FreedomDeliveries 1 point ago +1 / -0

the tranny. although he's not a youth (50% suicide rate) it is still statistically very high.

FreedomDeliveries 7 points ago +7 / -0

nah he's gonna commit suicide by the odds within a year.

FreedomDeliveries 18 points ago +18 / -0

they are so far up their own asses in their fake built reality, that they are literally incapable of logic when it crosses into their emotion based beliefs and perceptions. They are literally brainwashed, and they did it to themselves.

FreedomDeliveries 1 point ago +1 / -0

holy cow! The gold medal went for 320 kg, silver to 283 and bronze to 282. That's a whole nother level. Like they not playing the same game. is the gold medalist male?

FreedomDeliveries 4 points ago +4 / -0

and the ages of being a minor are 25 (rental car) down to whatever age they want. can't be trusted to smoke or drink till you're 21 but the left wants 16 year olds voting. can be drafted and killed at the whim of a politician at 18 though.

FreedomDeliveries 10 points ago +10 / -0

they have been for many many years. we've just been nice and tolerant not realizing that those we tolerate wish to destroy us in literally any way possible.

FreedomDeliveries 10 points ago +10 / -0

true story. they care more about maintaining their own kingdoms of backdoor deals and illegal wealth than they do about anyone or anything else.

FreedomDeliveries 14 points ago +14 / -0

there was far too much belief in pence and the republicans to fight the legal battle. in truth the law no longer matters to them, which means it shouldn't matter to anyone.

FreedomDeliveries 12 points ago +12 / -0

another reason they love the shutdowns and distancing. If your only source of info is MSM and you can't ever gather and hear that you aren't the only one who thinks it's BS, you start feeling really lonely really quick. Also if you don't have anyone question the narrative while it is forming in your mind, it becomes fact internally and almost impossible to question after the fact.

FreedomDeliveries 1 point ago +1 / -0

I would disagree on the helo pilot exception. at least in attack, many critical decisions and inputs must be made nearly simultaneously while prioritizing incoming information and data and ensuring you stay in front of the helicopter. any slip up and you're in the trees, into the side of a mountain, or (in the future fight) shot down cause you didn't have the balls to go fast enough and low enough to live.

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