BulbasaurusThe7th 5 points ago +5 / -0

What guarantees people will actually voluntarily do it though? Logically you can convince people, but at the same time people aren't logical.
I'm not trying to be an ass here, but I genuinely don't get it. How do you make something necessary for basic safety and survival of everyone collectively based on voluntary actions without it failing?

BulbasaurusThe7th 13 points ago +13 / -0

The government can't steal from you, so you have to let the black people around you personally steal from you, yay. Soooo much better.
As long as people are harming each other on a personal level this JoJo's Bizarre Ideas clown and her friends can play their stupid games in peace.

BulbasaurusThe7th 9 points ago +9 / -0

Of course you can't. What would stop people from just pouring in, taking everything, then going over to the next ripe and retarded field to steal from there as well?

BulbasaurusThe7th 8 points ago +8 / -0

With a friend of mine we used to live together. He is super white, I am super white, he is from a fancy suburb and I'm from a small village. We called each other nigger as a joke and we were into our twenties. It was actually pretty hilarious.

BulbasaurusThe7th 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good for you, I am kind of tired of the hallows symbol/tiny snitch/lightning bolt type bullshit. At least be creative and get something more original.

BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +7 / -0

Harry Potter tattoos they fucking regret now because Rowling doesn't like their sissified, mutilated freak boyfriends, HAH.
I'm rereading Harry Potter now. THANK FUCK my mother is a more conservative person, I am so glad I don't have Sirius Black's prison numbers/tag thing tattooed on me that seemed like a great idea at age 16. Partially because now I see Sirius is such a saddo manchild who is stuck as his own teenage cool kid persona.

BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +10 / -0

Oh, another perverted guy who pretends he is a female because he things his ratface and tiny dick will be magically just the thing all normal guys will want. They won't leave him, like his dad did.

BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +10 / -0

Knowing these tech bosses, I bet my ass he would enjoy sucking Arab dick to be allowed to rape underage kids or sucking Chinese dick so he could be the one sending the rest to the prison camp. Freedom? What freedom? He would just join whatever abysmal shit for power.

BulbasaurusThe7th 24 points ago +24 / -0

This person claims the colour red is Chinese. The colour. I wear a red rain jacket. My dog has a red collar. My car is red. My mother's car is also red, by pure coincidence. I have this lunch box I take to work with a red lid.
Am I Chinese? What is going on?

BulbasaurusThe7th 4 points ago +5 / -1

Ehhhh, I have heard rich gays do the exact same with surrogates and acting like they were buying some purebred puppy. It was pretty disgusting to hear people demand their child to be EXACTLY like they want, down to things like eye colour, because "those kids are so cute".
Sure, we all have things we find more or less cute and would prefer it that way, but to act like a bitch, like "I pay for this kid, so it better be done to my exact expectations or else" doesn't sit well with me.

BulbasaurusThe7th 15 points ago +16 / -1

I love how straight people can't ever express negative feelings about the condition of their kids, be it mental or physical disabilities (I repeat the condition, they can have negative feelings about the condition without not loving the kid) or else they are ableist, but gays somehow can "get" a kid and get picky about the "quality" of said kid like it's some race horse and we can't say it's fucked.

BulbasaurusThe7th 11 points ago +12 / -1

I have been told I just need to get raped and beaten by men to finally understand why I need them, the lovely feminists. Also, they said it in a way that made it obvious it was only a matter of time, not an if. :P

BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +8 / -1

The women who feel bullshit is keeping them from meaningful contributions to society in the US are women who could never make meaningful contributions in the first place. I'm sorry, but no matter what you do, some people will call you bad names or have negative opinions on you. Man, woman, whatever, some will hate you. Just don't be a whiny bitch and blame your weakness on that.

BulbasaurusThe7th 21 points ago +22 / -1

I have been yelled at by feminists for saying I, as a person (not women in general, just ME) don't feel my personal voting right is worth terrorism and innocent people getting hurt.

BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +9 / -2

This one isn't even like a proper darkie, like fuck, at least find a real black black guy. Not this passing nonsense. Make an effort, guys. Isn't there some pitch black guy who murdered some white people in cold blood?

BulbasaurusThe7th 21 points ago +22 / -1

Like that horrid bitch Corinne (Korinne? Korine? Fuck creative spellings) who used her kid as a human shield? There was a video of her telling her kid to fight cops and go against them because they are out there to murder blacks.

BulbasaurusThe7th 8 points ago +9 / -1

Is it my Uno reverse card when I'm not a believer either? No, I am not a commie and not even them saying Jesus was one can change that, even though I don't think Jesus (whom I think existed, albeit not as magical as the Bible says, just my opinion) was either.

BulbasaurusThe7th 49 points ago +50 / -1

19-year-old is whoopsie brutally murders people because brain not fully developed, but we should reorganise our whole society because some half-retarded Swedish kid raised by activists snarled at us, because her brain is perfect.
K libs.

BulbasaurusThe7th 41 points ago +42 / -1

Leftists, who have sky high standards impossible to meet for you based on strawman bullshit, but say drug dealing, child beating, raping, murdering beasts of humans were just "ohhhhh, misguided minority youth, UWU".
I'm conservative and also not religious whatsoever. The reactions are hilarious. They try to "you Christians, ehhhh, Jesus said this or that, ehhhhh, look at yourself, eeeeeeeeeh" and they get angry when I say I don't fuck with that stuff, just don't like irresponsible shit people getting abortions left and right on my dime and stuff. :D

BulbasaurusThe7th 31 points ago +32 / -1

My issue with activism is that I know human nature.
So here we have a group of people. Activism gives them influence, power, money, fame, things most people generally either want or can very easily learn to enjoy. Do you think that when they have all that... they want to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs by solving the issues and coming to accept stuff? HAH.

BulbasaurusThe7th 8 points ago +9 / -1

I feel like a shithead when at my workplace the others have to wait 5 minutes for me to be able to close the lab and go home for the weekend.
How can other people expect to get lower standards that can potentially endanger the lives of all the other people?? How do people be okay with that?

BulbasaurusThe7th 11 points ago +11 / -0

But like this never happens! I can bring you a million examples of a tranny being deranged, violent, hateful and just crazy, but they never ever ever do anything bad.

BulbasaurusThe7th 24 points ago +24 / -0

On normie KiA2 there is this guy (not sure if he is here) who is gay and goes ballistic every time a gay pedophile is mentioned. He claims pedo is its own thing and you can't be gay if you are a pedophile.
That pisses me off every single time. I am not saying all gays are horrid. I am 1000% sure that's not it. But to claim NONE can be bad basically just says "nah, fuck that, shut up" to children who were molested by people of the same gender. It's untrue and not just that, but it basically makes it so we are less likely to actually figure out something is wrong, protect kids and help the ones who are already victims.
Which is never okay. I don't care about a grownass gay adult's feelings if a small child's safety is at risk and I'm not saying that because it's a GAY person, but because children are vulnerable as hell. They have no way of defending themselves and they can get really really messed up really easily.

BulbasaurusThe7th 16 points ago +16 / -0

The same way they try to explain away the suffragettes who didn't want blacks to vote and the eugenics of Margaret Sanger, wanting to stop the breeding of blacks, Asians, the poor and anyone with any disability?

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