Here is a whole, pretty comprehensive, list of failed predictions:
Wait until you learn about Palantir.
he is well
studiedindoctrinated in the field of psychology.
You knew you were going to have a bad match when the first thing you saw on your team in WoT was "Alguem BR?"
Where did I say anything about jews or muslims? You're deranged.
Anyone who thinks racism is bad is a leftist.
No, I didn't call them feds.
I said people like you. All the former military guys on FreeRepublic were saying "Don't go to TEA party rallies, they are there just to entrap you". It's the same shit from a different era.
So when the next group comes along and says deport the immigrants are you going to call them feds too? Are you going to call anyone that marches in a uniform feds? Where does it stop? What sort of action is not against your Rules of Engagement? Is voting the only thing allowed?
Well if the totalitarian side is left wing, then that must mean the right wing side, aka you, are anarchist. And the inevitable result of anarchism is pedophilia and worse.
You make this too easy.
The Tea Party were not feds.
EXACLTY! But people like you called them feds.
The Proud Boys were mostly not feds, but were merely infiltrated by a couple, and monitored by them.
Everything you accuse PF of doing, the PBs did. FFS Enrique Tarrio, the Chainman of the PBs, is more of an open a federal informant than Ray Epps. "infiltrated" is the understatement of the century.
What you don't get, what you refuse to see, is that attacking those people on the right who are putting their necks out there makes OTHERS less likely to do ANYTHING in the future. And why should they? No one likes daggers in their backs.
You are just making shit up and lying about me, but I expect nothing less from an anarchist lolbertarian who would love to fuck children (as long as it's legal).
See how that feels, when people are lying about you?
Every time I have ever seen someone use WASP, it has been extremely negative like a communist saying "bourgeois" level of negative. I thought everyone knew that which is why I was so hard on you for it.
As for the Catholic thing, just look at Central America to see where it leads. Their culture is very much Catholic, and very much inferior to US culture even with it's flaws. Martin Luther came about because the Catholics were letting the wealthy buy their way into heaven. The Catholic Cathedrals were statements of wealth before America was even founded and the gaudiest most gold covered churches in the world are Greek Orthodox.
Fuck GRRM. He did more damage to the Hugo's than even John Scalzi.
Non-whites are a problem. The first thing my new Guatemalan illegal immigrant neighbors did after they moved 16 people into a 2 bedroom house and turned the yard into a mudhole was dig up the septic tank (rated for around 4-6 people) and leave it open for half a year in the the height of summer. Then they brought their third world human trafficking problems with them too, when one of their children went missing. The only advantage they bring is dumpstering the property prices, but good luck convincing the tax assessor that the sky rocketing crime, vandalism, and fire risk means that your house doesn't double in value every year.
Oh, and, Europe HAS been better off than the US. That is why they are so shocked about the behavior of brown people.
So the Tea Party (2009) were feds, the Proud Boys were feds (actually true in this case), Patriot Front are feds, every Militia are feds, every non-republican group are feds. And when the next group comes along you are going to clap "FED! FED! FED!" like the trained seals you are. When the heat death of the universe happens you are still gonna be barking "FED! FED! FED!"
Do you not see where that leads? Or do you just not care?
and likely won't be able to for generations, barring a seismic political shift.
We don't have generations. Schools in the southeast US are already over 50% nonwhite, even in the middle of nowhere. We have A generation at most. ~18 years.
because the right doesn't want
to empower.
these groups seem to exist outside the actual ecosystem of the Right.
You say that like it's a bad thing. The last thing we need is more "people" like Ben Shapiro.
And you still don't get it.
Now if the right could reverse and apply that.
Why would anyone ever put their reputation or life on the line for ungrateful backstabbing scum like you? You'll just call them feds, and then whine that you are always losing.
Until you learn to stop calling any rightwinger that stands up feds, there is no reason for anyone to stick their neck out.
So no, it doesn't matter if they are feds or not, because YOU DO NOT KNOW. STOP PUNCHING RIGHT.
It doesn't matter whether or not they are fed. Your performative need to virtue signal that you don't tolerate right wing protest works to PREVENT further right wing protest, from Patriot Front or anyone else.
I want to pimp slap the FUCK out of every dipshit barking "FED!" like the fucking trained seal they are over the recent PF march around Nashville.
What and not let them partake in the longest standing tradition of conservatives: Backstabbing? Perish the thought.
Really your entire post can be summed up in one simple phrase: STOP PUNCHING RIGHT. But I doubt any of the MIGA's will actually understand that.
No, I'm a white southerner who is completely and utterly tried of being attacked, especially from people who should be my allies. You using the word WASP is the same as saying someone has white privilege or that whites have an invisible knapsack full of benefits. It is an attack on white, and you are perpetuating it.
It's especially ironic given that you are catholic, aka a follower of Francis.
Catholics have no room to lecture anyone about anything.
Are you even American? No one talks about prosperity gospel. It's like you have your entire view of American religion based on a 90's TV evangelism.
Keep attacking Whites, rabbi. Your nature is shown for all to see.
Or, just stop using the enemy's language.
Meanwhile, they just keep finding extra boxes for those counters to count.