BulbasaurusThe7th 2 points ago +2 / -0

And they are not happy about that part. Like they talk about how it's a bit of a necessary evil. Later books also have the specific conflict between people who just hunt monsters vs the people who do it for the government.

BulbasaurusThe7th 1 point ago +1 / -0

I made hotteok because of your comment. It's good stuff. :D

BulbasaurusThe7th 52 points ago +52 / -0

I read the actual article.
They had things like the baby already being dead. Which doesn't fucking count.

But there was one that fucked me up. The man had drinking issues. He got arrested for being drunk with friends, but was allowed to leave without issue.
His bitch of a wife found out she was pregnant, but aborted it because he was an alcoholic.
She literally punished the baby because she picked a drunkard. The guy is supposedly okay now and they are together. I don't understand why. If you do that, at least be a big girl and leave him, instead of blaming him forever for this.

Another thing that comes up multiple times is "she had an abortion, we wouldn't be together now if she didn't have it before". Like fuck off. She had to perform a baby sacrifice so you can simp for her stupid ass forever? Hoooo, boy.

BulbasaurusThe7th 4 points ago +4 / -0

You can make it, it's super easy and you can buy everything at any Asian grocery store. They don't even take long.
I personally do it in my air fryer, but you can use a pan. Message me if you decide to try, I can walk you through it. :D

BulbasaurusThe7th 9 points ago +9 / -0

After we moved away, my friend sent me some notification email from the Swedish police telling people which places are sketchy AF. Our old home was one. :D

Malmö is a meme, with Arabs throwing grenades through windows.

BulbasaurusThe7th 11 points ago +11 / -0

Stockholm. One of those neighbourhoods out in Botkyrka everyone knows are no go now, but you can't say it.
We have had cars set on fire by Arab youth gangs under our living room window and such. It was.... fun?

BulbasaurusThe7th 9 points ago +9 / -0

(You just reminded me to make sotteok-sotteok later this weekend :P)

I never asked to be given this role. But I am the kind of stubborn asshole who can't just be made to participate in stupid stuff. If I was interested in being popular, I would do that.

BulbasaurusThe7th 23 points ago +23 / -0

I used to be super jealous of you guys before I moved there.
The Swedish friend I lived with used to be in a friend group with a bunch of artsy people. I've always been interested in arts, like painting and such, but my working class, Eastern European family couldn't just let me become a starving illustrator or something.
In contrast to that, a bunch of the Swedish people from that group went to art school, had gallery shows, did those art zines together, etc.
But then I realised, they just farted away those opportunities. They spent their expensive college years doing weed and joining feminist clubs when they had animation studios at their disposal.
They refused to develop skill sets that can be useful and earn you money because they had the luxury of not having to be marketable.

BulbasaurusThe7th 41 points ago +41 / -0

I don't think I'm a radical anything. If anything, I'm an extremely low key person. If anything, I hate the fact that I have to talk about politics and know about this shit and all. I'm not above average intelligence, I just want to stay home, bake cookies, read my books and pet my dog.

The thing that made me realise that the left is absolutely fucked was living in Sweden for some time.
You know how they say you are a small town bigot who never saw the world? I did live abroad, I speak multiple languages and learning another right now, I read a fuckton, I dated foreigners, I did all the things they like to say would "cure" me.

And Sweden still made me realise that libtard shit makes people aimless, unsatisfied, scared, unsure, unhealthy and just generally failed human beings.
And that's ignoring the third world menace.
Now if we were on Reddit, some liberal or even a Swede on copium would show up and tell me about those bullcrap "studies" about life quality. What they ignore is that a Swede would NEVER tell some random researcher that they are deeply unhappy. Sure, maybe they would say they think homos don't get enough free things and "racism is still an issue" or whatever is trendy, but you don't see all the unhappy yung people hopped on antidepressants (If anything, that would be a positive in the study, because HURRR, healthcare), drinking themselves into an early grave, feeling lonely, isolated, without an actual identity that's not about fitting into some socjuc cult, etc.

BulbasaurusThe7th 4 points ago +5 / -1

Riiight, her making cheap romantic movies is the smoking gun, completely different story! Women, having their cheap fun?? PFFFFT, no, we need to be locked up in the basement.
No, I don't fucking know what you mean, it makes zero sense. You don't have to like romantic movies. God knows I hate them.

You have phases, you find one woman and blame her for literally fucking everything ever. You bring her up in totally unrelated topics. We could be talking about the best way to make an omlette and you just barge in and keep repeating your current obsession in a very autistic way, even if it's totally irrelevant.

Unlike me. Right. I want to be worshipped. Yes. Imma call the people who actually know me, we are going to have a good laugh about that.
You don't want to be king, you just regularly manic mumble about how the world will beg for men like you to rule us all, because you are doing shit so great, but then you will say NO, because you hate women so much. Like... really?

I don't fucking know what ConPro is, so there is that. But also, your crazy is showing when your reaction to people letting you know you're making no sense is "T-this is just shills, all assembled to take ME down".

BulbasaurusThe7th 11 points ago +13 / -2

Same. He always gets obsessed with a certain woman and just rants about her. He had a phase with von der Leyen, one with that Carrie woman from the UK, recently with Sally Miller Gearhart.
He also REALLY hates Elon Musk, so much so he recently said him having a sister is one of the reasons we can't trust him.
Then there are the weird fantasies about how the world will collapse and he will Scar-from-The-Lion-King refuse help to begging women who just want him to be their new lord or some shit.
He regularly claims things like all creepy ass rapey pedo troons are just feminist hoaxes. Generally denies every single bad thing that happened to a woman. Literally, everything, it's always just so unbelievable for him.
Oh, and the weird troonerism ideology is the fault of SMG alone and women also. Ignoring people like... Magnus Hirschfeld, Alfred Kinsey, John Money...

But THE BEST was when he claimed Ukrainian refugee women are assassins sent by Lithuania to kill men. I will never stop finding that hilariously mental.

BulbasaurusThe7th 23 points ago +23 / -0

I have said this multiple times and libtards still don't get it.
If someone breaks in, with that act, the person automatically proved they don't care about the rules. They don't care about me as a person or my safety.
What tells you they don't not care just enough to steal my laptop, but still care enough to not rape and murder me??

BulbasaurusThe7th 13 points ago +13 / -0

A couple days ago a troon on reddit moaned at me because I said there is no romantic compatibility if I don't like their genitals.
It said may people claim to not he in troons, but those people just need to meet the right troon to learn to like it.

BulbasaurusThe7th 4 points ago +4 / -0

OH MY GOD. They are that kind of people. The type who also like names like Kinsley and Brayden.

BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +10 / -0

Especially if you are so freaked out about the possibility. Like I would assume that if it was a one time whoopsie, they would know and care.

But let's be real, both of these idiots were doing stupid shit regularly, they just got lucky until now.

BulbasaurusThe7th 19 points ago +19 / -0

I swear to god, they worked so hard to make me feel pity for these assholes.

Belle is a fucktard because she doesn't know how babies are made and also, because she doesn't know how SAVINGS work. Yes, we all are saving up for something. Then unexpected shit happens and we have to touch our savings some.
I got fired during rona. I was saving up for a car as well. But that had to wait, because life happened. Or does it count only when you fuck irresponsibly? Oh, gotcha.

Jane is a fucktard because she is nearing thirty and is on a 7 year student visa in the US and still not fucking done. Sounds like an illegal to me, if not right now, then soon enough. Bitch is never leaving.
If you are in such a precarious situation, maybe learn to fuck in a safe way? Or maybe concentrate on all the shit in your life for a little???

BulbasaurusThe7th 15 points ago +15 / -0

As a toddler, I would go around and just rip off my clothes when my parents didn't watch me for 2 seconds.
So glad they weren't middle class bleeding heart American cunts.

BulbasaurusThe7th 15 points ago +15 / -0

Ryland is also the doucheyest yuppie name ever. Tells me a lot about this family.

BulbasaurusThe7th 16 points ago +16 / -0

Social media is not the law. This is why I automatically ignore people accusing others on Twitter, but refuse to do it legally.

BulbasaurusThe7th 4 points ago +5 / -1

Didn't he selectively edit vids to hide the fact Jeffrey Star knew his old friend was raping little girls?

BulbasaurusThe7th 9 points ago +9 / -0

Maybe she is not trying to convince people, but I 100% think it helps her fit in with other activists. It's retarded, but the victim/protestor/activist "industry" needs you to be a certain way.

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