Beeriswet 1 point ago +1 / -0

W4 Ciri really needs darker eyebrows, she looks like she almost has no eyebrows at all while the other Ciri has sexy dark eyebrows.

Beeriswet 2 points ago +3 / -1

I hated how 99% of the women there dressed like they were strippers. There was hardly any woman who wasnt showing off her tits and legs. At some points it was really hard to focus on the games and the developers when every woman was begging for chads to notice them and have an orgy right there in front of everyone.

And that's the problem. Sexy video game girls are meant for every man. But those women want only top chads to notice them while 99% of the screen was covered by their half-naked body.

And you can bet those exact same halfnaked whores are the ones who censor mature rated games by giving every succubus clothes that cover their full torso and tits smaller than a rat's balls.

Beeriswet 3 points ago +3 / -0

The retardation continues. Now they have switched from "the black man is too old and american" to "okay, he is young enough and british, but he is too good looking and non-greasy". Yeah, we can make Heather Ledger in a 2008 movie have a green greasy hair and ugly face, but not a black man in a tv series that starts filming in 2025.

I'm sorry Alan Rickman. Your fans of 20 years instantly abandoned you and started implying that you were an ugly, greasy man, instead of just admitting that they dont want a black person to play Snape.

They'll gladly sacrifice their own in an effort to not seem racist, even though it's not even racist to want a white character be played by a white man. That's like saying it is sexist to want Snape to be played by a man.


Beeriswet 7 points ago +7 / -0

Edit: Fuck, I just googled he is British. So redditors were lying when they complained that he is American. Makes it even more hilarious.

The reddit threads are hilarious:

"I love his skin color and I don't mind him being played by a black person, but but but isn't he errhhh a bit too old. How old is he? Is he younger than Alan Rickman was? Shit, I dont know...a-and and.... I mean...ehh... AMERICAN! THAT'S IT, HE IS TOO AMERICAN!!!! I'm not a racist, black people should be allowed to play all the white characters, but Americans shouldn't!".

"I'm not a racist, blacks should be allowed to play white people, but Americans shouldn't!." Reddit logic. Kek kek.

I love how almost all people said Alan Rickman was perfect for Snape, but after casting a black character, everyone suddenly agrees Alan Rickman was "too old". A week ago you'd have gotten 50 downvotes for every upvote if you said Alan Rickman shouldn't have been casted as Snape because the book Snape was 20-30 years younger than him.

Some people even said "blacks playing as white people is right and good, but it's wrong to cast them unless the directors personally protect them from racist internet comments. Think how their feelings will be hurt!" as if the black people didn't know what they signed up for. You agree to play a white person, you agree to get hated.

ROFLMAO! HEY REDDITORS! Grow a pair and just admit that it's mainly because he is black. Dude is younger than their beloved worshipped Alan Rickman was in the first movie (and makeup exists) plus some Americans can do good British accents (I dont know if he can).

Wonder what their excuse would have been if they had casted a black 30 year old British? "He isn't a real wizard"? Heh heh heh!

Beeriswet 26 points ago +26 / -0

Yeah, leftists are constantly changing their opinions on what's racist and sexist so of course they can't live in peace. Today you'll be called a racist for giving a black kid water melons and tomorrow you'll be called a racist for not giving the kid water melons. And the day after tomorrow you will be cancelled for being friends with a guy whose great grandmas teacher had a bunny named after a German river. You can never guess what will trigger a leftist next.

Beeriswet 6 points ago +6 / -0

You will learn on true crime forums when you are old enough to visit one.

Beeriswet 4 points ago +4 / -0

Women: Stop blaming us! How could we have known our new shared boyfriend Chad the serial killer who we broke out of prison was evil! Us women are easily manipulated and fooled!

Also foids: Stop telling us what to do! A woman can make her own decisions! We'll go and vote for Chad the d.EVIL, he's handsome and has a sexy low voice so he's definitely a good person unlike Brad the b.EST p.RESIDENT who's balding and has prey eyes.

Beeriswet 17 points ago +17 / -0

Monkey armor looks so good

Beeriswet 4 points ago +4 / -0

I hate how you cant say anything without an autistic sociopathic crazy trans getting offended and shaming youm

Someone's dog was killed by a wolf? First there will be a few normal sorry messages and then the last and most upvoted one will be "all wolves are good, who cares if your dog got killed, try to think how us autistic furries and wolves feel, I also checked your post history and found out your exgirlfriend's cat was a Russian breed and your 3 year old niece doesnt wear pink frilly miniskirts. Thats transphobic, hope you get banned and jailed for your evil you worst human being in history. Learn some shame and humility!!!"

And then you cant use your account anymore because theyll stalk your account and massdownvote every post you make.

Beeriswet 2 points ago +2 / -0

She sounds cute in the original. In the new version she sounds like an evil queen. Too commanding and cold.

Beeriswet 4 points ago +4 / -0

I see.

I always appreciate most men's honesty and straightforwardness.

Beeriswet 2 points ago +2 / -0

Now the transhag stopped replying to me claiming I have a superioty syndrome after I tried to have a polite conversation with her.

Funny how it goes...

White cishetero: I exist and use logic. Transcrone: REEE! You have a superioty complex!!! I: Doesn't that mean you see trans and POC as inferior? Transhag: REEE! No logic!!!

Beeriswet 5 points ago +5 / -0

Of course. She might have also called me a racist sexist trashphobic for having an ablebodied profile pic

Beeriswet 4 points ago +4 / -0

I meant SJWs would get triggered, I didn't lol, I'm not a SJW

Beeriswet 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know a native Nordic person who has red hair so totally not impossible for non-Irish to have red hair even though it's extremely rare.

Red hair is pretty, shame media erases it.

Beeriswet 5 points ago +6 / -1

What does assume with handshake mean? Google didn't tell.

You mean assume things at first meeting before getting to know the person better?

Beeriswet 4 points ago +4 / -0

You said some very sjw-triggering yet correct words.

It's nice how people aren't afraid of facts on this side of the Internet. There's nothing shameful or wrong about being middleaged, contrary to what sjw people think.

Beeriswet 3 points ago +3 / -0

Women say they want us to treat them like the way we treat human men, yet like you said, they 'd rather want to be seen as like immortal eternally young hot elves.

Beeriswet 9 points ago +9 / -0

I always forget that word exists! Will use it the next time - which hopefully won't come soon. What I am saying. Most sjw are fertile for all kinds of triggering 30 days a month.