DieHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Awesome! They just totally fucked their husband's military careers!


Fucking leftist retards.

DieHeretic 3 points ago +3 / -0

To the Jew, everyone that doesn't agree with them are Nazis. These goblins are all just so tiresome.

DieHeretic 4 points ago +4 / -0

Which is hilarious because more than few democrats I know have left the party. Biden fucking the entire country up with gay tranny faggotry, supporting anti-White racists and then Harris being forced on them was enough for them to vote Team MAGA.

DieHeretic 7 points ago +7 / -0

And a massive amount of foreigners many of whom are foreign agents of disinformation, FUD, and propaganda.

Oh, yes, and bots. This was years ago when a forensic audit was done before being sold to Conde Nast, they found over 40% of reddit were bots, as any advertising revenue rates are determined by the amount of humans interacting by posting, not bots. Bots don't look at ads or buy anything.

It must be waaay worse now.

DieHeretic 7 points ago +7 / -0

Do you know why certain cultures heavily season their food?

It's to cover up the taste of rancidity, decay and putrification. Most of them never discovered a way to preserve fresh meat that spoils rapidly in warmer climates. Since protein was difficult to come by they learned how to make rotten meat more palatable by heavily seasoning it.

DieHeretic 4 points ago +4 / -0

"I vas chust vollowing orders."

"Sure thing faggot, now put your head in the noose."

DieHeretic 5 points ago +5 / -0

All federal departments and agencies can be forced by the executive to follow the legislation they were created under.

No more expansion of mission and interference in issues or areas not called for in their charters.

If , like DEI bullshit is part of what they are currently implementing and requesting funding for, all of it can be eliminated as none of it is within their purview, both the money and the people gone.

See what was instantly done at the DoD, State, HHS, and USDOT. No more faggotry. No more Marxism. No more anti-Whiteism. No more discrimination against males.

All of it social engineering outside the agency's charters.

These changes can be made permanent throughout every agency, department , and bureau of the federal government through legislation. The administration is aware of how things work and what Congress now needs to do in order to make it all stick.

I'm sure there are bills on deck waiting to be put forward soon to do so.

DieHeretic 4 points ago +4 / -0

Possibly the cases they come down are all federal cases, for fraud, embezzlement, child sexual trafficking, and non disclosure of being an agent of a foreign nation.

There will be some quiet self-deletions, but one can only hope for such happy occurrences.

DieHeretic 19 points ago +19 / -0

Sexual predators have an affinity for those with severe physical and mental problems, they are easy to intimidate and sexually abuse.

Buttfucker Pete can tell you all about it.

DieHeretic 15 points ago +15 / -0

Give them all a hi-ziv vest and uhave them clean up the parking lot and surrounding grounds.

DieHeretic 1 point ago +5 / -4

I can tell you from personal experience and experimentation, that the safest place to be when that pos is being fired is ten feet in front of it.

With the short barrel along with being suppressed and shooting 5.56, you will get rounds tumbling almost immediately exiting the barrel and going non-ballistic due to not enough spin and gas pressure behind the round fired.

I am willing to bet you this troon will get baffle strikes immediately.

Every round fired will leave a keyhole pattern on the target, most will miss it entirely.

There is a lot of science about pressures and velocity relating to ideal barrel length vs type of round being fired, all of it is being ignored here.

DieHeretic 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's absolutely amazing! Fantastic, a true milesone for wwomynms everywhere!

Just too bad they landed in Saskatchewan instead of California, but you misogynists out there, that is all your fault!

DieHeretic 3 points ago +3 / -0

Those currently calling in their markers in order to run for governor will all have one thing in common, making sure the pajeet loses in the primary.

The guy has outed himself as a political grifter and they will go all in on that and use it against him.

DieHeretic 7 points ago +8 / -1

Oh boy you better watch out as the simp parade finds this and slobbers all over Pineapple Face.

DieHeretic 5 points ago +6 / -1

Grifter pajeet. Not MAGA. They seek power in any way they can.

Never trust any pajeet. They hate you and will do whatever it takes to gain power over you, then quickly move to replace you.

DieHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is just sooo impersonal. I mean, at 48,000 ft you can't even hear the screams muffled by the blood fountaining out of their mouths and the noise major bones snapping like matchsticks makes as you drive right up on the sidewalk and grind bodies into paste. Pressing the right button from miles away to make human confetti can't be much fun as you don't get to witness the results up close and personal.

DieHeretic 6 points ago +6 / -0

Too expensive there Mr. Moneybags, all you really need is a fleet of Killdozers.

Impervious to meatbag attack and infinitely cheaper. Think of all the taxpayer money you would save.

DieHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hope in one hand, shit in the other.

See which one fills up first, buttercup.

You are NOT the "rebellion". You have been swayed to believe a stolen election and an extremely loud minority backed by foreign powers and domestic billionaires who hate you are the majority political force in this nation.

You have not only been fooled, you fooled yourself.

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