It is not even possible to satirize these people.
(((Adelson))) also wants to rename a book of the Bible after Trump.
Anyways this is typical behavior of their tribe, as gambling, insurance, drugs, loans, and porn are always pushed by them.
That just shows that there must be zero tolerance for faggotry in media.
It's not slander when it is true, and for you it is true.
We can see your post history and the communities you moderate.
It's a shame that none of these fuckers will ever get what they deserve. It's a travesty that their bloodlines are allowed to continue.
Make flyover country into a no fly zone. They hide in their gun free enclaves on the coast because they fear us.
Small pox killed 30% at a time when handwashing didn't exist and indoor plumbing was a luxury.
I don't know where you get these patently absurd dogmas.
From the biologist themselves:
among many more. You ignorance of the sciences isn't my problem, but it does make your assertions worthless.
That you're still on gov't being the only threat is a testament to how unimaginative, uninformed, and unintelligent you are.
I can imagine superluminal antimatter planets being used to actually wipe out civilization, but that doesn't make it real. On the other hand, you think that somehow people are making nuclear weapons, super viruses and sci-fi relativistic blackhole guns in their garage, which is absurd. You are just upset that I and others called you out for what you are: a mouth breathing kleptocrat apologist.
Radiation Detectors are not FISA warrants, brainlet. Not to mention all the different regulatory hoops and investigation one has to go through to even be allowed near the stuff. Also, nuclear weapons are NOT civilization ending, else civilization would have already ended when we detonated 5000 of them over the last century. At best they can destroy a city block, because anything larger is purely in the domain of state actors, which again, FISA doesn't apply to.
You had more of a point when you were talking about diseases, but no disease will ever have 100% death rate and transmissible at the same time. As a disease increases in lethality it must necessarily decrease in transmissibility because the transmission window decreases.
The only threat to civilization is government. The people in control of government have never heard of a new method of tyranny that they did not like. Their ideal civilization is an eternal unchanging feudal society where they are at the top. Such a society cannot have frontiers, because frontiers are by definition too far away to control effectively and bring in new resources which means new wealth, which is always a threat to their control. And you are advocating for exactly that.
If your society is kicking out the people capable of building nuclear weapons or synthesizing extinct bacteria, then that society isn't worth preserving. You just don't fucking get that.
Nevermind the problems with claiming that some lone wolf individual is capable of building a factory capable of synthesizing 2 kg of plutonium without being noticed all by himself, while also being competent enough to recalculate all the explosive lenses and assembling it all by himself and THEN transporting it to a target without setting off the radiation detectors that are pretty much everywhere.
And you call me insane.
Are you're going to be okay with your 'eccentric' neighbor working away in total privacy on his hobby nuclear bomb.
I am absolutely ok with that, because there needs to be a massive reduction in population, and at least small pox doesn't care who dies.
More importantly, a society that keeps kicking people out and hurting them until they have nothing but hatred left deserve to end. A society that keeps bringing diverse groups together, which inevitably results in conflict deserves to end. But none of those things will end humanity. At most they might destroy a nation.
The only thing that can end humanity is exhaustion of easy energy leaving humanity trapped at the bottom of the gravity well. And that problem is solved by removing useless eaters, the services circlejerk, and the brown swarm.
Your idea is based on a false premise: the "Great Filter" does not exist because the Fermi Paradox is wrong.
Ask yourself: "What is the range in lightyears that our strongest radio telescopes can detect our strongest outbound radio transmitters?
The answer is any of our radio telescopes could not detect an omni directional transmission from even Proxima Centauri. There is no way we can ask "Where is everybody?" when we can't even see them. And because of that there is no reason to consider that every single civilization has somehow been filtered out, because we couldn't detect them even if they were at our closest neighbors.
There's always the inherent risk of divided loyalty.
There isn't a risk of it, it's guaranteed.
Fascinating, faggots and queers are 4 times as likely to censor you as not censor you, proving once and for all DoM is a faggot.
You just proved OP's point. Your ignorance of the basics of biology probably explain your beliefs.
Amino acids did not come from some "aether", they are small simple molecules with atomic masses around 100amu and around 15 atoms. They have been found on lifeless objects such as including comets and nebula. Since amino acids are self organizing, life only has to get lucky ONCE, and 4 billion years, 10^21 kg of water, and thousands to billions of interactions per second per kg is a lot of chances to get lucky (a lower bound of 10^41 chances, 10^60 is more likely). A protein that self replicates in a warm environment with lots of building blocks would quickly become more complex simple due to the number of replications. The fossil record show that meters thick algal mats covered the earth in the Precambrian. That is a tremendous amount of building blocks for more complex life.
In contrast, your strawman of the Shakespeare monkeys do in fact have to get lucky around 26^198000 times to make Hamlet, which is not even close to comparable, since words do not self organize. A fair comparison would be a room full of GPT-3 models asked to write hamlet because that is equivalent to self organizing words.
Finally you assertions that
incredibly complex and precise biological systems that work perfectly in tandem, over and over and over again without collapsing on its own chaotic entropy.
is just bullshit. Biological systems aren't precise, let alone perfect. They fail early and often. For an easy example, just look at the number of people with moles, or who have to wear glasses, or who are stuck down with incurable diseases before they are even 10, let alone the number of failed fertilizations of eggs that are then lost. You christcucks just handwave all the failures of biology away as "its only god's will."
He doesn't actually read the content here, he's just here to shill for v-tubers.
That is not the point because I see that phrase pointed at white Europeans, especially UK, Germany, and Ireland all the time. It's just a matter of time before it's used in the defense of atrocities against white Americans too.
That concept is worse than you think, because it means that as soon as you are 49% of the population everything bad happening to you is somehow suddenly moral.
Essentially this: "Oh you are getting replaced? Well, your brown neighbor voted for it so you deserve it".
Around blacks...
This is the inevitable result of misguided whites trying to be anti-racist. Lesson: be racist.
I'm approaching 5k hours in Rimworld now. Modability is pretty important for longevity of a game.
The argument for monarchy and dictatorship is that you only have one guy to assassinate, instead of 560 replaceable party apparatchiks.
Better to turn the world to ash and dust than to let them win. There is no point in humanity if there are no whites.
No, Order of Events which is just a different way of saying the NAP is half the foundation of all liberal frameworks. (The other half is the Tabula Rasa.) It is the basis of all victimhood grifts like the holocaust grift or slavery grift. Simply claim you are the injured party and then anything you do is now moral, like bombing churches and burning children alive.
Might Make Right is the basis of moral frameworks because that is how the universe works. It doesn't matter how distasteful you might find it, because ultimately the only laws are the ones that are impossible to violate, F=MA, F=G*(m1*m2)/r^2 etc. Any philosophy that does not align with the universe is incorrect and ultimately will fail.
Waiting to be the injured party means that eventually someone stronger than you will come along and remove your ability to retaliate in a singe action. And then the operating framework is back to Might Makes Right because what you believe doesn't matter, you've lost.
It's shilling, plan and simple.
Good way to make a poison pill for China. They take over Taiwan after a few years of this, then they get an invasion of jeets.
"Hello saaar, I am John from the FBI. Please send money to this bank account or we will do the needful and investigate you."