Stop getting baited.
Comment Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
Comment Removed: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
Alleging vast racial conspiracy of an inter-temporal race war & racial hierarchy coalition.
Comment Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
This isn't doing that. Also, who's he attacking? Germans? Jews? German Jews? Jewish Germans?
Also "for the streets". Who says that?
That's actually a red-pill thing.
You said criticizing mods is fine and to be encouraged, but then you also accuse people who criticize you in slightly the wrong way of literally trying to start race wars and genocide.
Criticizing me has nothing to do with that. Race War & Genocide is merely a repeating of the meta-narrative of someone who is ideologically captured.
and conflate actual National Socialists with (presumably) most of the users here?!
Some of them are. At least the ones that aren't also feds. I'm not willing to draw a fine distinction between how some of them ascribe to "White Nationalist" when they are simply National Socialists in all other ways. There are fewer genuine Fascists than NatSocs.
I've been in conspiracy-oriented circles for years and not once heard anything like what you just (falsely) described.
Read some Nazi texts and contrast them with the modern rhetoric. """White Nationalists""" shouldn't really be copy & pasting archaic theories of Aryanism, Judeo-Bolshevism, and Judeo-Capitalism to modern frameworks, but they do it anyway. In the end, it's crazed, jew-hating motivated reasoning; so they'll still just run with it regardless.
The only good news is that Aryanism is so retarded that even most of the modern NatSocs don't use it. No, hyperborean frost giants did not create Atlantis.
One day, mom will make me potato wedges if I'm good enough.
Comment Reported for: Rule 2 - Violent Speech
Are brigands people tho?
This is true and I'm going to work on putting up a system in place. I got to put out some feelers first.
That being said. It's good that you all take your own personal actions against this kind of thing with or without me. Self-policing is how you create a community.
There may be an implied anti-Israel or anti-Jewish bias, but you have to read between the lines to find that.
Yeah that's the point of the propaganda. "Use motivated reasoning to fill in the gaps we intentionally left you". Same strategy as an early life check.
many people silently disagreed with you
It's not silent when they tell me I'm a JIDF shill trying to subert the sub (and apparently ConPro) with some crazy Hindi Pedo Nationalst alt brigade (and that I should kill myself).
I'm not even bitching about any of that, it's just that "silent" doesn't describe it right.
It's on the level of thinking someone destroying a rainbow flag - or just handing out pamphlets advocating the destruction of rainbow flags - means they want to kill all gays.
On the contrary, it's on the level of thinking that a bunch of people wearing the """Progress Flag""" and singing about how they are coming for my children are intentionally trying to bait a negative response, but are letting the mask slip enough to show that the LGBQ2SIA+ movement is built off of the abolition of gender, a removal of sexual and sex-based norms to unseat capitalism, and use sexually abused children and young adults as a revolutionary political class. Yes, I'm skipping steps, but it's all there. What it definitely isn't is a simple satire to prove that conservatives are fragile and don't want their kids to be taught how to be accepting of other people's differences.
Everything you said is wrong and jews don't care about you. That's why my children aren't in danger from them, but from you. You'll find an excuse to call them a race traitor or something, and do worse than what you think jews would do, in order to send a message.
Thanks, man. That's nice.
They left? Dude, what?
You all had absolute control over that place, how did you manage to let him win?
I did IP ban all of them, feel free to @ me in comments if you keep seeing them come up.
You seem like a normal guy, why do you say this?
Leftists are Leftists. They truly do see things only in the dynamics of power, and within a Friend-Enemy Distinction.
- Moral actions taken towards Moral People are moral
- Anti-Moral actions taken towards Anti-Moral People are moral
- Anti-Moral actions taken towards Moral People are immoral
- Moral actions taken towards Anti-Moral People are immoral
Any non-Leftist is automatically, and always, in the Anti-Moral classification of "Enemy". All bad things done to enemies are always good. It is always that simple.
The feminist will scream about rape being the worst crime that could be committed, and laugh at a man getting raped. A trade unionist will condemn poor working conditions, and then support the skinning of "skags". I remember Ziezek saying that people who chose not to get a 'vaccine' should be intentionally starved into submission. Over and over again, Leftists have shown a hunger for violence that is shocking and nearer to the surface than one can imagine. The NatSocs aren't any different.
So yeah, they would skin me alive so long as there was opportunity, resources, and an excuse; because skinning me alive is inherently moral.
And again, they're not the only ones. This is how all ideologically captured Leftists think. You just have to get used to it. It's like if you've ever lived in a town with a violent schizophrenic, or a wild animal. You have to live your life like normal until it actually does something against you.
The first time you wrote that I almost had to do a spit-take. Lol like others have said, you need to work on your Psy powers if you want to keep using mind reading in your moderation duties lol
Look, I'm just not being coy about their argument. It is what it is. A Feminist comic would be about how human males, build off of their deranged psychology, have used Capitalism and rape culture to steal women's wealth, keep them as chattel, and trade them as breeding slaves from father to father throughout all of time. Yeah, it's crass, and it sounds crazy, but that's because they believe crazy thins and I'm not going to pretend that Feminism is "just thinking women are human, bro".
I don't know. I didn't read the book.
No, I'm saying the dude was obviously trying to bait you, and you fell for it.
I wish that was true. Soon as it became October 8th, Muslims could do no wrong.
All I see is: "Yes, you summed up the position quite succinctly"
Inter-temporal means "throughout all time"
You are correct.
Some of them were also not handshakes, but were only 45 days old. So, IDK.
Yes, this is correct. That was my bad.
I haven't been rounding out how I enforce Rule 16 or 2
The only thing that got me after October 7th, was the fact that the NatSocs and Islamists somehow saw themselves on the same side. Something similar happened with the invasion of Ukraine because there were genuine NatSocs on both sides of the war in Russia and Ukraine, and the Americans NatSocs weren't clear on who to hate.
I was sick and couldn't get to them in a timely manner.
Stop getting baited.