ApexVeritas 20 points ago +20 / -0

EU governments use "asian" as a way to hide criminal identities and obfuscate crime stats, to make it harder for White people to identify who is hurting us. The U.S. government does the same thing by grouping Hispanic people in with "White" in crime stats.

ApexVeritas 10 points ago +10 / -0

He did ask the ConPro mods. Our responses were pretty much all the same: "hire more mods to keep moderating active throughout the day."

ApexVeritas 7 points ago +7 / -0

A new profile/user, denoted by the handshake icon next to their name. Since this is a relatively small niche forum on an already small niche site, the vast majority of handshakes are alts and/or subversives, trolls, and shills.

ApexVeritas 9 points ago +9 / -0

Pretty sure all the good devs that worked there, that made Witcher 1, 2, and 3, have all moved on. The company was taken over by globohomo. It's not even the same company, as the people are completely different. They're wearing CDPR as a skinsuit.

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

Keep in mind that the people in power can print money, and lie about everything. They pay people to protest on their behalf, with pre printed signs, to make it seem like the public supports their positions. There are a lot of normie puppets out there, but not nearly as many as you're made to believe.

The lesson is simple: stop trusting known liars. They lie to us about everything.

ApexVeritas 9 points ago +9 / -0

I'm going to have to disagree with the other replies you got. While incompetence is a major factor in what we're seeing, I'm almost positive the foundational factor here is malice. They wanted this murderer to escape, to cause more havoc against native Germans. Just like how they claim "we don't have enough prison space" for non-white criminals, giving them extremely light sentencing for horrific crimes, or letting criminals out of prison early, if Whitey dares to resist one iota against globohomo genociding his people, the state will fast track him through a clown court, throw the book at him, erect as many new prisons as needed, and lock him away forever.

Incompetence and greed don't explain what we're seeing. They're playing a part, but they're not the primary motivator. If it was greed, they wouldn't waste billions and trillions on ventures that lose them money, repeatedly, especially in light of alternatives which have shown to make them more money. If it was incompetence, we'd see variation in decisions, results, ideas, policies, philosophies, and behaviors. We're not. All of what we're seeing is identical, all over the planet, and for the same purposes: the extermination of White people everywhere, using open borders and mass non-white immigration, while weakening and controlling us in every conceivable way so we don't fight back and stop them. It's the Kalergi plan.

We're already well past the point of the inverse of Hanlon's razor being true:

"Never attribute to incompetence what is more accurately described as malice."

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ah, yes, you're right.

I was more referring to the fact that the Bible didn't explicitly outlaw transgenderism, using clear, modern language, leaving zero doubt for such adherents. Many people, including Christians, misinterpret the Bible to mean what they want it to mean, to make themselves feel better, to justify their sins. I suppose, though, it wouldn't matter how well articulated the Bible is for those people. It would never be enough for them.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's philosophically indistinguishable.

If one can argue the sexes are a social construct, then they can argue race is a social construct. For reference, they already argue for both, even though both are false, and both differences are caused by genetic differences. Race, however, is a special case, because they still think White people, and "Whiteness", are inherently evil, so they're less likely to accept race as a social construct when it comes to White people, whom they deem as evil, colonizers, Nazis, racists, etc.

ApexVeritas 4 points ago +4 / -0

The Constitution and Bill of Rights are just pieces of paper. People only have rights if they fight for them. We deserve what we tolerate, and only keep what we fight for.

ApexVeritas 5 points ago +6 / -1

They've been using AI to populate Harris campaign rallies with people. It wouldn't be beyond their means or willingness to AI the president. Also, there's a decent conspiracy theory that many of the last few presidents all had doppelgangers, for various speculated purposes. There's plenty of photos circulating that the various Bidens look quite different.

ApexVeritas 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've heard that the next planned protest/riot by the White dissidents is this Saturday. I guess we'll find out this weekend.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, according to the propaganda race is only skin deep, and a social construct. So, I propose Stiller get a full body tattoo to dye his skin brown. I'm sure it will go over well.

ApexVeritas 16 points ago +16 / -0

She looks like one.


Ears below the eye line, and hawkish face, particularly when smiling.


She admits her grandfather "survived" the HallofCost.

I think this is another case of "every single time".

ApexVeritas 14 points ago +14 / -0

The people in power have zero qualms with building chain link open air prisons, you know, to house the "extremists" and bringing in UN "peace keeping" forces to implement this plan.

Their excuse "we don't have the prison spaceor personnel to enforce the law was only an excuse for stopping non-white crime. These new measures will only be used against White people. The rapidity with which the media and government are reacting, considering their previous non reactions to BLM, antifa, and Muslim riots, should be another massive clue as to how much they've been lying to us, and how much they hate us.

ApexVeritas 10 points ago +11 / -1

Many of the theological battles today are over the fundamental natural patterns and duties the Bible simples assumes. Blank slate biblicists have a hard time with this.

Good point. The Bible, and almost all older texts, philosophers, and theologians never anticipated the world would get as insane as it currently is. Much of their writings are based on basic assumptions, that they assume the reader would also know. For example, the Bible doesn't explicitly condemn transgenderism, but, it didn't need to be said.

Many Christians today forget that are two works of God. The Bible, and the universe itself. Truth is inlaid in both. Acting in accordance with truth results in success and life. Acting is discordance with truth results in failure and death. The Bible doesn't contain the sum total of all information, truth, and logic. It would need to be infinitely big to do so. But, we don't need it to be. We have the universe itself to learn from. Even atheists and agnostics are capable of learning God's will, so long as they remain logically sound and consistent (i.e. in accordance with the laws of the universe). So, if a Biblical passage doesn't make sense in relation to the basic logic of the universe itself, it probably means the passage is being misinterpreted in some way. Or, if a Biblical passage doesn't exist to explain a basic truth, it's probably because it's assumed the reader should already know it.

ApexVeritas 5 points ago +5 / -0

I disagree.

The entire West needs to do that.

ApexVeritas 7 points ago +7 / -0

Same. Normies in real life have no idea how to respond when you say something like "yeah, I am, so what?" They get even more flustered when you explain the insane hypocrisy of racism, that every other race is allowed to be so, and is, but White people are somehow forbidden, or the massive disparity in crime statistics, or any aspect of the Kalergi plan and how the natural rights of White people have been stripped away. If you explain it logically and reasonably, most will want to agree with you, but will usually revert to MSM talking points to refute anything you're saying. Given how ridiculously easy it is to refute the MSM, counterpoints can be quickly provided, leading to even more normie bluescreen.

If they're a decent/logical person, at all, they'll remember what you've said, and you can push the topics further in subsequent conversations. The best inroads I've been able to make lately is with the extremely obvious demonization of White people in media, like with race swapping.

ApexVeritas 11 points ago +11 / -0

At first I vociferously denied it. Then I became numb to it. Then I began to question it. Now I accept it.

Congrats lefties and puppet masters. You used the term so much that many of us are now proud racists, and our numbers keep growing. Every time the word is thrown around by a useful idiot, every time a normie recoils at being called it, when they should be enraged every second of every day by the nigh countless crimes and injustices committed against us, it only reinforces the truth.

ApexVeritas 4 points ago +4 / -0

Where have these right wing normies been? 4chan/pol has been brigaded heavily since 2016, and got progressively worse until 2020. The forum has been mostly useless for quite a while. The people in power realized how effective the forum was at research and had to either get rid of the site or brigade it. They chose the latter, and at the same time r/conspiracy started getting brigaded. Those were two big places where pizzagate was being heavily investigated.

ApexVeritas 8 points ago +8 / -0

Collapse will absolutely result in that, and almost the entire planet is headed toward collapse. In fact, it will result in things far more than what u/censorshiphell wants.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's also the notorious social decadence of the late-republic, until the fall of the empire, you pointed at in your comment.

Some of that is due to the natural rise and fall of civilizations. When civilizations get really big and successful, they're able to erect numerous barriers between themselves and nature. The most prominent examples are Rome and Western civilization (right now). At first it's done to protect the tribe, to better enable them to survive, to help their children survive, to survive against exposure, predation, starvation, and the like. Then, as our basic needs are met, the barriers become more nuanced, and less needed

At the peak of civilization, the greater number of parasites/takers/hypocrites/leeches, who grow fat on the ever diminishing number of good people/taxpayers. The parasites demand ever more barriers, and state (taxpayer) provided things, which right now they call "rights". In reality, it's just an ever growing demand for more and more comforts, so at some point they'll just be able to stay in bed, watch TV, be fed and cared for, all at someone else's expense. As this parasitical behavior and population grows, the good people will either drop out of society, become a parasite themselves, flee to somewhere else, or try to fight back. In any case, it will inevitably lead to civilizational collapse, as there's too many parasites, and not enough host to prop up the ever lopsided system.

It's easily summed up by Kant's categorical imperative: act in a way you wish that action to become universal, meaning everyone acted that way. That metric makes it really easy to figure out what works and what doesn't, what's moral and what's not, what succeeds and what fails. A system of parasites will destroy itself. Civilization can only persist, grow, maintain itself, and prosper when its people are good.

Any way, over time, these barriers built into civilization enable stupidity, lies, and degeneracy to take hold, grow, and prosper. Those barriers, literally and physically, prevent nature from properly punishing the bad, rooting it out, and working as a preventative to keep it from occurring in the first place. As easy examples, feminism and Reddit soys can't survive in a civilizational collapse. They'll revert to truth, or immediately be killed. Modern lies can only maintain themselves under the umbrella of protection of comfortable civilization. They can't survive in nature.

However, to connect it back to my previous comment, a lot of those falsehoods, lies, and degeneracies which peak civilization allows, are often taken advantage of, and pushed by malicious forces, who can use those things to gain more power, or to pursue evil ends. This is precisely what the people in power are currently doing. They're using the lies and degeneracy as just another control mechanism, even though they believe in it themselves, to keep the populace weakened and controlled, so we don't fight back.

ApexVeritas 7 points ago +7 / -0

Way earlier than that. The people that formed the Frankfurt school, and who took over all of academia, were the same people who pushed the degeneracy in Weimar Germany. Gays, lesbians, trans (and surgeries), incest, porn, prostitution, pedophilia, all of it was done back then. After WW2, it was closeted for a while until they could slowly brainwash the public to tolerate their degeneracy. We already have the mainstream right wing accepting the trans stuff. We're well on our way to full blown open pedophilia. Open satanism, occult ritual, public torture, murder, and genocide is right after that.

There's a good theory that these are the same people the Bible talks about who inhabited ancient Canaan and Babylonia, who practiced Saturn worship (Remphan, Moloch, Baal, Chiun, Kiyyun, etc.). Another name for Saturn is Helel, translated to Lucifer in the Vulgate Bible. Satan used to be associated with Venus (Lucifer means morning star), but later was ascribed to Saturn, as it was the farthest visible planet from the sun. Saturn occult practices and behaviors are nearly identical to today (sexual degeneracy, child murder, ritual sacrifice, blood magic, sex magic, etc.). They even use the same symbolism (golden bull, star of Remphan, goat heads, trans idols, etc.). So, if this theory is true, it's well over 2000 years of this behavior from the same people.

ApexVeritas 15 points ago +15 / -0

Even God/Jesus doesn't forgive people who don't repent. Also, repentance isn't just saying "I'm sorry". It's actively trying to no longer commit that sin. We all fall short, but just saying sorry isn't enough.

On earth, forgiving people who are unrepentant, evil, and hate you, is the path of a suicidal fool.

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