CarmenOfSandiego 13 points ago +13 / -0

Personally I also find Millar to be quite overhyped at times and his "big works" like Civil War aren't actually very good once you start applying even a little scrutiny.

CW1 only "worked" because Tony Stark, Reed Richards, and various others on the pro-registration side of things acted very out of character because the anti-reg side needed someone to actually go up again that provided both big names and a credible threat - remember one of the first questions that ever gets asked when multiple superheroes meet is "What would happen if they fight", and the MCU showed this almost immediately in The Avengers when within minutes of arriving Thor is fighting Iron Man and Captain America and then later on The Hulk.

If the entire superhero community united and stood against a non-superpowered individual like AOC then despite whatever retarded tribal-blue/public support the stand-in might have in the end said character would not only be utterly ineffective at actually stopping any of the superhero community, but also start losing PR points very fast if and when the superheroes simply stopped doing anything since various disasters that occur regardless of their presence can only ever be stopped by them.

The same scrutiny can be applied to the rest of his works but is something very evident in his recent "Millar-verse" finale event 'Big Game' which brings together every single comic he's written for Image Comics, Chrononauts, Kick-Ass/Hit-Girl, Kingsman, Night Club, Starlight, Superior, The Ambassadors, The Magic Order, and others, and kills off every hero, just to then use magic/time-travel to undo it all at the end.

Every death is gruesome and over the top because it was never going to matter. But that's more or less Millar's thing, hyperviolent content that may or may not matter or actually have some kind of story going on.

Of those various titles Superior is the one I would recommend the most since it's a short 6 issue run and stand alone from everything else, but then most of Millar's works are like that until the very recent tie-ins. Anyone who does read it will very quickly realise DC lifted the plot to the comic for another live-action adaptation, but the comic does it better in part because of pacing and not being tied to pre-existing story requirements.

For another similar experience JMS' Superman: Earth One is very likely where the Man of Steel movie took it's pointers from, but again was done better and should have been the story the DCU films went with, bringing in Zod later on rather than him off so quick and then going full Doomsday with him. Pacing was always a problem with the DCU, however.

CarmenOfSandiego 12 points ago +12 / -0

As good as the story is, and personally I wasn't a fan of the twist at the end, the main issue Superman faces throughout the whole thing is Lex just being a dick, and at times because of things barely related to what Superman is trying to do.

The chess game for example doesn't actually involve Superman, it's the Bizarro stand-in, but Lex takes this as yet another slight against him by Superman who more or less doesn't actually give a shit about Lex.

The whole "What if?" fails at times because Millar paints Superman as bad simply as an extension of "Russia = bad" stemming from lingering Cold War resentment on both sides, accurate or not. If the same character had been trying to reach the same goal but from a different home location the comic would have both likely not as sold as much or caused anywhere near as much discourse except to bring up the point that these are all things any Superman can do but as with most characters set in a near approximation of the real world the status quo shackles them to not making any great changes, because if that actually happened the stories would resolve very quickly and the comic would run out of things to explore.

CarmenOfSandiego 18 points ago +18 / -0

She's built like a fridge!

/angry upvote

CarmenOfSandiego 17 points ago +17 / -0

sympathetic Arnie

That's why he's one of the few villains actually left alive in the movies.

Joker: Dead

Penguin: Dead

Catwoman: Literal pussypass

Riddler: Committed

Two-Face: Dead

Mr Freeze: Incarcerated but given funding to help cure the disease

Poison Ivy: Pussypass

Ra's: Dead

Scarecrow: Committed

Joker: Can't remember if this was changed after Heath Ledger's death or not

Two-Face: Dead

Bane: Sucker-punched by Catwoman who simply fires an RPG at him after Batman repeatedly tried punching him down

Talia: Dead

Catwoman: Somewhat of a pussypass again but nowhere near the same level of antagonist

Of the few survivors, Joker only lives in the Nolan trilogy, all the women except Talia live, Scarecrow is committed, released, then recaptured, with Jim Carey's Riddler being one of the few odd-man-out picks of an insane character left alive, but delirious and thinking he's Batman after his mind gets scrambled.

CarmenOfSandiego 4 points ago +4 / -0

Does that even work? The language use of the ones yesterday matches the ones from last week, suggesting it's the same person so any IP bans from then don't seem to have had much effect.

CarmenOfSandiego 8 points ago +8 / -0

She likened it to making a fussy child eat vegetables

That happens for a reason. Children can't digest the same foods as adults yet and so their bodies literally try and reject/avoid things like brassica plants, cabbage, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, broccoli, etc because children physically can't handle the levels of glucosinolates in them until older. Forcing children to eat those can unironically result in poisoning them.

CarmenOfSandiego 16 points ago +16 / -0

Optional female companion you can actually kill in the game? Sounds like a perfect choice to replace Revan as the main star of the show!

HK-47 is who I worry for.

Carth will still be utterly shit, though

CarmenOfSandiego 26 points ago +26 / -0

It will be shit.

Either they change Revan into a woman, completely ignoring all the material after where he was a man like his subsequent child with Bastila Shan and later descendants Satele Shan and her own son, Theron, from SWTOR, or they make him a man and piss off the various nutcases who want their own game pic/headcanon to be the adaptation option.

Considering modern adaptations and especially Star Wars ones you can fully expect if Revan does end up stiil being a man then he will be sidelined in his own story and any and all women in the show will take the spotlight, just like in The Witcher, Obi-Wan, and various others.

Of course we could play a drinking game for when we hear “updated for modern audiences”, “i never played KOTOR”, or showcase the diverse cast

You'll be dead before the show actually airs.

CarmenOfSandiego 8 points ago +8 / -0

Not sure what he's doing here.

It may be there for a reaction image.

CarmenOfSandiego 25 points ago +25 / -0

So people suddenly care about practicing, huh? I'm sure that will be quickly change once the same lens is focused elsewhere.

CarmenOfSandiego 6 points ago +6 / -0

Nominations suffer the same potential issue where any sleeper accounts that haven't sperged out and given the game away can then spoil the pool and nominate other sleepers or just try to screw with things. Something that applies to your own account since it's only 21 days old.

CarmenOfSandiego 6 points ago +8 / -2

Currently the issue needing dealt with are handshakes/sleeper accounts that were made a year ago, or more, and just left to wait until something activated them. Could be the point of it being an election year, could be some random anti-gg type group, or just similar Ctrl-Left entities looking to target any and all win sites possible.

Having 2/3 gatekeeper positions to just play whack-a-mole with those accounts would solve what is causing most of the problems right now. Precisely how that can be done I don't know as I've not taken the time to look at the mod tools on this site, but if we have any suitable dedicated autists here, and we certainly have them, then if possible they could just go through the member list and whack any account with no activity that's older than say 3 months.

At worst this would take away perma-lurkers ability to up/downvote posts and comments, but at best it would remove these accounts before they get used for the next round of spam.

CarmenOfSandiego 10 points ago +11 / -1

Fairly sure Imp has been around since the early days so those brief periods where he's not banned would be... interesting.

CarmenOfSandiego 9 points ago +9 / -0

ATLEAST 3 years ago

Huh, just now noticed we've been here almost 4 years. The pinned 'Welcome Aboard' post was made 01/Jul/2020.

CarmenOfSandiego 12 points ago +12 / -0

Your account is 110 days old, I brought this up over 2 and a half years ago.

Here's your catch 22, either accept the fact you're wrong, or be dumb enough to give away your other account IDs and watch them get torched as well.

CarmenOfSandiego 4 points ago +5 / -1

I've actually volunteered to mod before

So did I, 2 and a half years ago in October 2021. Nothing has changed though except the spamming getting worse and worse.

CarmenOfSandiego 17 points ago +17 / -0

Board still needs a backup in some way for if and when this thing happens.

Even just low rank gatekeeping powers for some would help prevent this specific problem as well as catch any porn spammers as has been the case before.

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