FriedSalmon -3 points ago +4 / -7

Coming from the other direction, it's hard finding a man worth having kids with. Most are lazy, unmotivated and think having a family is too much hard work or a waste of time.

They refuse to put their foot down and state what they want out of life because they just don't know. Most of them have Mommy issues nowadays as well, so they're looking for a mother figure rather than a wife. They'll sit in their room, masturbating all day and complaining about not having a tradional virgin girlfriend while making no effort to make themselves attracive to the type of woman they want. You'll know these types because they label themselves MGTOW.

If you don't consider yourself to be one of those people you probably won't have any issues attracting anyone. Your issue is going to be filtering out the batshit crazy ones.

FriedSalmon 8 points ago +9 / -1

No you see, Steam is actually the bad guy because Steam is a monopoly because reddit told me so. I don't know what monopoly means but reddit said it so it must be true. Yay Tim Sweeny, making shit exclusive to his platform is a good thing because reddit told me it was! /s

FriedSalmon 11 points ago +11 / -0

We are basically trapped in an Orwellian hellhole. Thought I warned the people around me that this type of shit would happen but got the usual 'conspiracy' bollocks. Now it's actually affecting them because they still can't go on their precious holidays, they're starting to worry.

People are still hanging onto the hope that we'll 'go back to normal' and that all this will soon be a long forgotten nightmare. They still largely believe that the government cares about them and wants what's best for them. This is both men and women, they're still terrified of doing something that government hasn't declared 'safe'.

FriedSalmon 17 points ago +18 / -1

Which puts it about on equal with the virus itself. Also Britain is being told that we actually need 3 doses, and then at least one every year.

FriedSalmon 3 points ago +3 / -0

Won't be getting it, my mother won't be getting it either for a multitude of reasons but it's simpler to say that I'm just not willing to be Bill Gates' guinea-pig. I never get flu shots either, and since all this COVID shit I'm leaning toward it being a bad idea to vaccinate infants under 6 months old. I didn't know we started vaccinating them as soon as they were born, wtf.

FriedSalmon 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Anti-Evil operations Team" is quite telling of that hero complex. They consider themselves the good guys, and you an evil that must be fought against, rather than just another person who largely wanted to be left alone.

FriedSalmon 7 points ago +7 / -0

No, they're building an army and putting their meat sacks to use. This has nothing to do with their men being too feminine. You build strong men to have strong soldiers and when your oppenent has it's men being either fat/feminine or trannies, it's easy to steamroll over them.

FriedSalmon -7 points ago +1 / -8

I hate to use that argument, but how does it affect you? Do you have to interact with them on a daily basis? Is there anything you can do to remove them from their position? Most likely not. So you ignore it by putting that information to the back of your mind and getting on with your life.

Then like you should be doing anyway, when you get health advice that sounds suspicious, you check who's promoting that advice and where it came from. Then if it came from the tranny, you ignore the advice, and you tell other people to ignore it.

FriedSalmon 26 points ago +27 / -1

Yet again, trannies cause everything to fall apart. People need to learn to ignore them as much as possible, in all walks of life. The only power they have is throwing a tantrum, you ignore it and you take away their control. Better yet, if anyone announces that they're trans, cut them out of your life or otherwise don't hire them for anything. Not even to pick up after your dog. They'll rape the dog and blame you for it.

FriedSalmon 10 points ago +10 / -0

If you're in Europe you can ask "If you hate toxic masculinity why do you support the importation of Muslims who violently enforce the exact traits of toxic masculinity?" They will promptly call you a raicst for saying the word 'Muslim' and run away from you. You can then, in good mind, cut them out of your life.

FriedSalmon 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's nice when you see people realise at least some of this stuff. Whenever we have a truck of peace roll through a market, we always have some special people demand that all trucks/vans should be registered and traceable. They don't want to hear that they already are.

Or the best one was seeing someone demand that anyone who drives a truck should be registered on a list. Then were told about drivers licenses.

It would be funny if these people were kids, the fact that most are in their 20-30s just makes it really sad.

FriedSalmon 8 points ago +8 / -0

Or one of the peasants brushed against her in a elevator, the sky's the limit.

FriedSalmon 28 points ago +29 / -1

I always think 'maybe I'd feel differently if I were raped, I never have been so I wouldn't know', but I'm of the opinion that if you don't immediately go to the police (within24-48hrs) of the rape happening, it didn't really bother you that much. By then there'd be no evidence because you've probably showered, and your memory is unreliable as to what he looked like because you've probably slept. So it seems you don't really care about getting some form of justice either. But then by modern standards I'm a rape victim, so maybe I can cry about it when I go for an interview or something.

FriedSalmon 19 points ago +19 / -0

Yes, because these people are the ones who think bad things only happen to bad people and that if your rights are abused you must have deserved it somehow. Because they believe bad things only happen to bad people, and they're so convinced that they're a good person, they don't care if other people suffer, because they themselves are unaffected. They're unable to empathise with other people and most fall into the category of either 'sociopath' or 'narcisisst'.

FriedSalmon 12 points ago +12 / -0

Got my mother to cancel her TV license recently, the BBC needs to die off already

FriedSalmon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Cause a lot of the time iIt's seen as attention whoring and like you're trying to subtley declare that 'I'm a woman teehee don't hit on me silly boys' so you should be entitled to attention and free stuff. Granted all my experience has been in online games, but life is often easier letting people believe you're a gay man. So if it ever comes up I just default to 'partner' if it's among people I don't know very well.

FriedSalmon 4 points ago +4 / -0

"Reality is whatever I say it is and you can't question it." I'm waiting for pedophiles to unironically claim to be 8 years old so they're not breaking any laws. Or teach the little kids to tell people they're over 18.

FriedSalmon 2 points ago +7 / -5

I agree with the point you're making, but people use 'partner' for all kinds of reasons. I use it because saying 'boyfriend/girlfriend' once you get over the age of 25 makes you sound like a child, and saying 'husband' makes it sound like I'm doing the 'look at me, I'm a woman teehee' thing. I'd sooner have people online assume that I'm a gay man rather than a woman, so I just say partner.

FriedSalmon 7 points ago +7 / -0

Every time they've tried to make a vaccine against a corona virus it's resulted in the vaccinated animals getting sicker than they would if they hadn't had the vaccine and dying in higher numbers. After decades and decades of trying, it's always failed. Now they suddenly have one that's 'totally safe' after just 7 months?

It's a culling. And also by legal definition it's not a vaccine because it's synthetic, they're not using a dead or weakened version of the virus. Someone likened it to chemotherapy but I can't find the paper anymore.

But the fact that they refused to distribute it until they were legally freed from responsibility should raise the red flags for anyone.

FriedSalmon 23 points ago +23 / -0

I don't have time to give this a complete readthrough now, but Dengvaxia is another one to look at. Another coronavirus - Dengue Fever vaccine, 20 years in development and it still killed people as an inconvenient side effect.

FriedSalmon 3 points ago +3 / -0

'since becoming a mother'

So she got a bad case of baby brain and it hasn't left her.

FriedSalmon 14 points ago +14 / -0

In a week I'll have been on the HRT for two months. Too early for any visible changes to show..

Physical changes like what? He's just going to grow some tumor-boobs on top of his man boobs. Yet another tranny dude that reduces women to 'long wig and lipstick'. Also those lips, yikes. At least he has the 'hide the double chin' camera pose pretty much down already.

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