BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +7 / -0

And they fucking ignore it anyways. They spy on kids, they abuse them if they are "privileged", they grade unequally, they spread propaganda, they punish the kids who go against it, they are political, they target kids with the personal information they find out about them, like when they find the kids with issues and convince them they must be transgender or whatever.

Are those skills of a good teacher? Telling white kids they are oppressors? Stalking the students online so they can convince them about self-mutilation intentionally behind their parents' backs?

BulbasaurusThe7th 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don't get me started on this. At my old workplace we were talking about our dogs. I said I took mine (a very small dog) on a nice, long walk. The weather was pretty dang hot and when we got home she just drank some water and went to sleep.
Then someone told me I was needlessly torturing my dog and I shouldn't do that to her, because it's not good she passed out when we got home. Funny enough, this person had two extremely destructive golden retrievers that just destroyed everything because they were bored.

BulbasaurusThe7th 1 point ago +1 / -0

I love baking and cooking and even when I was at my lowest, it helped . My peanut butter chocolate chip cookies always win.

At my workplace we regularly bring food or even cook here in the lab kitchen. They love my gyoza, I even knead the dough from scratch. Then I bring a bunch of them and cook them here, so they are fresh.

BulbasaurusThe7th 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh, thanks, I am doing much better now. Learning stuff really works for me, actually. Plus, with a lot of things i really had to push through. Like i used to be absolutely terrified of driving. I was forced to do it about a year ago and I just updated to a nicer car.

BulbasaurusThe7th 20 points ago +20 / -0

Too many people never physically create things, even though it's super satisfying. Especially the typical Reddit user, "intellectual" types, aka people who work in offices and live in big cities.

I saw some of them trying to convince each other how pills that make you feel absolutely dead are good and you just need to take them longer. They complained about being exhausted, drained, unmotivated, etc., but it's totes working. It made them unable to concentrate, some even said they can't work. But it must be working, y'all.
It reminds me of when vegans say hair loss, teeth just falling out and a loss of your period just means your body is detoxing.

BulbasaurusThe7th 8 points ago +8 / -0

So we just cancel it all because le consumerism?

Plus, it is easy for you to say cancel it all when you already are part of a group that is against it. That's like when lesbians say men are useless and we should all just eradicate men.

BulbasaurusThe7th 13 points ago +13 / -0

What's your issue with holidays? Tradition is something that means a lot to people. Special events give you excitement and good memories/feelings, things to look forward to, etc. They are a much needed change of pace.

BulbasaurusThe7th 17 points ago +20 / -3

And Jester shows up to call you a stormcuck in.... 3...2...1...

BulbasaurusThe7th 44 points ago +44 / -0

Just look at the leftists being criminally retarded. Look at the people they regularly defend, like terrorists and pedophiles and such. They are conditioned to think absolute retardation is normal.
They defended the black people who kidnapped and tortured a handicapped white dude on Facebook live. They themselves regularly admit to being insane and violent and evil online. They proudly post about their disturbing fetishes, their STDs, their abortions, their nasties secrets. They do those things and think it's normal.

The same with them not being capable of understanding why Kyle wanted to protect the property of someone else; they would never try to help a law abiding normal citizen. They would rather set his store on fire themselves than try helping.

BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +7 / -0

Okay, this is dumb.
We talked about her boyfriend shit because she dated a lot of men, it always went south and she wrote bitchy songs about all of them. It's the typical case of how if every single person you meet is an idiot... maybe it's you who is the problem.
She made all of it public, again and again. She profited from it. Now she does the typical feminazism and cries. Bitch, make music about something other than a penis you rode and why he was totally also an asshole/loser/idiot.

She and the article borth claim people would love her is she was a man. No, not so. Why? Because people would admit there is a pattern if all his exes are horrid.
People find her annoying because we are supposed to pretend she is some classy laday, meanwhile it's an MTV trash show, with more expensive clothes.

I also find it funny when celebs complain about scrutiny. They are welcome to work a normal job. Yes, I can have a fat ass and eat pizza... but I also don't earn even 1% of Swift's money. I also have to do things like clean the toilet, drag around huge bags of heavy shit, etc.
She decided she wanted to be a pop musician (fuck off with the "country" thing, she was always going for marketable girly shit). She did not quit. She is still in the music industry.

She is right, the media discusses men and women differently. She can cry like a pussy and they will think she is an idol. Men can't. She can claim someone touched her butt or she had an eating disorder and it's a big deal.
How do you think male celebs have those 0% body fat bodies? Is it healthy? No. They are not healthy at all.

The article moans about how celeb girlies fear being political, which they equate with being anti-Republican, because backlash. BULLSHIT, the whole media is libtards. They praise Taylor for taking the Dem dick.

Then this retarded journo bitch claims Taylor Swift defied expectations. Which ones? She is still photoshopped, still painted, with perfect hair, she sucks up to the left and claims to be such an oppressed feminist. She does exactly what the left expected of her.

BulbasaurusThe7th 25 points ago +25 / -0

White people are the only ones brainwashed into prioritising other races. I'm not saying people of different races can't care about each other on a personal basis.

But whites are expected to prioritise ANY non-white one without any personal knowledge of them. None of the others do. None.

BulbasaurusThe7th 16 points ago +16 / -0

I love the humbug leftie speech: women and also like other people who can get pregnant.
You mean.... more women?

But also, these stupid cunts worry about moving to Texas for work, but they refuse to not be dumb sluts. Just use protection and DO IT WELL, not willy-nilly whatevs. So many of these yass kween le science people are too stupid to follow instructions on the back of the packaging. And they claim sex education is lacking and that's why idiots get babies when big smart programmer women can't not be idiots about this.
Or... you know. They could also not be impulsive chimps. Just because a penis is around, doesn't mean you have to jump right at it. No, not even if he claims he is a feminist vegan. Even he can possibly get it up long enough to give you an autistic kid you can transition at age 3.

How many bloody times can a woman truly need an abortion? They talk like it's freaking insulin they need every day to survive. If you are constantly in danger of being pregnant, you are doing something wrong.

BulbasaurusThe7th 15 points ago +15 / -0

They are leftists, they think they are right because they are Le Good People. Also, started a conversation.

BulbasaurusThe7th 50 points ago +50 / -0

Ah, so now rape is good for punishment. Is it the same for women who do horrible things? Let me guess, no. For them, being locked up to get constantly raped is cruel and unusual punishment, but hey, leftist bitches like this one have no spine.

These supposedly caring and loving people also show how they don't care about others when they claim there is NO WAY someone would show up to protect others. They themselves would never. They claim they care and more than willing to complain on social media in the name of every minority, but they would never actually defend them.
Just shows who the shitty people are.

BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +11 / -1

They were cancer, they became AIDS. I'm a poet too, my man.

BulbasaurusThe7th 6 points ago +6 / -0

Pleb is still alive? NOICE.

BulbasaurusThe7th 5 points ago +5 / -0

Japanese women still have shame.

BulbasaurusThe7th 20 points ago +20 / -0

Ahhh, another woman who pretends to be an anime boy. Good to know they are all fetishist fujoshit bitches.

BulbasaurusThe7th 19 points ago +19 / -0

Fuck both of them. The dude is an absolute pervert and the girl is obviously a libtard idiot, so they deserve each other. I wish them a long and fucking miserable life.

At least so far they didn't have a child to corrupt with this shit, but looking at the girl with the feminazi-red lipstick and the fact they have some shitty band, she looks like an abortion haver instead, so at least that's good.

Then again, any woman who is with a troon is basically an idiot. Like he is your parody, an offensive fetishist nightmare. You want that? Smart. I would fucking kill myself if I had to listen to some lispy-falsetto-upspeak fuckery every day of my life.

BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +10 / -0

Ah, so this week the leftoid nutters think that's wrong. Then I tell them they are wrong and suddenly I need to get raped to learn how to behave. Just like right wing politicians and their families need to be raped too for the lulz.
Now is rape wrong or not according to them?

Also, that's not caused by climate change, but by open borders and the third world illegal scum. So there is that. But I am sure the people who idolised a child raping terrorist even back home were totally just driven to rape here because of Muh Climate.

Leftists like this are mentally ill, it's clear to see based on the deranged shit they fantasize about. It's especially sick how this piece of garbage was written to "educate" kids. They emotionally and mentally abuse children to become their henchmen, the crippled, unstable freaks who do their bidding. They do it with vegan/enviromental shit, when kids grow up with this constant idea about certain doom.

BulbasaurusThe7th 32 points ago +32 / -0

He is a Christian and he is the exact opposite of what they think of Christians. They can't allow a healthy, beautiful, funny, happy, wealthy, wholesome, friendly person be the Christian people know. They will think you can be all the good things while being Christian. It could give them the idea that Christians are not ugly, evil, stupid people who lynch you for being a woman with short hair or being some ambiguous brown person!

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