Gazerbeam 8 points ago +8 / -0

Could you link to the Gamergate wiki as well? There is a lot of information on it and a lot of information missing from it, and no one is using it so it's like people don't know that it exists. And I think it's run by the same people as 8chan.

Gazerbeam 17 points ago +17 / -0

Oh, now that question gets my conspiracy sense tingling.

But I'm willing to accept it's as simple as "we're being hammered by bots, we fucked up the response, and it's not fixed yet."

Gazerbeam 1 point ago +1 / -0

Posted to the wrong sub, sorry for the offtopic post.

Gazerbeam 13 points ago +14 / -1

Woke ideology is the Muslims paying the Russians to target their own enemies. It comes with a ban on Islamophobia, respect the hijab, and more Muslim immigration. That was never part of communism before. The old communists would have shot these people. It tells you who is really running it.

Gazerbeam 10 points ago +10 / -0

Conspiracy is an agreement between two or more people to commit an illegal act, along with an intent to achieve the agreement's goal.

  • Two people: the representative of Onlyfans, and the Lord President of the Privy Council
  • Intent: to undermine a commercial competitor
  • Illegal act: Restraint of trade, RICO, antitrust, deprivation of rights under color of law, etc

If all of those points can be proven then it fits the definition of a conspiracy.

Gazerbeam 2 points ago +2 / -0

Information control is a fascinating one because it shows you how they keep normies and their own followers in the dark on everything.

Yeah, it was a shock to see how tightly they controlled information when Hillary was caught laundering money from the state bank of Russia to foreign agents of Saudi Arabia to, in their own words, violently overthrow the US government. Nobody anywhere thought that this was newsworthy.

Gazerbeam 1 point ago +1 / -0

Backstory: All of the major Jewish groups including the Mossad have been managed by British intelligence into standing down and doing nothing while Israel's enemies grow in power. There is a team that controls the Jewish billionaires and has them take anti-Israel positions to influence the Jewish community. British intelligence uses this financial power to get onto the boards of Jewish institutions, switches out the leadership, and several of them are now run by Hamas, with the ADL being the most notorious.

Back in the early 1980s the Palestinians had been kicked out of Lebanon (they were not in Israel) and exiled to Tunisia. Then the Western diplomats demanded that Israel put them in charge of the Arab cities, and Israel took that foreign aid money over the interest of its national security. That is what the foreign aid is paying for. It is a leash to make Israel do what NATO wants. This does not stop the Israelis from going rogue with the Russians and Chinese, NATO looks the other way when that happens, but NATO won't let them defeat the Palestinians.

Gazerbeam 2 points ago +2 / -0

GG was actively suppressed by multiple government agencies. Anyone competent enough to do anything was banned from the whole internet, pressured out of their job, de-banked, and/or they found something to arrest them for. Comicsgate happened after someone told the British to knock that shit off, so they have not been targeted as much.

Gazerbeam 6 points ago +6 / -0

These people are actually not communism

They are literal Russian agents. Following the money leads back to...

So what has happened is the actual Russian agents have kicked all of the hippie communists out of the left, and when warned about this all of the Western governments down to the nowhere small towns like OP's are siding with the actual Russian agents.

Gazerbeam 2 points ago +2 / -0

And we have a scapegoat. Thanks for playing everyone, the autistic guy who ran the online brothel on accident has won the right to be blamed for everything.

I like your interpretation. I remember hearing articles years ago that Craigslist was under investigation for sex trafficking. Then those news articles went away, and now this.

Gazerbeam 2 points ago +2 / -0

#GG has turned up a lot of info. The going theory is that Anita was part of a Saudi spy ring embedded in a Russian spy ring embedded in a British spy ring.

Gazerbeam 13 points ago +13 / -0

Nick Clegg caught taking bribes to put some whores on a terrorist blacklist to ban them from the internet Which means:

  1. The government has a blacklist to ban people from the internet
  2. They put whoever they want on the blacklist

The link should take you straight to that post. There are a couple of others.

Hamilton 68 was a Deep State U.S. government operation. It was funded by:

  • Alliance for Securing Democracy
  • German Marshall Fund
Gazerbeam 3 points ago +3 / -0

she got famous claiming to be a sex trafficking survivor, then people started questioning her story and pointing out holes, so she's been getting their accounts shut down

That sounds like a dangle.

Gazerbeam 5 points ago +6 / -1

Is there anyone in Virginia with the balls to stand against this?

On his first day in office, Gov. Youngkin ordered the creation of a Commission to Combat Antisemitism

So everybody who warned that he was Swamp was correct.

Gazerbeam 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why would KF be shadowbanned on this site?

Gazerbeam 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's worse than a cult. It is literally the Russian party line of around 1970 when Russia backed North Vietnam against South Vietnam, the Arab League against Israel, and genocidal Bantu nationalists against Rhodesia and South Africa. 8chan tracked the funding and found that it came from Moscow and al-Qaeda by way of Hillary Clinton and Queen Elizabeth getting together and deciding that everyone in NATO should be forced to adhere to both enemies and no one should be allowed to question these orders.

Gazerbeam 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's done by the government, which makes it illegal.

It's done by foreign governments, which makes it an act of war.

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