BulbasaurusThe7th 6 points ago +7 / -1

Without any money changing hands? Maybe. That is the furthest I maaaay think is okay.
The moment money is involved, it becomes human trading and I am against that. You can't purchase a human being. You can't order a child being made for yourself.

(I'm also disgusted by the people doing the buying when they pretend they are so nice for paying. Like ooooh, the woman "profits so much, it's such a good deal for here, we are good because she is being compensated". Not how this works.)

BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +11 / -1

Children are not permissible victims because adults are cunts. I will die on this hill. Just because feminists did it doesn't mean I will find it any less distasteful. Any adult who thinks like you just described is shit in my eyes, regardless of what side.

BulbasaurusThe7th 11 points ago +12 / -1

That's... not true, you know that, right? They don't just put your sperm inside the woman and hope for the best. The embryos are create at the lab and THAT is put inside her. So you could totally get the wrong colour baby if the eggs were mixed up.

And you are doing the thing where you assume the absolute best of men and the absolute worst of women.

Besides, you refused to answer my question, what if it's a daughter, because you claimed you can't know what those men think.
Yet you have a definitive answer for the kid being the wrong colour. Why? Because you are avoiding the answer you know will make you look like even worse, but you answer the one that wasn't a question, but gives you a chance to virtue signal.

Okay, so you get the wrong colour baby. Your kid comes out... Indian. Should the surrogate be paid? The lab messed up. She did what she was meant to do, but the result is not what you expected, by no fault of her own.
Let me guess, you assume she intentionally fucked some other guy (who is a victim). Or she somehow magically created the wrong baby for the lulz.

BulbasaurusThe7th 14 points ago +15 / -1

Why is it a weird question? Men who hate women so much still want kids. What if it's a female child? I'm not saying you will know the answer for them. Just... think about it.

This is one of my huge issues with surrogacy.

You are buying a product custom made for you. Let's say, you order a suit. What do you do if your suit's sleeves are a bit too long? Or it's not the right colour? Or if it doesn't arrive on time for the event?
You can't just ask for your money back with a baby. You can't send it back for additional alterations. You can't trade it in for store credit.
We have a human baby who is damaged product. What to do with it? Should they kill it? Just hand it in as another orphan? Look for a new place for it on Facebook, like when you find some abandoned kittens?

BulbasaurusThe7th 18 points ago +19 / -1

As the owner of a rescue dog who was born as a stray with issues that needed surgery, let me reee a bit here.

But yeah, this is one of my big issues with surrogacy. Basically playing Character Creator with your baby. I mean, it is technically a service you are paying for. What if the product you get is not the exact one you ordered?
Sure, you can say said people signed a paper that says "if kid is not to your specs exactly, tough luck, biatch", but we are talking about humans. Ones who thing ordering couture babies is a good idea. Some of them will probably get over it, but be honest, do you think some Plastic Karen or Homo It Boy will just accept the kid not fitting their curated life?

BulbasaurusThe7th 25 points ago +26 / -1

That's lovely! Even local designer baby breeding is awful. But people who go to poorer countries to buy a baby like that are even more awful.

I see more people being against dog breeding than this. Every week there is some new faggot celebrity or HURRR career wahman who makes an announcement about buying a child. And you KNOW they don't just go with whatever they can get. No, they order a kid to their specifications, and they think they are so generous for PAYING. Like fuck off.
Like Shane Dawson and his annoying twink husband are about to get their babies delivered to them. People I wouldn't trust with a potted plant. (And Shane will cry about not being rich enough, even though they paid a poor woman to be pregnant for 9 months with twins for them, so they can pretend two men and "their" purchased kids are a family. But Shane is the poor one here. )

BulbasaurusThe7th 36 points ago +38 / -2

Hot take of the day: Paying women to give birth to designer kids for you should be illegal and seriously punished the the extreme.

BulbasaurusThe7th 11 points ago +13 / -2

Nobody called you a pedophile (you did say I am a few days ago, but let's not talk about DAT). I don't think you are. I do think you are an absolute monster who likes the thought of little girls getting hurt, but I don't think that's sexual, you are just a lunatic who hates anything female.

So "disturbing thoughts about non-white men" is not okay. Disturbing thoughts about women okay. I see mate. I see.

BulbasaurusThe7th 8 points ago +9 / -1

Please do.
When I bring them up, he interacts for a few weeks, then suddenly he claims he never said that when it's all buried under 5000 new random ass comments. Why didn't he say that the first time I mentioned? Because then it would have been super easy to search back.

BulbasaurusThe7th 13 points ago +15 / -2

If you have noticed, there are multiple men on here who dislike women. I have zero issue with that. Do as you wish, I also have groups of people I dislike. Nobody should ever be forced to interact with anyone if they don't want.

You sound like a murder waiting to happen because of your deranged speeches. You literally say everything ever that happens to women (even in cases with an actual dead body) is fake, it never happened, never ever ever. You also advocate for totally random women being harmed, plus totally random little girls.

Nobody asked to be WORSHIPPED, but you are explaining away the rape of girls under the age of 10. You are cruel and incredibly fucked up.
What fucking worshipping is that? That I think you excusing literal terrorists is wrong and it makes me think less of you? Oh yeah, because I don't think Abdul hitting a deaf little girl with a truck, like in Sweden, I want to be fucking worshipped. Which is it? That never happened or she deserved it for being an 11-year-old succubus or what?

BulbasaurusThe7th 13 points ago +15 / -2

We need to punish female children right now for things that were thought up before they were born, because feminists are evil and we are much better.

It's totally for men, he cares about men so much. Totally not the fact he hates women.
Like when he loves Muslim terrorists. Sure, they torture and kill men too, but HAHAHAHA, women also get harmed in horrible ways, so totally worth it.

The day he gets on the news for being a serial killer or something, I will be here with the surprised pikachu face.

BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +11 / -1

And Ukrainian women are totally out there killing men left and right everywhere.

I also love how he expects us to archive his 200 comments a day. Like the pace with which he has his manic episodes here is autistic, keeping up with it would take us all day.

BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +7 / -0

High school starts at age 13-14. If that 8s not young to you, then you have one additional mental issue.

BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +7 / -0

So you hate on women for being assholes, so you also become an asshole. But you think you are right to be so. What a win.

BulbasaurusThe7th 9 points ago +15 / -6

Women work? Imp in hysteric rage, because how daaaare they take the jerbs of men.
Women don't work? Imp in hysteric rage, because women are stealing his supposed hoarded gold.
Women in prestige jobs? Imp in hysteric rage, because affirmative action.
Women in "low-tier" jobs? Imp in hysteric rage, because women are useless and fuck that, they do nothing.
Women do the woman-specific job and become hoes/porn actresses, Imp in hysteric rage, because women prey on poor poor men.
Women as housewives, Imp in hysteric rage, because they are shitting out spawns and breeding is evil, we should all die out because then he feels he totally won or some shit.

There is literally no way to not make you chimp out, mate.

BulbasaurusThe7th 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nah, it was a one time person. Hard to differentiate, as trannies are attention whores, but no, not him

BulbasaurusThe7th 17 points ago +17 / -0

Meh, what is a "genuine trans"? You can't change your gender and I can't be forced to believe they are.

BulbasaurusThe7th 28 points ago +28 / -0

Hah, waaay back, on half kia, some tranny showed up. Started out all "uwu, just a cute nerdy girl with a feminine dick, like me". He was obviously fishing for attention.
I don't think I was a total cunt, but I asked him questions and basically didn't buy into that weird animu gurl persona.

He got more an more angry. Which resulted in him writing this weird ass response about how men in knee high socks are actually the next step in human evolution, basically. According to him, women stand in the way of progress, so we need to basically step back, die out, so then men can learn to love trannies and figure that out.
Then I started being a cunt and he deleted his account, lol.

So yeah, progress is being forced to fuck crotch holes.

BulbasaurusThe7th 48 points ago +48 / -0

There was a 4chan post about these people. They are literally so unintelligent they can not think ahead. They are stupider than animals.

BulbasaurusThe7th 9 points ago +9 / -0

I distinctly remember that when I brought it up at the beginning, I said Luxemburg and you corrected me and said Lithuania.

It was something about you getting paranoid because you couldn't find female-on-male suicide statistics from Ukraine.

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