BulbasaurusThe7th 22 points ago +22 / -0

Something they also ignore is that understanding slang and AAVE and such is REAL hard for people whose first language isn't English. They hold black people to a lower standard and fuck you guys over. But they also make it impossible for immigrants to communicate with black people.
Everyone loses.

BulbasaurusThe7th 32 points ago +32 / -0

The fuck is Spiritual bypassing? I am not fucking with that, I don't care about your mumbo jumbo. That goes for Karens with their angels and black girl magic equally.

Paternalism. Like that doesn't happen in all those wonderful, colourful cultures. Lol.

Yes, I will always and forever consider AAVE uneducated shitty trash ghetto for shitty trash ghetto people. Why? Because if I could learn proper English in Eastern Europe at age 15, then an actual American, who started learning at birth could do the same. Willful ignorance and being lazy means you are a worse human being.

Tone policing. Like libs do with literally every single word you can say, claiming increasingly smaller and more specific "groups" being hurt by it?

Racist jokes are on the same level as the KKK. I am dying.

BulbasaurusThe7th 9 points ago +9 / -0

This is the kind of weird shit I like to talk about at 2 am when I can't sleep and am getting incoherent.
I can do it for... 1B. Just hit me up, Trudeau, I am at your disposal and you are saving money.

BulbasaurusThe7th 12 points ago +12 / -0

Also, maybe the company didn't make it a foreign lib audience? Libs can say "UHM, it's not that my fetish piece about this one-legged Cherokee transautist lesbokin is bad, it's NOT FOR YOU", but they feel entitled to everything.

BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +7 / -0

Rereading the second Draconis Memoria novel by Anthony Ryan to be able to read the third one and actually understand what's going on. I love dragons. Anything that has them makes me automatically 300% more interested.

Recently got into Super Powereds, a story that started out as a web serial by Drew Hayes, but now you can buy it as a book series. It's about kids who go to college to become superheroes. It's like.... not the best written stuff ever, but it's easy and fun.
I'm done with the first two. They get longer and longer, the next one will be over 1000 pages, so I am hesitant to just start. The last will be almost 2000, holy shit.

BulbasaurusThe7th 40 points ago +40 / -0

We Are Done Dying? Ready to stop being gang shit, going on abortions like others go to the nail salon and doing fentanyl? No? Then you have made your choice.
Also, the peacefully protesting figure is kneeling in the middle of a store he looted for flat screens and sneakers?

BulbasaurusThe7th 15 points ago +15 / -0

Here is the thing. I don't trust journalists, ever. The people who gravitate towards being journalists seem to always be the type of people who are convinced they need to be heard, but are the people that should never get heard. It attracts personality disorders and shitty human beings.

BulbasaurusThe7th 32 points ago +32 / -0

Women communicate and socialize differently from men. Are you surprised that short, quippy, "believe me without sources", quick ideas, which become big based on your "friends" just +1-ing it without meaningful contribution are mostly the domain of a certain type of women? Anyone who ever had to interact with groups of teen girls knows that's how they function.

BulbasaurusThe7th 6 points ago +6 / -0

That person is jealous of your sister. "I would do much better if I just had what she has", which in itself is really disturbing. They believe black people only have one kind of experience in life.
Being black is one of the "oppression experiences" still not really okay to appropriate. You can lie about being disabled, you can pretend to be the other gender, you can even claim you are some nebulous "queer" to get on the gay gravy train. But blackness, with the exception of the egregious examples like Talcum X or Dolezal (who actually got backlash), is inaccessible.
So the spoilt liberals who never got told no just can't handle the fact they can't get this one thing.

BulbasaurusThe7th 14 points ago +14 / -0

Dat moment when the tolerant libturds of acceptance call you a nigger for daring to disagree.

BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +10 / -0

And even then, they can't really be trusted. Sure, they don't want to go to the gulag, but they also buy a bunch of it and will absolutely try to push some.
"Okay, okay, we also believe this is ridiculous.... but like we have to include this list of libtard ideas to be decent. You have to admit, it makes sense."

BulbasaurusThe7th 3 points ago +3 / -0

What cruelty is there in Bitcoin? Now I don't know much about it, but it's not like you have to murder people to get Bitcoin. What does this even mean??

BulbasaurusThe7th 2 points ago +2 / -0

Men in makeup, doing what not even pedophiles like Sartre and De Beauvoir could achieve. Lovely. Trannies are truly the next step in our evolution,

BulbasaurusThe7th 24 points ago +24 / -0

Hi, I'm poor Eastern European people.
Do fuck off, animal fucker. Also, turns out this one is another tranny. Why are perverts so obsessed with punk shit? Aren't they crusty enough already?
My poor person ass does hate perverted, bored guys who want to publicly perform their sexual fetishes and involve us, unwilling people in it.

Also, I work on stop being poor. I don't sit around at home, gobble titty skittles all day, then moan about being muh poor because no sane person wants me around.

BulbasaurusThe7th 19 points ago +19 / -0

Giving kids the right to trannify themselves at any age is one step away from no age of consent.

BulbasaurusThe7th 33 points ago +33 / -0

The left really cares about science and children.
They will kill themselves if you don't neuter them right away, they will get pregnant and die if schools don't teach them how to fist each other at age 12, but literally obstructing their free breathing and eliminating the face, one of the most important tools we use to communicate is like A+, great, must, or else you are evil?

Party of science. Common sense. The right side of history.

BulbasaurusThe7th 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm not saying it never happened or that I want you to share it.
(Then again, I am not saying I believe something I heard from someone who heard from someone who may or may not have seen it themselves. That's playing telephone.)

What I'm saying it is you try to make it sound like something a bunch believe and it's common knowledge and all, but it's a secret. That is dangerously close to trying to make us take your word for having issues with someone by making it sound believeable through "but a bunch of conservatives know this" without actual information.
Plus, without knowing details (which I do not ask for, again) I can't make up my mind if I would even be bothered by it. I have heard about him cheating on his wife/gf/significant ladaaaay at a convention. Which would be a scummy thing, but also not that ominous. I also don't consider celebrities sleeping with adult fans who willingly slept with them (no, I don't think they are victims, if you fall on famous dick because UWU celeb then you still willingly did it).

If he did something criminal then your friends are shit for not reporting to the police. An anime voice actor is not Vladimir Putin. He is not some super influential mafia boss, just a goofy celeb in a niche hobby.

BulbasaurusThe7th 6 points ago +6 / -0

It sounds weird to me that there are "plenty" but also it's not allowed to talk about it. How can be there plenty of people if we can't know?

BulbasaurusThe7th 5 points ago +5 / -0

Can I ask why? He looks goofy to me, subs>dubs always and forever, but other than that...?

BulbasaurusThe7th 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's not at all suspicious when a man keeps saying all men rape and need to die to turn out to be a perv. It must be the women lying.
Also, men need to protect other men who would throw them under the bus and do so every day, because what you guys need is being just as retarded as feminazis are.

BulbasaurusThe7th 9 points ago +9 / -0

Media people would do anything for their empty, shiny world. I have no love for any of them.
It's funny how in Hollywood everyone is a strawng womyn, but they are mentally brought into this cult where they would do anything just to be allowed to be actresses. They justify it by "but I want to act, it will make me happy for sure" when they are told to do disgusting things.

BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +7 / -0

From Correia, I loved his Grimnoir Chronicles the most. It's steampunk-ish alt history in the 1930s with superpowers. Which probably is not everyone's taste, but it was amazingly entertaining to me.

BulbasaurusThe7th 18 points ago +18 / -0

Also, why do it in the first place? A 5-year-old's need to perform in front of people and get attention can be fulfilled in ways that don't end with them being raped by producers, get groomed into having no self-worth or hangups about debasing themselves for money, get perverted stalkers who call themselves fans and fantasize about them online ("shippers"), lost privacy for life, getting addicted to meaningless, hedonistic luxury, develop mental health issues, get horrific "beauty" treatments done, etc.
Like what's wrong with small children performing on a small scale, things appropriate for their age (no sexual stuff, no horror, no psychologically fucked things, etc.), with other kids, in ways that don't impede on normal kid life?

Recently we had a child actor/performer on TV here. Now we are a small country, but she somehow ended up performing in some things alongside worldwide actors like Luke Evans, I think.
The kid doesn't fucking sound like a child. She sounds like a mini 30-something career woman and she is pre-puberty.

BulbasaurusThe7th 33 points ago +34 / -1

Then again, look at how many children got absolutely wrecked by Hollywood. Do you think children barely at puberty become addicts, overdose, kill themselves or just "magically" die of seriously fucked up shit because of no reason?
You can blame women for everything, from inflation to stubbing your toe, but a 12-year-old doesn't start doing drugs because of no reason. Again, you will come up with some convoluted story about how women are behind it all.

I specifically don't give a shit about Whedon. Like I don't give a fuck if he goes or stays. Now again, you will claim the New Vagina Order plan involves bullshit film people, when we have everything, from electron cheating and an overblown intentional virus to do whatever anyway.
The lunatic left already has government power.

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