How do you figure out the sequence of votes?
You normally can't. But 3 am ballot dumps occur, and curiously enough they only contain democrat ballots.
Those were accurate.
You project like a leftist.
I've argued it is a ratchet. Every single normal belief today is far left compared to even 30 years ago, even though we've been through multiple R-D cycles.
Then the only way out is a collapse
That is absolutely true. It's anyone's game once collapse occurs, the most prepared will survive. Until then the dems are gonna keep winning. Even when the repubs win, the dems advance their goals.
make baseless claims.
you are a faggot fed here to advocate for racial collectivist socialism.
You project like a leftist.
I don't even have to type anything anymore. You can do all your arguing for me.
Amazing you call me libelous
Eye for an eye.
Who will win (really)?
Probably Trump
Who will win (declared)?
Probably Kamala
How big will the victory be?
10-100 votes over the mandatory recount limit for battleground states that have them, for other battleground states it will be 10-100 votes over exactly 51% for kamala
How confident are you of this outcome?
even odds w.r.t. the counts over limits
When will we know the outcome?
Jan 20th.
The dems arrange their cheating to just barely exceed the mandatory recount limits to try and get their fraud certified before any real repub opposition occurs. The repubs let them.
Also it's wishful thinking to believe that any state with a significant hispanic population is gonna go Trump. Arizona will never be a republican state again. Demographics is destiny. Georgia is gonna fraud all the way to dem, again. Pennsylvania is a yankee state so it will go dem.
This is also a good time to remind everyone of the probability of a streak of a given length. An approximation is E=Nqp^k, where E is the "probability", N is the number of trials, or in this case votes, q is the complement of the individual probability (1-p), p is the probability of an individual trial, and k is the streak length in question. For example in a city of 1,000,000, the probability of 100 votes in a row being cast for a given candidate using p=q=0.5 is 1 in 4 x 10^25. It will never happen, at least not without fradulent manipulation.
This is why I don't shed any tears when black churches are burned. They hate me, so I hate them.
You have the memory of a goldfish, if you can't remember 2016.
Same to you for voting for a candidate to the left of the platform Obama ran on in 2008.
He regularly comments on my posts with this shit. It is libel at this point.
Also what he is doing is far worse than what I was going to do to Gazerbeam, as hellsdemon00 is lying about me, when all I was going to do to Gazerbeam is post his own words from an archive.
Nah, I'm gonna vote libertarian to make you and Hellsdenizen00 seethe.
And you keep changing your name like a coward. You don't stand by your words, you don't argue in good faith, and you make claims about people that are straight up libel.
I am not and have never been a socialist. I have even voted Libertarian in the past (Ron Paul) for all the good it did. I am a white supremist. Whites are the inventors of everything, the explorers of everything, the discoverers of everything, the conquerors of everything. I have walked where no human has ever walked before. I have expanded the sum total of human knowledge. I have preserved a small part of history.
You are not part of that. The only thing you have ever done is shoot your precious brown people for the totalitarian government you claim to hate. You are scum eroding the culture and strength of whites. You are the gatekeeper that allows the invaders in. You are the traitor, and like you said yesterday: (as a link only because DoM is a coward like you and won't remove your post but will for sure remove mine if I quote you.)
You keep attacking any white who wants to live among their own tribe. You would enforce diversity for your god equality. You do not have a single belief that is right wing or conservative. You do not believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, you do not believe that a nation is a tribe, you do not believe that men are inherently unequal.
On the other hand, you do believe that "as long as it's legal" is the greatest good, whether that be replacement immigration, CP, drugs, rape, whatever. As long as it isn't against your love of "the law" it's fine.
joined 2 years ago
joined 4 years ago
I'm from this board, retard, and I've been here longer than you. Every statement you make is a lie. You'd probably explode if told the truth.
My state is going to go 80%+ for Trump. If he loses my state, then he is an even bigger loser than Hillary.
Yes. And don't forget judges. Especially judges.
Not my fault he lost.
Eh, I already voted for him twice. No politician gets three votes from me. He shouldn't have fucked up last time.
Oh, the liar is trying to communicate again.
'so long as it doesn't affect me, I don't care' crowd
Those are called libertarians.
Remember the battle of Athens, Tennessee. They showed the path to victory.
Diversity just means not white. Remember that the cast of Black Panther was the most diverse cast ever, that is, it was the least white cast.
For comparison: Factorio has 60k players on RIGHT NOW. (8 am on Friday) And it's expansion has already been out a week and a half.
Oh and: is giving an error.
They had to hide its player numbers.
Anti-Gamergate censoring the Internet is Hamas.
That is going in the archive. I'm going to post it under every single one of your future posts because people deserve to know what the person they are arguing with believes.
Advertisers are a scourge, period. They are a profession more evil than doctors, lawyers and politicians combined.
You think banks are rightwing. They are not, and have never been. So a socialist-banker alliance is just called liberalism.