CensoredSpeech 43 points ago +43 / -0

Apparently, Israel seized the shipments of these pagers from Taiwan before they were delivered and embedded explosives inside the devices.

Hezbollah fucked up twice by not property inspecting the merchandise and losing sight of the manufacturing and delivery process.

CensoredSpeech 15 points ago +16 / -1

That's basically the difference between therapy and manipulating someone. As in, there is no difference.

CensoredSpeech 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why would a fed do it? It's your approach. The way you go about trying to convince people by spamming and being as offensive as possible actually closes people's minds off to the very idea you supposedly support so you are creating an outcome that actually encourages women to get an education, etc... just like a fed would. Any person who might be convinced by another man that women shouldn't be educated is going to see your posts and be like nah, the men who think women shouldn't be educated are retarded immature spammers, I would wrong for even considering such an idea. So in the end you encourage people against the very cause you supposedly support which is exactly how a fed would operate.

CensoredSpeech 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean, even spammer trolls are people. I doubt it's a sophisticated bot. I have had discussion with him before when he uses to troll ConPro that were actually productive. He always gets banned before the discussion goes anywhere. It's weird being this dedicated to spamming early teen marriages. Like, is it a fed, a guy with literally no life that has that much of an axe to grind with women and/or the win community? Who knows but it's definitely different.

CensoredSpeech 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'm convinced he's federal forum slider, big nose edition tbh. But you never know.

CensoredSpeech 1 point ago +1 / -0

You should learn to phrase your message better. You're actually just going to drive people away from coming to the correct conclusion about the role of women in society. Though, I suspect that's actually your purpose.

CensoredSpeech 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ideally, we should allow discrimination. Female only trains shouldn't exist if they are government funded but neither should any government funded train.

CensoredSpeech 8 points ago +8 / -0

I one time walked into a female only train with another male friend of mine when I was in Japan. We both just looked around at all the women staring at us and were just like uhh bro I think we're on the wrong train. Was pretty funny.

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CensoredSpeech 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can't imagine thinking Biden was ever running anything. JFK told everyone the country was already in control of unelected people behind the scenes and he was killed for it. That was 60+ years ago. Find out who the war consultants were that drafted all the peace treaties that Western governments signed after WWII. Seriously, I know who they are but you should check. That'll tell you who is running the country.

CensoredSpeech 0 points ago +4 / -4

I'm not on the kids side either. The child has bad genetics. The real side to take to a story like this is the anti-government side which is that the government shouldn't be involved in this. No one should have a "right" to be able to see a kid they gave away and the government shouldn't be involved whatsoever.

CensoredSpeech 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wish young men would figure out their only enemies in life are the people who force them to fight for worthless wars.