Happily_Grim 9 points ago +9 / -0

All they care about is themselves and their fragile egos. They're so unremarkable that they live vicariously through other women and try to make their successes feel like their own.
"It's a win for all women!"
No — no it's not. It's a win for one individual who worked their ass off to achieve what they did.
Then again, the moment you actually see what most of the bitches who whine about such crap look like it all begins to make perfect sense.
In almost all cases they're the undesirables. The "never wanted's." Their dreams of an idyllic little life with a loving family and happiness in the household never came to fruition, so they vent their anger over that onto men throughout society and begin to saturate themselves in celebrity culture, tabloid drama, and feminism.
In the rare instance they are attractive, they have very clear mental illness issues or were abused when young.
That pretty much sums up the entire group in a nutshell. Bitter and frustrated roasties who spent too much time "trying to find themselves" and ended up being miserable in the end. They're such narcissists that they never self-reflected and realized that they, themselves, were the problem.

Happily_Grim 4 points ago +4 / -0

Maybe it's because in this particular case they contributed more to their respective fields?
A shocking concept to fanatic apparatchiks always looking to spread divisiveness in order to push their social justice bullshit and tear down western society. Most people don't give a shit about such things but it doesn't stop these obnoxious crybabies from being platformed.
Although, considering it's Reuters, why am I not surprised?

Happily_Grim 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've tried explaining to someone that someone who catches Covid and begins to manifest symptoms will know they have it and very likely stay home, while someone who doesn't know they have it because the symptoms are being attenuated is much more likely to spread it to people around them.
They're purposely setting up a scenario where more people will get infected and get ill.

Happily_Grim 5 points ago +5 / -0

Jokes on you, Fact-checkers! I was talking about the Nazi Lapel Pin, which was round!
Fact-checkers fail again! Even in our imaginary world!

Happily_Grim 8 points ago +8 / -0

You know why.
They don't apply the same standards to Democrats as they do with literally everyone else. You either go with the prescribed narrative, or you're a "conspiracy theorist." It's actually pretty hilarious when the truth has become "conspiracy theory."

Happily_Grim 5 points ago +5 / -0

As the President of the most powerful country in the world, and as someone who has spoken to the CDC Director frequently, I can't imagine its even remotely possible for him not to know.
Furthermore, we also know Biden doesn't talk off the top of his head, he reads a teleprompter. The people writing what he says are likely quite competent mentally, so I would still consider it a lie in the end. Although, whether Biden even know where or when he is half the time, that's debatable for sure.

Happily_Grim 30 points ago +30 / -0

How is he not he's not lying?
Saying that getting the vaccine prevents healthcare workers from transmitting the virus is 100% false.
Even the CDC Director Rochelle Walensky is on record stating that the vaccine does not prevent infection by, nor transmission of, Covid.
It's a known fact at this point. The vaccine was never designed to prevent infection or stop transmission. The 95% that people often think of is how the vaccine attenuates the virus. It's not a reduction in the chance of acquiring it.
In addition, it's also common knowledge that the vaccine has not reduced hospitalizations or deaths in any meaningful way either.
Even if he's dumb enough to be that ignorant — which there's absolutely zero chance for that being the case since he gets daily briefings — it's still a lie.

Happily_Grim 19 points ago +19 / -0

Doing that while mixing in real world statistics and history is always a pretty effective tool.

For instance, there's this widespread belief that police brutality is out of control.
But there's been studies done that show that in all cases police hesitate much more to use force when a black person is involved as opposed to a white person. The reason being that they don't want to be perceived as "racist" if the do use force — which obviously happens regardless.

There are over 900,000 active duty police officers in the United States.
Each one has countless encounters with the public every single year. In 2019, there were 9 unarmed black men killed by police — 13 if you include off-duty police officers.
That's out of a black population of 42,000,0000+. If you do that math, that means 0.00000225% of unarmed blacks are killed by police each year.
For comparison, while committing significantly less violent crimes, 25 unarmed whites were killed by police that year. It's also worth noting that 48 Police Officers were killed in the line of duty.

So tell me, how, exactly, is the black community the victim of "police hunting down and shooting them indiscriminately" when all data points to that absolutely not being the case?
They can miss me with their paranoid hysterics and ghost stories. I did my homework on the topic.

Happily_Grim 39 points ago +39 / -0

Added it to the database.
For those who are curious, there's a database that keeps track of fake hate-crimes such as this:


It's an excellent resource to followup on a story since these incidents are occurring with more and more frequency as time goes on.
It appears that in modern day culture, being the victim of any sort of "hate-crime" has become social currency to garner attention, sympathy, and even money. In many cases, it's even being weaponized — such as in this case — in order to ruin the lives of people that someone else doesn't like.
This is the sort of society the perpetual victims and crybullies have created; a world where we deal with a nonstop flood of people victimizing themselves for attention.
The harm from this sort of behavior cannot be emphasized enough. Not only does it ruin the lives of those accused, it also seriously diminishes the rare instances where a crime is motivated by hate. These people are hurting their own cause and it shouldn't be tolerated.
Anyone caught perpetrating a fake hate-crime should suffer the same exact legal consequences as those who would have been charged for committing it — and then some.
The same should apply in many other cases of false accusations, too.
We need tough consequences to put an end to this bullshit or it's never going to stop.

Happily_Grim 23 points ago +23 / -0

At least it fits with the theme of who the true evil of society is in 2021, I guess.
In that regard, it's almost fitting that a woke fanatic liberal feminist would fill the role.

Happily_Grim 6 points ago +6 / -0

Who gives a shit what other people think? Just stop caring. Unless it has some sort of relevance or is constructive it's just a waste of time.

Anyone who's followed the plot knows that the election was stolen. At the same time, any who are screeching otherwise are just mindless consumers who are too lazy to look into anything and wait to be told what their views are.
Very few — when compared to the whole — were under the delusion that Trump would take back the Presidency after the election was stolen. In a war of information, the only way that could ever happen would be if the mainstream narrative made it happen at this point.
That's not to say that "bombshells" can't be dropped in the interim that show succinctly the corruption that took place behind the scenes during the election. In fact, all of that information should be pursued to the fullest in order to elucidate the lengths Democrats go to to achieve power. That's the real "win" that would come out of it.
All three of your threads you just made could have been one single thread where you articulated your thoughts. You don't need to make separate threads for each individual portion of an overall topic.

Happily_Grim 8 points ago +8 / -0

No, because pretty much all media outlets — which are a majority liberal — removed their comment section ages ago due to people pretty much calling out their bullshit and fact-checking them live.
There can be no discussion in an authoritarian society. You either conform or get ostracized and silenced.

Happily_Grim 25 points ago +25 / -0

Where have I seen creating a two-tier caste where people are made into second-class citizens, denied the ability to participate in any meaningful way in society, and considered filthy and diseased, while the first-class citizens have fancy badges asserting their moral superiority?
I'm pretty sure it happened in Germany as well.

Ahh, well, I'm sure it will come to me.

Happily_Grim 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you ask, you shall receive, my friend.

It's a great video that really illustrates their idealistic dreams of some event taking place so they can basically use it as justification to switch to synthetic based vaccines.
These people don't actually care about the cost associated with what they're doing. For them, it's all about "the future." You can really see a lot of the hubris and arrogance fully on display. As long as it serves to "better humanity" the cost to get there is pretty much negligible.

Just think of the other applications that this technology can be used for by using humanity as a giant guinea pig group — such as life extending therapeutics.

Happily_Grim 13 points ago +13 / -0

These are three women who say shit like this, but at the same time promulgate the belief that by virtue of their gender and race they're oppressed by the Government.
The problem is, how can the hell can that be true when they're literally advocating to give the Government more power over people, knowing that the black community is the largest racial group who doesn't want to take their experimental jab right now?
It's impossible to make it make sense.
A form of Stockholm Syndrome?

Yes, racism exists.
No, it's not some massive widespread problem.
It's 2021, no one is "oppressed" — unless you don't conform to the Communist Biden Regime's authoritarianism, apparently.
I don't think there's any self-respecting group of individuals that would want to be infantalized by soy dripping liberals, honestly.
The only disparity that exists these days is economic. The greed of rich assholes grows larger as time passes while they continue trying to push their globalist bullshit on everyone else.

Happily_Grim 14 points ago +14 / -0

From what I'm reading, it seems ESPN is saying one thing, while doing another.
You can't say that you respect someone's view and then punish them when they express it. This is nothing more than a continuation of corporate authoritarianism. Basically, what they're saying is, "you're not allowed to say absolutely anything that doesn't align with what we deem you're allowed to say."
This shit really needs to stop.
If they don't like people calling their policy scary, then how about not forcing people to get injected with an experimental biological agent, you stupid assholes?
How is an employee expressing fear for their health and safety "disrespectful, against your values, or against policy"?
Seems to me to be bullshit. Only thing I see that she did was express herself in a normal and perfectly rational way on each topic mentioned. She's allowed to have an opinion. They just didn't like that her views didn't align with their cult's dogma.

Happily_Grim 4 points ago +4 / -0

Truly a man who's skills to extemporaneously articulate using a broad sesquipedalian lexicon are unsurpassed.

It's so impressive that it's truly difficult for commoners such as ourselves to grasp.

Happily_Grim 25 points ago +25 / -0

Notice how they've switched to "per capita" instead of simply presenting the raw numbers as they did with Covid cases and deaths?
Why do people think that would be?
It's likely because not that many children have really been vaccinated yet, so they sample size of the data is relatively small overall.
If UK's reporting system is anything like the VAERS system in the US, then those statistics will be severely inaccurate by a massive amount.
In the US, a 2010 Harvard Study commissioned by the US Government showed that only 1% of Adverse Reactions ever get reported to the VAERS system. This study has been corroborated by other sources as well, such as the Journal of the American Medical Association which place it anywhere from 0.8% to 2%.
People can do the math on what that means, right? It also aligns perfectly with what whistleblowers — of which there are many, the most famous being the Veritas one — have been saying for quite a while.

Tell me that the vaccine doesn't present a much larger risk when they include this at the bottom of the page:

Almost all children and young people are at very low risk from Covid-19.
Data for England suggests about 25 children died from Covid in the first 12 months of the pandemic.
The majority of them also had severe health problems, including complex neurodisabilities.
Only six had no recorded health conditions.

Not only will the vaccine kill many more children than 25, they even admit that only 6 of those deaths had no pre-existing conditions.
Let that sink in for a minute.
When you add on top of that the myocarditis, which will cause irreparable damage to these children's developing hearts and crippling adverse reactions, which will also cause a lifetime of misery, it paints a dark picture. It will end up leading to an early death in both cases. That's not even including the inevitable allergic reactions causing anaphylaxis either.
I'll be as succinct as possible: These people are pure evil. Plain and simple.  


I can't help but find shit like this completely heartbreaking. I don't care how much of a misanthropic nihilist a person may be, kids don't deserve this shit. They shouldn't be used as tools for politics and authoritarian agendas.

Happily_Grim 6 points ago +6 / -0

This woman is retarded.
Does she think Student Nurses are even remotely capable? The Hospitals are absolutely right. Even when Student Nurses do begin clinicals, everything they do is monitored by an RN or Nurse Practitioner. They don't get free reign to do a damn thing. in fact, the majority of their time is spent observing and working on Care Plans.
This is nothing more than a Politician trying to pass the blame to Hospitals because the average person doesn't understand Nursing Programs and would be dumb enough to believe they're somehow qualified.

Of course she's also not going to release the numbers. There was way more Nurses and Doctors than they ever anticipated. What she's trying to do is buy time for their finances to run out so they have to get vaccinated so they can work.
Last I heard, the number of Health Care workers who were laid off because of these retarded mandates was around 100,000. That's a staggering number of Professionals who are refusing to take the jab.
Who can possibly blame them? They've watched firsthand the damage as it's torn through countless thousands of people. It's one of the reasons that many won't get it either.
Right now we're in a war of attrition. With the Unvaccinated unable to participate in employment, shopping, and many other things, the economy is going to be hit hard. If I remember correctly, many New York business owners have already reported a 40%-60% decrease in business since the mandates.
But maybe that's what they want as well?
Create the perfect storm to truly bring down the boot on people's necks. Who the hell knows at this point?

Happily_Grim 10 points ago +10 / -0

This is the left's idea of "freedom."
Apparently, if you live outside of Australia you can longer share Australian news websites on Facebook because of new legislation that just passed.
I'm not sure if that applies across all of social media but it's insane nonetheless.
Even more shocking to me is that people actually celebrate this shit. It would be like celebrating the noose around your neck or the chains keeping you bound. It seems that a lot of western citizens have completely lost the plot.

Happily_Grim 12 points ago +12 / -0

I'll copy and paste a response I made to someone else a couple weeks back about new hobbies I've started:

Archery is fun.
ATV/Dirtbikes are great.
Camping in more secluded places.
Shooting ranges.
Wood-burning and calligraphy. Those aren't as excited but are fun on a rainy day or when you don't have much energy.
Playing 'Go' again has been fun but is pretty time consuming. Good brain exercise, though.
Trail Hiking.
Panning for gold. I wanna try mining for it a bit but I feel like it'd be more of a waste of time, you know?
Whittling (which I'm shit at and need more practice)
Sculpting with clay. (same but easier)
Teaching myself piano.
I want to try car restoration because I had an Uncle when I was young who rebuilt cars and it was always cool to help.
Photography — which I wanna try film instead of digital soon.
Starting your own food garden in case things ever get rough you have some knowledge.
Learning Psychology/body language
Gym/Exercise/playing some sports (mostly just shooting hoops.)

Those are just some. I'm sure in the last 5 or 6 years I've done a few other things here and there. It's been a lot of fun. I feel like I've grown more as a person trying a bunch of new hobbies than I ever did just staring at a screen. Although, I do still enjoy old games or movies from 15-20 years ago — before the bullshit.

Happily_Grim 3 points ago +3 / -0

Which is precisely why I said what I said in my first post.
Ideally, I would like it if some of the members of the ICIJ released the papers publicly so that people could crowdsource, investigate, and find connections. In reality, it almost seems as if these "journalists" are more concerned with getting credit and winning prizes than they are discovering the truth, though.
The information itself is far too large for any group of independent investigative journalists to sift through. Even if they had thousands of members, we're talking about 12 million documents. In the unlikely event that they somehow are capable of sifting through it all, their resources are spread so thin that there's a high probability that important information will be missed altogether. There's no way any single individual can know what they're looking for after all.
This should be common sense, in my opinion. That's why I believe it's about glory-chasing.
While much of what they've researched previously has all involved tax crap, with a cache of documents that large there's bound to be information that can be used to glean connections to other things as well.

Happily_Grim 3 points ago +3 / -0

Don't take it personally, I wasn't insulting you but the people who agree with such a point of view. I apologize if it came across that way.
He proposes that "rules" are the solution and I'd agree and disagree. The reason for that is because "rules" are what ended us up in this very position to begin with.
What I believe is much* more important and necessary is education — and not just in the traditional sense, although that's important as well. Understanding why certain traditional systems, values, and and structures are in place and how those benefit society as a whole. You can make all the rules you want, it's really not going to amount to much as we've seen elucidated time after time. In fact, even this conversation itself is antithetical to the belief that rules will solve the issue. Mainstream culture has dictated that many of the things we're speaking of are no longer appropriate and go against the "rules" that are promulgated every day.
But before that, we need to address what the problems are. From my perspective, there are plenty of major issues; however, there are two that stand out above the rest that have been like a pestiferous tumor on society in recent years: Ideologies and Consumerism.
I've spoken about both at great lengths before, but it's important to reiterate how inimical they've become to the world we live in. He addressed one aspect already by mentioning consumerism and I agree with much of what he says, but when his solution is to use ideologies to solve the problem, that's where it immediately falls apart. Ideologies are what have created this cycle that we've seen repeat throughout history.
If we went with his solution of "rules," then it's going with a solution of trying to impose one groups ideological beliefs over another. I don't see any way that it's possible for that to work at all. I would agree that in most regards the traditional ideologies are far better for society as a whole. I actually don't even have much of a problem with most of that ideology and very likely share many of the views concomitant to those beliefs as well, but as a solution it doesn't measure up to what's needed presently. We also inevitably run into the problem of who, exactly, determines what these rules are?
More than ideologies, it's consumerism that's decimating our society. As we watch the slow merge of corporations and government pushing for the unification of the western world to form an omnipotent globalist government with a foundations built on top of authoritarian socialism.
The degradation, hedonism, and degeneracy, that he justifiably points to as the problems certainly are a major source of societal decay. Where he gets it wrong, however, is saying that it's a result of "individualism" — it's most certainly not. Anyone who pays attention to the deleterious trash being inculcated through consumerism should quickly realize that everything they offer is saturated in promoting intellectual conformity. It's mendacious propaganda that tells people to surrender their intellectual autonomy and let those deemed "experts" make the decisions for them. There's no way that anyone can convince me that the people who ingurgitate consumer culture are expressing "individualism" — it's an idea that borders on absurdity. By every conceivable unit of measure I feel confident in saying that consumerism — in its current iteration — promotes conformity over individualism.
I don't even understand how he could possibly suggest otherwise, honestly. They may throw a thin veneer of "individuality" on top, but it doesn't take much investigating to quickly realize the intolerance that accompanies that "individuality."
I mentioned it elsewhere in this thread, but what they promote is diversity of the material self, while simultaneously demanding intellectual conformity. More often we're seeing a total lack of diversity of thought, which is the part that truly makes us who we are, and the creation of a homogeneous hive-mind of miserable people screaming consumer manufactured shibboleths.
To put it another way, consumerism proposes that people sacrifice their individual identity and instead appropriate a group identity; they celebrate tribalism and admonish the individual.
One of the more gross abuses that we see come from consumer culture is the use of emotional manipulation in order to guilt people into following the prescribed narrative. Any time you see a celebrity, influencer, media talking head, politician, etc. make an appeal to emotions, it should immediately set off alarms. That's a tactic that's been used by con-artisits, charlatans, and dictators with great success throughout history. Besides its effectiveness, it's pretty apparent why the use it as well: women. Women not only make up a larger portion of TV/Entertainment viewership, but they also make up a much larger portion of consumers overall.
For brevity, I'll simply say that putting subjective emotions over sensible logic is one of the cornerstones present in consumerism that's destroying our culture. Basing policy and cultural norms off of emotional responses will only lead down a rabbit-hole of self-destruction. It's a practice that must be balanced. Historically, this has always been the case. Where men have made decisions based off logic, women have always been present to temper them by helping them consider things through an emotional lens, so they can consider the impact. Basing any culture off of just one or another is a recipe for disaster. For the overall health of society, balance must be kept.

I'll get to the point since no one wants to read some garrulous internet post anyway. As I mentioned in my other post, there's no going back to how things were. The methods being use are working, we're just not seeing those results promoted in consumer culture. For me, that's totally ok, since I don't particularly subscribe to that part of society much anymore. We have to consider if those results that are being achieved are enough, though. In my opinion, I don't believe they are.
Earlier I said that I believe education is a much more necessary part of the solution. That's not just education from schools either; parents, neighbors, and all of society must take an active role in participating in understand and passing down these values. That's how it's traditionally been done with great success. It's not the entire solution but just one of the more important parts. At some point people must stop relying on their consumerism habits to do all the work for them. We live in a time where people have the entire breadth of human knowledge at their fingertips at all times. Instead of using such an amazing tool to further their knowledge and educate themselves, they've decided to accept the convenience of being told what they should think by people they've designated as superior to them because of their platform. This is pure insanity on every level. When was it that people suddenly began believing that education ceased the moment you were no longer participating in an institution? We can all strive to become polymaths by using the massive wealth of tools available to us. in that regard, almost all of our Ancestors would be flabbergasted at the intellectually inept drones that so many have become.

We've reached a point where a ton of people are finally coming to the realization of the consequences for their apathy and complacency.
While there's a lot more I could say, this post has already become far too long for something that's just going to slide into oblivion.
I hope it helps clarify a little bit what my thoughts are. I'm pretty much done with it all for now. It's a much more complicated problem than I think most of us would think. There's undoubtedly a huge amount of intricacies that I'm sure I'll continue to discover as well, but I don't think I'll ever agree that the solution to combating authoritarian ideologies being pushed is to respond by doing the same thing.

Happily_Grim 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree completely. It's not desired at all. Which you would think people would recognize how pernicious that is to advancement. Modern society itself was built on top of people who had the freedom to question everything and not accept the status quo.
Everything that we enjoy is the product of someone who wasn't satisfied with how things were. If we take that away, we're only setting ourselves up for a world of stagnation; a never ending present where people simply exist with no motivation to strive for a better future.
I'm convinced that one reason we see so many people adamant about the way they're recognized in the physical world is because the demand for conformity has stifled diversity of thought, which has driven people to embrace diversity of the material self. I can't help but think that living in such a way is shallow and empty.
But it almost seems like an inevitability when you live in a society that glorifies some of the worst aspects of our species while simultaneously profligately denigrating the better qualities.

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