BulbasaurusThe7th 32 points ago +32 / -0

Just as a sidenote. What sort of fucking parent allows this to go on? If I hear someone can't be trusted around my kid, we are out the door faster than you can imagine. I am NOT risking that. I'm not waiting and seeing if "by accident" something happens.
Entertainment industry parents are the kind of people who should have gotten neutered like we do with dogs.

BulbasaurusThe7th 17 points ago +17 / -0

Black people adopting white children. So realistic. So common. Except that big fat cow who killed the white little girl she adopted. That was real.

BulbasaurusThe7th 14 points ago +14 / -0

In his case it's just being a dick to his fans, looking down on "normies", acting like everyone is below him.
This includes acting disgusted when he needs to interact with fans, demanding people donate to his charity or else they are assholes, saying he can't write because he has a kid he wants to hang out with (working class people are bad parents, apparently), etc.
He is just up his own ass and a lazy, lying piece of shit.

BulbasaurusThe7th 31 points ago +32 / -1

In a way, I'm not surprised. Socially inept people get power and fame. Look at him, Patrick Rothfuss, Wil Wheaton, etc. They just can't help themselves, now they are finally the people who can be the bully assholes. In movies/shows it's even worse, as young actresses are often the titty bimbos who didn't talk to them in high school.

On the other hand, these young actresses are exactly the kind of people who buy into debasing themselves for some cheap fame. Do you think Weinstein had to rape all those actresses? HAH. They took that dick and many more for getting ahead.

I just looked up this woman. She is vacuous, vain, typical B-lister. She did full nudity on Playboy to "feel pretty". I bet my ass she was more than happy to take that creep's shit, because she is the exact kind that buys the idea that taking a dick in every hole is empowering.

All in all, I feel showbiz is filled with people who deserve each other and nothing more.

BulbasaurusThe7th 11 points ago +11 / -0

Thing is, Beth is not evil or calculating. She is just so single-mindedly into chess she literally has no life outside it. She never studied a trade or got a degree, never had other hobbies, never developed relationships, never learnt any life skills outside chess.
But she is also not a happy character, I think. She is not supposed to be seen as a role model.

It's the non-romantic version of how girls see Batman's Joker. You are supposed to think he is fucked.

BulbasaurusThe7th 9 points ago +9 / -0

Younger, but same.
I wouldn't mind "diverse" characters if we could tell different stories with them. But the moment an Arab is there, they must be saintly. Black person? Police oppress this literal angel going to college. Woman? Everything bad that happens is because she is a woman.
It's just ridiculous.

BulbasaurusThe7th 17 points ago +17 / -0

In the book she could play chess, what she was really bad at was winding down and actually sleeping. For a lot of the story she took her pills to be able to fall asleep.
Another thing that makes today's idiots go YAS KWEEN is Beth being supposedly independent, when in fact she judges people's usefulness based on if they can help her chess be better.
She literally stops caring the moment she is better than the other person. Harry Beltik moves into her house after her adoptive mother dies and they have sex... until she realises she outgrew him in chess. She gets pissed at Benny when she realises his life is not just chess, but he also plays poker to pay his bills.

In a way I get why this appeals to shitty people.

BulbasaurusThe7th 11 points ago +11 / -0

It bothers me they can't like real people who are living, therefore changing, reacting to new situations, etc. because anything can suddenly become problematic. A human being a dynamic, but their own world views and morals are impossible to follow, so they prefer static fictional characters over real humans.
It's madness.

BulbasaurusThe7th 33 points ago +33 / -0

SJWs, if you really want homoporn and blaxploitation in every piece of media... specifically look for it. Don't demand for it to be included in every piece of already existing media.
Oh, let me guess, that's about riiiiights and equaaaaality. So it's a must. Fuck off.

BulbasaurusThe7th 29 points ago +29 / -0

Unseen Japan is such a disgusting propaganda shit. I just looked at the Twitter account. Why should Japan, its government and its people care what some American Jew thinks of them? What some American black woman says?
They are irrelevant, meddling, annoying, self-important pieces of shit.

BulbasaurusThe7th 26 points ago +26 / -0

Tell that to Secoriea Turner, you fuckers. David Dorn didn't deserve even the fraction of this, but at least he was a grown man who actively stood in the way of the looting hordes.
What did she do? She was an 8-year-old girl in a car. She did absolutely nothing. I guess her black life didn't matter much, because she wasn't some gangbanger, rapist druggie with a rap sheet longer than the Great Wall of China.

Now go back to licking the asses of criminals, I heard some new black guy high on drugs was just shot when he was randomly shooting at people with his baby in his hands. Go, "protest", I'm sure some new sneakers, weaves and flat screen tvs would be nice.

BulbasaurusThe7th 29 points ago +29 / -0

Non-white people are allowed to do whatever and leftists like it. What was his name? One of the Noble POC Victims who was a fucking rapist and people still rioted because his pathetic, disgusting ass finally got what he deserved?

BulbasaurusThe7th 40 points ago +41 / -1

Because his perversion and weird ass fetish (which he drags us all into, unwilling people, yay) makes his micropeen tingle, but his fried, weird brain feels threatened by sexual attraction that biologically makes sense.
He is uncomfortable by the fact normal men like normal women.

BulbasaurusThe7th 29 points ago +29 / -0

I went to a bilingual high school where we had to learn Italian in one year, enough to take 4 years of history, maths, physics and geography in it.
If I could do that between age 14 and 19 without knowing a single word of Italian before, while NOT living in Italy, then any mentally all there immigrant child in the US could learn English and do reasonably well. I'm not a fucking genius by any stretch of the imagination. Hell, I didn't even like Italian. I don't give a shit about it, their culture or media or anything.
Their food is nice and there is one singer I like. That's pretty much it. Also, the old Bud Spencer movies are hilarious lol.

Two types of people fail those kids: shitty parents who only enter the US to leech resources and money, and shitty leftist teachers who believe it's wrong to make non-white children successful because they believe minorities don't deserve it.

English is the single most approachable language ever made.

BulbasaurusThe7th 18 points ago +18 / -0

Got pretty vindictive about not being accepted as GG's animu princess UWU waifu.

It tells you how these people think women are. It's one big hentai-fuelled glitter puke. Even the women known for that image are not really like that, it's just an online persona, but they don't understand that.

BulbasaurusThe7th 13 points ago +13 / -0

She bitched at me in such a condescending, cunty way. If you say "hey, admins being cunts" then I would have been pissed still, but like... ya know. But to act personally offended by me saying it, I was like bitch, you totally agree with this.

(I have gotten a one week suspension on some other sub way back for something equally stupid. The mod there said she got my point, but I couldn't state it because it was against sitewide rules to use the analogy I used. I told her I won't change my comment and I am 100% fine with the punishment. No hard feelings were had.)

BulbasaurusThe7th 24 points ago +24 / -0

My big conflict with her was that I used the real name of Jonathan Yaniv. No joke, it's apparently horrible to "deadname" a guy who talked about inspecting the genitals of children in a public bathroom, claiming it was to help them.
At that point I was so angry I could have screamed.

I felt like I have no place in a space where literal, admitted pedophiles are protected by the mods because muh dead name. When kids are involved, I am basically at the point where adult bullshit doesn't matter. I don't care if your trans gay vegan Marxist whatever feelings get hurt, I would rather all snowflakes be burned alive over children being hurt.

Probably very mother hen of me, but I lost my shit big time.

BulbasaurusThe7th 24 points ago +24 / -0

Yep, "she" hated me something fierce. I've always suspected that one to be a tranny.

Also, way way waaaaay back there was one called something... meow? Meow something something. That one was a tranny for sure, everyone was all UWU because it tried killing itself at some point (surprise?), then of course it went nutso and started hating GG and all of us. Mentally unstable duderino.

BulbasaurusThe7th 21 points ago +21 / -0

I was asking because of "her" specifically. I always had a feeling pink had a bit more penis than the average female. Also had it in for me super bad, then when I snapped back the whole team of simps descended in private telling me they "expected better" from me.

BulbasaurusThe7th 11 points ago +11 / -0

Which one turned out to be a tranny?

BulbasaurusThe7th 24 points ago +24 / -0

His pathetic sheep stans still claim that was deep. I swear to god, I don't blame artists for going nihilistic when they can do any disgusting shit and the semi literate fauxtellectual class will eat it up.

BulbasaurusThe7th 25 points ago +25 / -0

Here is the thing. I couldn't speak English until age 15. A standardized version with concrete rules, a relatively constant vocabulary and it being the same for everyone makes it easy for us to learn.
Some broken, illogical, constantly changing ghetto shit made up on the spot is impossible to learn. Should they just say idk, do whatever, grunt like an animal even? Should they revise the books every 2 months to follow the slang some child raping pimp just invented in jail for others like him? Cartel-issued language certs?

Libturds pretend to be worldly. The fact people actually learn English for a purpose, like business completley goes over their empty heads.

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