96 [Women think they are perfect] Teacher fired for having sex with pupil complains about stigma caused by offence (www.telegraph.co.uk) posted 134 days ago by SophiesBoyfriend 134 days ago by SophiesBoyfriend +101 / -5 Teacher struck off for having sex with pupil complains about stigma caused by offence Eppie Sprung Dawson says she understands ‘challenges person faces as a result of a criminal record’ after 2013 conviction 70 comments share 70 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Just remember, no double standards, female pedos get the chipper like male pedos.
Because unfortunately even us men REALLY underplay the damage female on male rape can do, especially to a mind going through puberty.
This would imply that men and women aren’t different. They are.
Society pretends women are equal to men so let's give them equality. Equal rights and equal lefts. When society accepts men and women are different then I'll treat men and women differently.