Charly Burke is a badass navigator who can visualize multiple dimensions faster and more accurately than anyone else aboard The Orville [sic]. She’s smart, and challenging, very excited for people to get to see this new role. Charly is very different from any other character I’ve played in the past. - Anne Winters
Sounds like yet another grrlboss Mary Sue, which is ironic since the term originates from Star Trek self inserts.
the only difference is if she enjoys it
False. The difference is whether claiming otherwise ends up being beneficial.
Could be the most enjoyable thing ever, but if making the claim turns out to be useful, and it almost always is because false accusers get nowhere near the blowback as those accused falsely, if the accusation ever gets proven to be false in the first place.
"He said, she said" can be impossible to prove either way without hard evidence recording the alleged events and such recordings can not only be dismissed due to recording laws requiring consent of all parties, but flat out denied as submissions to court in some cases.
Video games got the short end of the stick because they assume everyone playing them isn't attractive, because that's what the media says, so all of it must be baddy bad.
Meanwhile, Henry Cavill exists.
He was even in an episode of Enterprise back in 2005.
Ensign Rivers
The Orville is just as bad as Lower Decks for showcasing why certain groups flat out cannot understand of write the requirements a starship would need in order to not explode on a weekly basis. Both have crews that should be spaced asap to prevent potentially destroying themselves, the ship, localised space, and any species they encounter because none of the behaviour shown is ever appropriate for the importance inherent to all those situations.
For those who haven't seen TO, one of the senior staff, either soon to be chief engineer or actual chief engineer already, goes on an away mission and within minutes is literally twerking on a local statue because... he's black? He gets caught on camera, almost lobotomised, and still then ends up as chief engineer later on whether promoted after or left in charge despite almost causing a global incident for being retarded.
You have entire species who emit pheromones that equate to date rape drugs because not only does everyone around them become pliable to suggestion but also wants to sleep with said species and the aliens do nothing to prevent this from happening, ergo taking advantage of others under the influence in a sexual manner. This is the reason the main character gets divorced from his wife before the show starts and later on both the captain and XO/ex-wife meet the alien again and both try to sleep with it this time.
The fact it was cancelled after 2 seasons then bought by Disney explains a lot why the first 2 seasons are ok for most and after that it turns into just another shitshow of political sperging handled with all the nuance of a radioactive bull on fire in a china shop filled with explosives.
Could be like various animals on Earth where without the other sex the offspring are only ever 1 sex with a few outlier cases due to reasons. There are wasp species which are haplodiploid and any unfertilised offspring born are male IIRC because from an energy budget POV it's cheaper to only put in the effort and energy to create males that can mate with multiple females than it will be to do the alternative. Sure females are produced but it will depend on resource availability whether any laying females then commit to spending the additional costs for what will potentially benefit other egg laying females more.
Aphids can also produce clones of themselves via asexual reproduction/parthanogenesis when looking to simply boost pop numbers under conditions of bountiful resources. When there are fewer resources then they lay eggs which can produce males for sexual reproduction.
The Orville and other shows taking these concepts and applying them in some way to aliens wouldn't be too surprising although it's likely the writers lack of intimate knowledge with biology in these fields leads to both inaccuracies and loose threads left unanswered because at times it doesn't always need fully addressed.
Some of the species are conceptually quite funny and interesting to consider. The Moclan only urinating once every 3 years or something and so making it a special ritual conducted on their homeworld with close friends and family for example. It takes biological extremes even found on our own planet and then draws them out to sort of parody levels but still within some realm of sci-fi make believe. There is some kind of deer that only urinates once every month or something, smells God-awful when it does unsurprisingly, but it does so because water is that rare where it lives it needs that conservation of hydration, so it's not as if the Moclan concept is without some basis.
Depends heavily on the time of writing whether all those things took place. The closer to get to modern time the more likely it happens and even some of the live action adaptions have put different spins on how and why it took place, like with the Kents asking Lionel Luther for a favour expediting the adoption process in Smallville in return for saving Lex during the meteor shower that brought Clark to Earth in the first place in the show.
As mentioned in my other comment some version just didn't bother because they would just claim someone else left the baby on their door in the middle of the night which happened in the earlier parts of the 1900s and far fewer people gave a shit about looking into how legit that might have been, nor were busybody types to then hound someone over the paperwork. Ironically that kind of busybodying is one of the key traits often written into Lois Lane and why she ends up figuring out who Clark is in many stories because she's one of the few people who bothers to do what would have been highly unlikely in the original stories. Nowadays it's mandated bureaucratic handling that in hindsight makes stories like Superman seem less believable when the entire point of older stories is that it was literally a different time and people behaved very differently, not a perpetual progressive state always thinking about the $CurrentThing, which often ends up turning fantasy stories into shit as it did when Superman comics tried to do climate change plots.
Not every origin even bothered with paperwork or made things more documented as they are now. Back during his original years someone dumping a baby on the doorstep of a well off family wasn't unheard of so claiming that happened with Clark wouldn't raise anywhere near as many eyebrows as it would now.
Superman was just born with superpowers. Actually this is my gripe with superheroes, they are either just super rich , or get powers accidentally with no training. Superheroes won't represent regular people
We get it, you're a retard who doesn't understand anything about superheroes as per every single whiny blogpost you make about them. The entire point of Superman isn't about punching the problem, it's solving it despite being able to do so.
It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then... he shoots fire from the skies and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him.
Unfortunately it doesn't occur for you either because all you see is the flying brick trope which isn't surprising as with all the clickbait you post your passing interest is only skin deep and misses all the context and nuance behind things.
Nigel Farage and Reform showing their true colors
To the surprise of nobody who has been watching them for years. Farage is just another grifter who only cares about maintain the status quo he can continue to rally against and get paid doing it.
Maybe not.
US Halts Aid To South Africa 'Immediately' As Trump Offers Fast-Tracked Citizenship For Persecuted White Farmers
Look at Wheel of Time
Rings of Power
An ongoing reminder this 2022 show literally lifted the plot to the 2019 Fallen Order video game.
Arya killing Night King
Even the actresses boyfriend questioned her about that, goes to show outside of the shows casting bubble nobody thought it was a good move despite the showrunners and majority of the female cast at the final reading cheering when this was read out. Speaking of, some of the cast were clearly very pissed off with how the show ended as shown in that final reading video. Varys get written out like a moron and his actor drops the script visibly disgusted at the writing, Jon ends up almost back where he started north of The Wall after killing the woman he loves - which Kit finds out about during the reading and Emilia sits across from him looking sorry how shit their story has turned out, Arya completely misses the entire point of not going off solo because "a lone wolf dies while the pack lives" or whatever the lesson was she was meant to learn, Sansa secedes from the Seven Kingdoms like a retard because now every other Kingdom, has carte blanche to attack The North with impunity, the pirate one in particular that has a history of doing just this, since it's not longer an internal act towards a fellow nation, and Bran gets elected King because once again Americans have zero fucking clue how a monarchy actually ever works.
So were a lot of characters and that hasn't stopped attempts at changing a lot of things about them.
half-blood Prince [KANGZ!]
Fire up the salt mines, we're going to need a lot of salt for this one.
being compared to Alan Rickman's performance
A reminder JK told Rickman what the twist about Snape was before the book it happened in ever came out. He was questioned during film shooting why he kept doing scenes in certain ways that the directors/producers didn't understand and it's because he was the only one who knew the actual character other than Rowling.
This means in hindsight his performance ends up being far better than initially realised however with the twist now known it's never going to carry the same gravitas and if modern writers are consistent in their inability to write nuance it was come across with all the subtlety of 4th wall breaking winks to the audience whenever Snape does something shitty towards the characters.
So when are they going to beat up a car?
The cats at home were desperately meowing but with nobody except the autofeeder there most of the time the anguish went unheard.
Worst Korean bombardier? Or Worst Korean bombardier?
but no life-threatening injuries
That still leaves cripples, invalids, and all sorts of situations with people left alive. "Not dead" shouldn't be treated as an automatic win, it's just as easy to use for gaslighting as many other positively spun terms.
Superman versus The Incredible Hulk
Why are you so hyperfocused on this question after being torn to pieces about it only yesterday?
Just because it's green doesn't mean it's kryptonite, or jade, or any other number of glowing green objects that turn out to be the only thing that can hurt someone.
Superman or Incredible Hulk - who would win?
Superman type characters beat everyone other character when the fighting isn't done for show, with a few rare exceptions that boil down to "Superman but stronger" or "Superman with training". The Injustice comics go over this at length when Superman gets his ass handed to him hard by characters like Darkseid or Wonder Woman. The only reason Superman doesn't die is because of plot reasons which is also why Superman "loses" under meme pairings.
Superman vs Batman only works is because Superman doesn't simply heat vision the entire area from afar/space, plus plot armour given to Batman and others where "they planned ahead". Superman can survive in space, he could literally destroy the planet to beat someone and not suffer any consequences from it.
So Hulk would be shit out of luck for multiple reasons.
Fighting someone that can move almost as fast as The Flash and as a result faster than is perceptible and cause localised nuclear explosions simply by punching hard enough due to the accelerations involved.
Fighting someone who can survive in space and attack from range so far out of reach he isn't even visible.
Fighting someone who can destroy the entire planet and survive then just let physics take over.
But comics aren't written for those reasons, they're rarely written so that the good guys fight the bad guys at times because as the Avengers showcases hero teamups almost inevitably turn into fights between the good guys. You only see fights done practically in Elseworld type situations like Injustice or Superior where a Superman type character can cut loose with zero consequences who dies in the process.
In Injustice this happens several times when a few of Superman's frequent rogues literally get thrown into the sun to finally and actually get rid of them.
In Superior you have the Superman stand in take the villain up into space so he can punch him as hard as possible without causing damage to the surrounding area and people see it from the surface
But Superman doesn't fight like that which in its own way is why characters like Injustice Superman, Hyperion, Superior, Homelander, and others are appealing because they fight very far outside of the box.
They already did that with 3 and TotallyNotJustinTrudeauInSpace,
And yes do take note of the DEIversity backup singers that wouldn't make basic training requirements.
retraining if after
Interesting to know I'm not the only one who makes that particular typo.
"Guys, just bury your heads in the sand so you have no idea what is going on! Trust me, bros!"