Social media is porn for women.
It’s telling that none of their depictions of themselves are what they’re actually like. Not even remotely. Plenty of attractive and fit conservative types. You don’t see SJW types like this. That mod of r/stopwork or something that was on Fox News is the average SJW on Reddit. It’s all fantasy and make believe.
Some comment on Reddit on this said they looked like the hot CrossFit chicks. CrossFit’s known to be a libertarian crowd.
She taught apolitical people how politicians act. She made some video on how there are no female game creators and didn’t even bother to look into the creator of Portal. She didn’t even try.
Then they hit dating websites and are still unwanted.
Imagine thinking wearing a dress made you a woman.
I don’t think anyone’s complete without having a life partner and starting a family. If you don’t like the women in your area get one from somewhere else, even another country. There are still plenty of good women out there.
Nah, just laughing that most guys aren’t willing to just workout and eat well and live like kings. I’m kind of happy with that I guess because it makes my life easier. I’m like a god walking around because nobody else is even trying.
Yeah, and most guys no, at least in the states, are out of shape coomers. Work out, eat like an adult, get a job, this shit isn’t hard.
Nah, I figure most of them are single moms and unemployed or children.
MGTOW always seemed self defeating. Part of being a man is having sex and potentially making a family and all that. It’s not that hard to get into the top 20% of guys by just working out and saving your money and not living like a fuck up. Even if you’re born ugly or something it’s not that hard to get with somebody if you work on what you can like your body and dressing nice and all that. Even being with a 3-5 seems preferable to being alone with a 0.
We’re at the point where Babylon Bee is basically headlines from the future.
It’s funny to think that most of the vocal people on social media are bots, the unemployed, children, and single moms. Everyone whose opinion you shouldn’t prioritize or care about.
And female suffrage.
There’s a list of them somewhere with screenshots and vids of them saying it too. Last time it was Trump winning in 2016 I think.
I’d be fine supporting a ‘get the fuck out’ fund to buy them all plane tickets to leave. Maybe even some money to cover a bit of moving. Stay and mingle and be a productive member of the nation or get the fuck out. Stop grifting. This bitch doesn’t even seem to understand what she’s talking about because her response was “yeah, it sucks. I mean I made some tweets. I saved some things.” That’s the outrage. “I’m sad, I made a tweet. Somewhere I don’t live will now be able to make laws against late term abortion.” Bet she actually thinks abortion was banned nation wide.
I bring that up with a lot of people when they talk about it. I’m polite about it, but say things along the lines of “you don’t really believe that though.” They’ll be adamant that they do and I’ll say “then why are you still here and what are you going to do about it?” A lot of them will usually say they love that Canada’s trying to ban hand guns because a little wannabe gang banger here used an AR-15 to shoot kids, and I’ll say why not just go to Canada.
In general their reactions are usually flabergast when I ask them “if you really believe those things why are you not doing things about them? It seems like you don’t actually believe them. In what sense do you actually believe them? Wouldn’t you be trying to arm yourself or something if you believe them? You think crazy KKK folks are coming for you with guns and you’re just going to sit there on the toilet with your phone posting on Reddit while they gun you down and not try to defend yourself to make a point?”
The image of what people have in their head if Trump had been president this term most be hilarious. We’d have to be wading through lakes of fire for things to be worse than they are with Biden. Gas is higher than Sci Fi movies making fun of it, we’re in another endless war, they’re trying to take people’s guns away, the markets are all crashing, and there are food shortages starting.
But Trump? Trump would have been sending some mean tweets and we can’t have that.
If someone had real reasons for voting for Biden that’s fine. Most people voted for Biden because they were afraid of Trump’s mean tweets. If your reason for voting for Biden was because you don’t like mean tweets, you are a child.
All I knew about it before it came out was what I saw on the posters. And it looked completely uninteresting. It wasn’t even a zany Buzz story, it was a weird more realistic Buzz. Add to that the fact that Disney is ruining everything they touch, and the smart choice was to wait. Then you hear nothing good about it from people that saw it.
No way in hell the Rotten Tomatoes score is real, just like how they tweaked the Star Wars ones. Even just looking at the critic reviews plenty of people didn’t like it. Plenty of the audience too.
You google the movie and it has as much or more 1 star reviews but they list the 5 star ones at the top. Huge psyop power play to get this movie to succeed and it’s still flopping like a limp dick. It’s impressive how hard it’s flopping despite all that. Makes me happy for humanity.
This was their attempt to get away with a 5th. Fully expect a 6th. Franchises no longer end. They’ll do a 6th, either related to it, a sequel, or as a reboot.
Do you have any more info on the importance of the Ukraine?
Biden’s just solving the obesity epidemic.
I’d be okay with the Ukraine being blown off the fucking map if it meant there was no global recession. The only one invested in the outcome there to that extent is the Biden family. Even if it was a country I like, I wouldn’t ruin the world to ‘save’ it.
I understand why they do make some changes though, because half the time the chick with boobies being censored is listed as 12 years old. They usually change that to 18, but then you still have the fact that she looks 12.
SJW stuff in translations is inexcusable, but I completely get a lot of the other stuff. Many times it’s to allow it to be released at all.
Other times things are changed to fit words into the timeframe and mouths of spoken dialog, which is even harder.
The best way to enjoy foreign works is probably to teach people a little about the culture in the process. Maybe throw in a Japanese word or two like nakama. And let things be weird.
Some translations and dubs are superior to the originals, like Dragon Ball.
The FDA’s also been going after people on compounded testosterone and related things, which arguably is going to put you in a better position to deal with any illness as well. Pretty much anything that isn’t a mega profitable drug is being gone after in favor of more expensive alternatives owned by people like Pfizer.
Joe Rogan’s got the hormones of a hyper elite 18 year old running through his veins and Covid passed through him like a fart. Super cheap too. But they’re trying to ban that, unless you buy their more expensive versions of it, and they decide you should have it.
I looked into it and it seems like it’s a dykey chick, based solely on the only image I could find of the artist being their self drawn one that looks like a fat angry dyke. If it was a man or woman that was at all attractive you’d see pics of said person to help promote their work. Doesn’t seem to be very popular and mostly seems to draw instances of fit manly chicks being manly male stereotypes, and ugly cats.