Comment Reported for: Rule 2 - Violent Speech
Comment Removed for: Rule 2 - Violent Speech
Post Reported for: Rule 13 - Repost
Err, I'm not seeing it, anyone want to hit me with a link?
Comment Reported for: Rule 2 - Violent Speech
Comment Removed for: Rule 2 - Violent Speech
No fedposting.
I disagree on that, he did exactly the force needed. He did use lethal force, he had no intention of maiming anyone, it's just what it was.
For the most part, people like him don't have a choice. They will continue to be hunted by Leftists until he is dead, and before that his children will be hunted.
It reminds me of the catholic woman who was a major advocate against gay marriage in the US during the 50's. Her grand daughter is a rabid LGBTQ2SIA+ Lesbian who condemns her.
When the Left decide to make war on you, they make war on your entire bloodline. Elon Musk figured this out when they did the same thing to one of his daughters. Similar thing happened to Trump. They'll make your children kill you and kill themselves. They'll conduct a genocide the slow way if they have to, but they will always do it.
As a result, there's no point in not becoming a political entity to fight back against the Left once they target you as hard as they did. Maybe he shouldn't have affiliated himself with this guy or that guy, but that's effectively just a moot point.
Hell, Grosskerutz is still alive. I promise you that Gauge will probably show up to his Kyle's kid's wedding with a shotgun to try and 'finish the job'.
As advocates for free speech we are respectfully canceling the Shell Shock festival. We will be personally contributing to a veterans charity and urge you to do the same.
As an advocate against governmental viewpoint discrimination, you are going to remain silent because someone was invited who has a political viewpoint of protecting the 2nd amendment, and you are asking others to also remain silent and not contribute.
How the fuck did you math that one out?
This isn't your inbox, it's a comment thread.
Thanks for finally answering
Comment Reported for: Rule 12 - Disinformation
This all reads as opinion.
Comment Reported for: Platform misuse
This is closer to Rule 2 or Rule 16 than it is platform misuse, and it still isn't crossing those lines.
The fact that you keep not telling me what it is, makes me more suspicious that it is either: a) rule violating content, or b) malicious code.
Now that I've removed that link as well, what is it?
Raz0r's Rant, via Rumble link
It certainly could be on my side. What was it?
Comment Reported for: Rule 2 - Violent Speech
Comment Removed for: Rule 1 & Rule 2
I checked different machines and browsers. What was it anyway?
Comment Reported for: Rule 3 - Harassment.
OP, I genuinely have no idea what any of this drama is, or why it matters. But it appears to be some kind of non-relevant drama to this forum.
Please keep the external drama external. Also, just for everyone's sake, please don't reply to u/AbleistSL anymore.
Ableist, the same goes for you. Don't engage with Vordrak going forward.
Comment Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
Comment Approved: This doesn't do that.
Comment Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
This is probably a violation, but I think this is mostly day old bickering.
Comment Reported for: Rule 2 - Violent Speech
This is borderline, but I don't think it counts. It's could have been a Rule 16 violation, but White Nationalists aren't an identity group.
Comment Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
This is mostly just an opinion, and not even an attack.
Comment Removed: Link is to a direct link, and is currently broken.
Comment Reported for: Rule 2 - Violent Speech.
Comment Removed for: Rule 2 - Violent Speech
This is as close to the line as you can get, after passing it.
Comment Reported for: Rule 7 - Personal Information
Comment Removed for: Rule 7 - Personal Information.
Please remove the link to Encyclopedia Dramatica.
Comment Reported for: Rule 12 - Disinformation
Comment Approved: this is mostly opinion here.
Comment Reported for: Rule - 16 - Identity Attacks
Comment Removed for: Rule 2 - Violent Speech
Calling for genocide will violate the rule
Comment Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
This actually doesn't do that.
" and its collapse may also take down with it the entire political structure of organized Jewry worldwide, which today so heavily dominates both America and much of the rest of the world. " Might violate Rule 16, but it's too vague to really be actionable from the rest of the context.