There's a reason they want all female characters to look like trannies, trannies designed this garbage.
Banned for antisemitism against mods, who definitely are not all jewish trannies.
Kazaria? It's Kazaria, isn't it?
Is that what that is, I thought a carnivorous mop was attacking that poor man's head.
Unbent that knee just ass soon as she became their target. Glad it did happen, though.
The Shire was turned into Da Hood.
"We wuz hobbits 'n sheeit! " "Gandalf the White wuz a racist KKK wizard muhfugga!" "Dem Orcs is all gud bois! Dey nebba hurt no one!"
"Avada Kedavra n' muh dik, sheeeit."
It all started years ago with kid's shows, all of it. The source of all the current degeneracy can be found there.
"Dis be Gennerl Eisnhowa, de mos' famous army nigga of all time. Cuz killed dat Hitler wit his bare hans."
I guess they no longer teach history to anyone anymore.
TIL that this Destiny person is a guy. Must be a giant faggot, he gave himself a stripper name for a reason.
One Russian vs Three Turks. Mr.Alexander Belinsky isn't afraid of shit.
"I'm in danger!"
Ralph Wiggums has more self-awareness than that retarded nog.
Any male left that votes democrat is a faggot, a tranny, or a government employee.
Keep this shit up democrats, the thundering noise you hear is every male running towards the exit.
They see everyone not them as their enemy. You are a direct threat to the security of The State because you believe in individual rights, or religion, or freedom.
The leftist solution to you being problematic to the absolute power of the ruling elite is always elimination.
Communists aren't people. They might resemble actual humans, talk and act like humans, but Communists are defective dangerous animals that need to be put down with extreme prejudice.
And Frieren Did Nothing Wrong.
Big Government is their Big Daddy.
They believe their Big Daddy loves them, feeds them, houses them and protects them from every bad thing in life.
They tell Big Daddy when other people are saying mean things, Big Daddy will hurt those people for them.
They are about to find out that the government they love so much will now have to tax the living shit out of them even morese than it does already in irder to fund their own nation's defense.
We ain't yo boi no mo', Eurofags.
And that would be a 'win'.
Fuck those limey bastards. Save your own country you stupid fucks before trying to use us to fight your wars for you.
When one enjoys a position of privilege, being treated equally seems like discrimination.
I wish I could get away with being treated like children with kid gloves by government and society, but White males are supposed to shut up and take being relegated to second class citizen status.
Blacks and women "making gains" is DEI at the expense of productive White males, always has been.
And we know who is behind it all, Schrodinger's White. People like Lipman.
I often wonder what life is like for males who are ball-less, then I see this and wonder no more.
Craving being humiliated while out in public must be a part of having zero testosterone.
When we say everything about the democrats is fake and gay, we are not exaggerating it one bit.
In fact we are currently finding out it's far far worse than we can even imagine.
Don't do that to retards, they're nowhere near as simple minded as 'ol Donkey Face.
A 6? She has the body of thirteen year old BOY.