Was just reading some articles and a lot of wealthy areas have lost a lot of the homes in them, which is honestly somewhat surprising, but fire does not descern between poor and wealthy after all. IIRC, environmentalists make controlled burns controversial in left-wing areas, so that's a lot of why wildfires happen in the first place, when they aren't done via arson anyways.
Comments (59)
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Was mentioned yesterday, blogpost-kun.
He doesn't actually read the content here, he's just here to shill for v-tubers.
He sometimes talks about sports too. But yeah, basically.
Terminal social media contagion. They just want upvotes to feed the dopamine addiction. We have a veritable plague infecting our entire society and no one even bats an eye at it.
Didn’t see it because I didn’t go on the site yesterday, which is on me.
Like I’ve said multiple times, because I live with left wing family whose minds will not be changed, the only news I see is what’s posted here for the most part and will stay that way until the 20th.
A lot of why I don’t comment on nearly as much the brass tacks stuff like immigration is because I don’t know if I even should because I’m not white, even if I agree that we need a moratorium
You haven't been on the site since yesterday, so you couldn't be bothered to sort by new and see what topics had been posted in the single day you were gone? I suppose that's asking for a lot.
My fault for not checking, you’re right
It's on the first page of kia2, just ctrl + f "fire" you fucking retard.
Fair, just forgot to check
I don't see any reason you shouldn't weigh in just because you aren't White. That seems like a really dumb take to me.
they decided that having a bunch of faggots, women, and faggot women in firefighting was more important than having enough firemen, or even water to put out fires.
and the mayor was off in fucking africa. what's a mayor even doing out of the county?
I'm atheist but I thought this was the wrath of some being tired of all the gay shit there /s
Seriously though, this was bound to happen eventually there as they are more focused on LOOKING virtuous than, you know, solving the problems. I'm 50/50 though on if this'll help the homeless situation there by burning out places to squat or make it worse since it never gets cold enough there to force them out like in New York.
Not only are there several dozen trump clips on the topic, JRE has a clip from june/july last year I've seen talking about the state of the fireload, with an expert saying 'all that has to happen is the wind to blow the wrong way and a wildfire could burn right to the coast.'
There's 'I told you so' and then there's a situation so obvious that insurance companies were pulling out/refusing to renew in SoCal to limit their liability.
The problem is insurance companies would go bankrupt trying to cover this with how CA fucked them on how much they could charge.
CA is a shithole, and they voted for this. Sucks for the people who didn't, but I'd have left CA a long time ago if I was in their shoes
But you can bet people are already blaming insurance companies instead of their government
Well, yeah. Because personal responsibility is a foreign concept to leftists.
Did they? Who counts the votes in CA?
Insurance companies threathened to leave when California told them they couldn't charge more than X.
California went ahead. Insurance companies went away.
The homeless situation will also be impacted as all the rich people who lost their homes will likely move out rather than waste time arguing with insurance companies and fight with the local zoning boards to get building permits. That's a lot of tax revenue that's going to be leaving LA.
Huge chunk of those houses were uninsured, because the insurance companies up and left after Cali decided now was a great idea to do price controls.
The homeless live in the subway tunnels during winter.
Imagine being omniscient - all that queer degeneracy, you'd see all of it.
That's why I was always partial to Jonathan Edwards' god. Infinite sufferance begets infinite rage.
I was watching PJW and there was a news clip where they interviewed some Asian dude in a car and he said exactly that.
To be honest, there's not much I can say.
Everyone knows their fire policy is fucking retarded and is causing fires. They are too stupid to change this, so they caused this disaster (again).
State Farm and the other insurance companies were not willing to put up with this shit, so they stopped renewing the coverage.
It's like telling me there were 100 people shot to death in Chicago. It is what it is. I can't change it.
I'm loathe to defend insurance companies, but it's even worse than that.
The state of California instituted price controls for insurance. So the insurance companies were unable to price the policies in a way to account for all the fires and the expense of doing business in California.
So they left. Not because they somehow knew this specific event was coming -- but because some eventual event was inevitable and would have bankrupted them. They left because they were literally driven out of business from California.
California wanted the rest of the country to pay higher premiums to subsidize losses in their state. That didn't work out so well for them.
Lots of hands going to be held out for bailouts.
It'll never be proven, but I think all thinking people have the word "arson" rattling around in the back of their heads regarding this.
I saw that while watching SideScrollers today. Might upload that.
Sure you can, just expel all the non-whites and that'll be down to about 12 for the whole year rather than 100 for the weekend.
I'd rather expel the communists and fix the damage.
This works in both Chicago and California.
Why not do both and have a functional society?
Because you'll have a functional society after doing only mine. Americans are not my enemy. Communists are.
Sure, if we completely ignore reality like communists do.
I say we just declare them to not be Americans and be done with it.
It's just a paper document anyway, right?
So all the blacks shooting each other are communists?
Of course. Just like all of Africa is communist...for the last several thousand years. Nothing but reds for all of recorded history.
Black National Socialism is heavily interlaced with urban crime.
From the Nation of Islam, to the Gangster Disciples, to Tupak's mom Asasta being a member of the Black Liberation Army.
There are apolitical street gangs like the Bloods and Crips, but almost all of the foundation for them was created by the influence that Leftists had on black communities, even to the point of getting state and federal funding for "black projects" to "uplift the urban youth" by creating an organized criminal racket to push radical revolutionary violence. From Watts to Detroit to LA to Minneapolis, Black National Socialism generates crime. That's why George Floyd square is a crime ridden hell hole, it's supposed to be. They are rebelling against the government. It wasn't just some random gang bangers burning police stations and court houses. They are, in fact, Leftists.
This is exactly what Lenin was talking about for revolutionary violence by the use of the criminal class to enforce it.
Modern Bolshevism is the American Black Ghetto.
I can just smell the desperation from here.
That would definitely end the constant mass shootings those commies in Vermont keep doing.
You need to consider the lesson of Liberia, which was founded with a copy of the US Constitution. Tabula rasa is a lie and some types of human are simply incapable of living peacefully in a republic like this.
The US Constitution isn't very good without the Bill of Rights. More than that, it was settled by slaves who imported plantation society into Liberia.
Liberia perfectly reflected the South because the Amero-Liberians basically set up a Amero-Liberian Supremacist Plantation state. Like the Plantation Aristocracy of the American South, they didn't believe in Tabula Rasa either.
Liberia literally adapted the BOR into their article one declaration of rights.
I hope most of the damage is uninsured so my premiums won't go up to pay for retards
Maybe they'll learn something: DEI incompetence and corruption don't care about whether you think you're on "the right side of history" or not. Reality doesn't care about your left-wing fee fees.
Won't hold my breath, though.
There's a section of Hawaii that might disagree with that. Was it last year or two years ago where that area the rich wanted to buy up "just happened" to burn, forcing the locals to sell?
Directed Energy Weapons hit everything that wasn’t blue.
Isn't the LA area long overdue for a catastrophic earthquake? Would be really unlucky for them if it happened now.
So in Trump's second turn the US gains Greenland but loses LA?
Good trade
My money is still on arson. a random spark on a windy day that happens to affect very rich neighborhoods and powerful people, doesn't sound random to me.
Honestly, I'm glad that the consequences are falling on the people that made it happen. Rich affluent progressives don't often face the consequences of what they vote for.
The areas being burnt are spread out. It's seems to be all of the nice White areas in the hills.
Suzanne Sommers moved out of Cali years ago after a fire like this when it took her and her husband three years just to get permits to have a new place built. California is a red tape nightmare. You're talking about a half a decade before lumber will be put on the lot where your house used to stand.
Makes you wonder how much of their famous GDP is just government spending.
This is part of why there's so much enthusiasm for GDP, a ton of it is government spending.
Hey, issuing those permits and doing environmental assessments is important and valuable economic activity!
I saw people on social media complaining that 'Malibu' was burning down. That's where all the bad guys live, right?