 / -1

Tribalistic subhumans incapable of rational thought vs a group of ideologically aligned warriors. The elf, the dwarf and the humans work together against the goblins.

You aren't the one who actually read goblin slayer. You are the goblin. Poor attempt at aping my lines, pathetic.

Hellsbells00 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'd rarher be waterboarded for a halftime show than do either of those things.

Byt frankly what does anyone expect from bread and circuses sportsball these days? There's been zero reason to expect them to deviate from their downward spiral. I didn't even realize the superbowl was this last weelend until someone started talking about it at work.

Hellsbells00 23 points ago +23 / -0

Bored dependas are always getting up to some bullshit, and making fun of them is a staple of military humor.

Hellsbells00 21 points ago +21 / -0

Basically zero classic franchises have the people that originally made them great working on them. At this point, I see every long running franchise the same as a skinsuit wearing goblin.

Hellsbells00 0 points ago +1 / -1

Lots of salt, no actual substance. You lose, because you're no different than the other racial collectivist leftist groups. Actual humans don't fall for your gay race communism.

Die mad about it, parasite.

Hellsbells00 -8 points ago +1 / -9

Because they correctly identify enemies based on the more complex AND more accurate ideological lines, rather than sub room temp iq racial tribalism?

I'd sooner keep a based jew or black that is actually a constitutional conservative than a screeching vaxed antifa goon that is white - I'd ship off a thousand leftists to preserve someone who's actually done good for my country like Clarence Thomas or Thomas Sowell, despite the fact that they don't share my genetic lineage. I'd sooner throw any of the socialist "reeee jews" parasites into the sun than my SEA veteran neighbor that actually shares my values instead of just being born with my skin tone.

Because I'm not a shaved ape. Humans display higher thought processes.

Hellsbells00 4 points ago +4 / -0

The boers colonized parts of africa almost five CENTURIES ago that were undeveloped. They have more right to the nations they built there than israel or palestine do in the middle east. That's like saying mexicans should all be deported back to spain, or brazilians back to purtugal. It's ludicrous.

Hellsbells00 4 points ago +4 / -0

China only exists because we allowed US corps to become oligarchs, abuse our own nation and ship all their actual production to china and elsewhere.

Those corps don't exist in slite of government, they exist because of it. Government protects big business with nonsense like corporate personhood and not enforcing US labor standards on companies selling in the US.

Hellsbells00 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Someone said something that goes against our dogma so we'll silence them and try to steal control of their work. Because they're fascists. No we've never looked in a mirror what does that have to do with anything".

Hellsbells00 -1 points ago +1 / -2

reeee joooooo

You're the one who isn't white, federal basement goblin. Take the severance package. This thread is low effort shit and has zero relation to the board - only retarded niggers like you care about celebrity puppet monarchs.

Hellsbells00 3 points ago +3 / -0

The political compass is not accurate. The idea that gamergate was primarily left leaning was pushed by lefty goons who couldn't bear the idea that they were fundamentally wrong - it was never accurate, their narrative was just tolerated for the sake of avoiding infighting.

"Left libertarian" is not a real political ideology, it is synonymous with ignorant degenerate.

Hellsbells00 2 points ago +2 / -0

The judiciary does not have the power to prevent the executive branch from taking internal oversight actions.

Hellsbells00 2 points ago +3 / -1

Degenerate cryptolefty, you can pretty much ignore anyone treating him seriously the same way you would someone promoting "patriot front".

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