I had high hopes for Once Human.
They believe the military and government will be on their side.
It used to be a really cool place.
Anth 101 has an entire section on how badly people screw up. Jokes are told, and we point out the mistakes. Those same students then do it.
It's like telling a guy his girlfriend is crazy, he might agree, but he's not learning by advice.
Which is why we demand they study the culture for two years. The first year will be bad anyway.
Assassination attempt!
Dang it, hit submit and then saw the mistake
I assure you, this man has Bolos.
Ranchers are basically the symbol of Argentina. The Gaucho is a national symbol of independence and bravery.
Asados as far as the eye can see.
It would be really weird to flee back to Argentina.
You didn't release Sargeant?
Admiral Shih Tzu is... Ok he's taking a nap.
Meddling internet weirdos.
We need a dog. A pretty good Dane would work. Not a great one...
Just the part where melkor tries to take over the creation and uses all of it to his own will, because he cannot create his own.
I hope she tries to resist arrest.
As a foster parent, and as a kid who grew up around various rough areas, I hope she resists arrest in a rich neighborhood. That child will be raised by the state soon, and that women will die by cop.
Well, lefty Orlando is angry that Trump is doing well. Even ghetto trash superstars are saying they want him to win.
I've been holding back because people have been complaining about it. These are more within the conversation.
Laughs in German and Danish.
Obligatory response of "moved to Florida but still friends"
And a win.
He's not John Wayne and talks about his feelings.
Basically, he fits into the girly manga love stories.
The guy who created Supernatural created this? They jumped the rails around season 3, but it was amazing the first two seasons. Supernatural that is.
Thank you Basilisk
Sadly, rural areas have their own problems to meth with.
Drug cartels and the war on terrorism wish to counter that argument.