Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

The gameplay was decidedly meh with only a couple of fights really standing out.

Unfortunately this applies to most open world games. I'd describe its main rival (BotW) similarly, though that one has great writing and characters to make up for it. What it comes down to usually is if those fights are good enough to justify everything in between, travel, prep, grinding to get to and beat them.

Which, based on the words of people I know who don't get into the political side of these things, the game did succeed at.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

Funny how you can't even say who is my "queen"

Of course I can't, I don't know you and I am making a generalized statement based on your feverish reaction that you have an attachment to your oshi that made you offended by my statements against the industry.

Is there any way I could conterargue without you simply dismissing me as a simp?

You could have tried not insulting me from the get go and then trying to paint me as X and Y because I made a statement about weebs being prone to obsessive consuming regarding their waifus (whether 2d or vtuber).

Because lord knows only in 2024 would that somehow be a controversial statement.

But as you said, we aren't going to have any further constructive discussion. I appreciate you acknowledging that and I wish you a good day as well man.

Adamrises 9 points ago +10 / -1

Far as I keep hearing the game itself is a lot of "pretty good, wish it had more to it (like more dinos)" while everyone constantly talks about its characters and story which is the weakest part of it.

Like, a game where you shoot giant robo dinosaurs in an open world should be the biggest fact of any game. Instead they want to talk about the dumpy ginger lead.

Adamrises 31 points ago +31 / -0

The fact that their own golems are constantly turning around and attacking them would be endlessly amusing if we weren't the collateral damage caught in the endless crossfire.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

It is, but the fact that Jews and Asians are regularly the top of the list on IQ should tell you that its not as simple as "attractiveness and IQ are correlated, end of." Because both, if you remove the factor of job/money from the equation due to that's coloring effect, will regularly be mid-low on attractiveness scales in most societies.

So the "trade off" cope is likely equally as off base as the "smart people are also hot" one.

In the case of attractive women, I'd wager that, IQ or not, they never had to work as hard to achieve the same results due to being hotter and getting higher marks off that fact. Leaving them in reality dumber despite their capability once that was taken away, even if they could achieve much higher marks if given those tools and experiences.

Adamrises 4 points ago +7 / -3

Its the same old "he did a thing we don't like, everything else he did is forgotten now and he is no better than the opposition."

Like, this is a pretty bad thing and he deserves every bit of pushback on it, but people can't seem to separate that from a Leftist REEEEE response they feel compelled on.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do you know how paragraphs work?

I do, that's why I separated the two statements into two separate sections. One refers to the men who consume it, the other to the women who supply it. If you want to respond to a specific piece then quote that, don't quote one and then say you were referring to the one before it.

What are you even trying to argue here?

Its pretty simply, read it slowly instead of getting super mad that you felt personally attacked by me calling you a simpish weeb consuming an opiate.

And no, I don't think they should. I could explain it in detail, but considering you can't follow basic statements without getting mad you'll just end up frothing that I insulted your queen somehow, whoever she is.

And there's the tradcon response, you know which site you are posting this to, right?

A place formed about video game drama that I, a former /b/tard and lifelong weeb, have been on since formation of the original KIA. I'm the furthest thing from what a tradcon would approve of.

I've also just lived through enough "culture wars" to know that there is more than one cancer going at any given time.

Adamrises 16 points ago +16 / -0

Professors in these specific fields don't make a lot of money. The majors they are teaching basically prepare you to turn around and come back to teach it, so the supply is too high for them to get paid good like the Researchers or STEM profs do. Unless they teach for a higher end university of course.

But of course, the fact that they teach a course that's entire purpose is to spend money on a "we are teaching you so you can teach someone else to teach someone else" cycle is lost on them. As its only something that could exist in capitalism.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

How is this a neutral statement?

Because that's not the statement I was referring to, I was referring to the literal thing you quoted which was completely neutral in tone.

Its also my entire point, its one of the major barriers to streaming removed (appearance, dress and hygiene) which lowers the bar of success in their minds, while offering the same level of power and income as one of those Pokimane types. Its why there are so many failing shittubers littering every platform.

Just the fact that there is a place that isn't flooded by idpolitics is a plus

There are more problems in life than just the Woke axis.

Adamrises 16 points ago +17 / -1

And "High IQ just makes you better than everyone else" is just cope made by Jews to pretend the neuroticism and mental illness that it also correlates with is just them being better than everyone. Considering the Psychology field was founded by and ran by Jews for basically its entire existence, that's probably not even a joke entirely.

Correlation is a very specific term to denote that "there is a relationship here somewhere" without saying there is a specific causation happening. That correlation could literally be "higher IQ parents feed their kids healthier meals" or that "Attractive parents have better careers giving their kids more opportunities in school to reach their potential."

Correlation is the same as statistics, it tells you very little but putting it into a sentence lies through implications and simplification.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

You say he is this huge problem

Again, did nothing of the sort. I used him as an example that everyone recognizes in both celebrity status and a type of rhetoric. And I did so because the guy I was responding to, before you jumped in, was repeating the same type of doom, gloom, and division without offering any action beyond whining.

Fuentes himself is a loser with a dwindling base, but the type of idiot he exemplifies are in every single facet of the Right wing. From the antisemites to the antifeminists. Him failing doesn't mean we shouldn't be wary of that type, anymore than the Dems losing means we can stop watching them.

We do need the threat of losing our votes to pressure the right into doing something useful for once or to just organize outside of the mainstream.

Never said anything to the contrary. You just took "calm down" to mean "and carry on." But if the end result to them losing our vote means giving the Dems more power, I consider that a worse scenario both in the short and long term.

Because, again, no one has explained how giving Harris the win is more beneficial on any of the issues they are upset about Trump on. Which is where my issue always falls.

What percentage of your policy preferences do you expect Trump to implement?

Probably less than a quarter if he keeps all his promises and plans. That's not an knock against him, its because my policies are well beyond the Right wing's current ability to even entertain. Go back to my earlier point outlining some of them. But if he makes niggers less awful and curtails some of women's nonsense I consider that a "good but less than perfect" outcome. And a step towards maybe my actual views being within the realm of possibility before my life ends.

Also, big lol at using the UK as any sort of example. Without even getting into their system not being a full winner take all, like ours is, and thereby being completely incompatible in this dichotomy, they are in far worse shape than we are in every way. Any words they say about "discredited" something is babble until they show growth in it.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

At a very young age, I think there is a decent amount of girls who probably enjoy adventure and the like. One of my daughters was one of them before puberty made that gender difference a lot wider. And the "rebelling against your no-fun dad, escaping your tiny town and traveling the world" is such a basic girl personality I think it can appeal across the board.

I don't think its any worse than the majority of Disney's back catalogue in terms of women and their actions. And because its all non-whites they didn't feel the need to hamfist a bunch of other woke writing in it, which allowed a genuine badass male to be her partner for the duration with expected flaws.

Adamrises 11 points ago +11 / -0

Its been documented through a lot of the leaks that Biden has a massive soft spot for his fuckup son, despite said son treating him like absolute shit back.

So while its morally and presidentially horrible for him to do this, its also the most human trait left in a lifelong politician like him.

Adamrises 1 point ago +4 / -3

You've set up a dozen targets for yourself to hit, but none of them are what I said.

Which was you get all the same parasocial power and dopamine hits as streaming, but you don't even need to put a shirt on to do it. Nothing about being lying bitches or duplicitous. Only that the barrier for entry is much lower for ugly or normal looking girls.

Of course the corporate ones are going to still be the top of the pile in terms of clean histories and lack of trigger points, the same way all the top female streamers are still the mostly regularly attractive and non-socially stunted women to begin with.

At the end of the day they are still women first and foremost, and their character and professional life second. If you think a woman isn't a woman because she puts on a rig, then you have larger issues.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did nothing of the sort, my nigga. You seem to be used to making an accusation and then it being reality, which is a very Leftist trait you should work on.

They aren't losing because perfectionists stay home

I brought up Fuentes earlier for a reason. Because he demonstrably on record told people to not vote for Trump because he didn't like his stance on a few issues. Which, in our system, is helping Harris win. If more people shared that opinion then we would have lost and nothing would have changed for the better whatsoever. It is in fact a major problem in our aisle.

I am very sorry that such a radical position of "don't lose your shit the moment a politician doesn't 100% represent your beliefs" is this hard for you to hear. Not "don't criticize them for it" (which is what you want me to be saying), but literally don't REEEEEEE blindly.

If guys emulating Leftists like you are the path for a "non-shitty right wing" then I'd rather be done with this America nonsense and get to the civil war already.

Adamrises 3 points ago +7 / -4

female vtubers are just as duplicitous as the Twitch thots, and at least corpo vtubers definitely aren't.


This is why you are called simps. Because you actually believe this.

Adamrises 1 point ago +5 / -4

I didn't call it negative or positive. Its a statement of fact that the bar is lowered there compared to being a twitch thot in terms of appearance, which is why there are thousands of them everywhere constantly cropping up daily to stream to a handful of simps with badly rigged models.

I see we are back to the "only big corpos exist in my bubble" land though.

Adamrises 1 point ago +9 / -8

only woman care about it.

Unfortunately the Vtuber sphere is overwhelmingly male and they are obsessed with pushing it everywhere endlessly. Its the new opiate for the simpish weeb masses.

Women only care about it in terms of how easy it is to make money off it. Its streaming without even having to have tits or even getting dresses, but all the same parasocial powers.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

Except I didn't do that. I said that he cleared the very low bar of being better than the alternative. And then said not to treat singular failures as the end of existence where you end up shooting yourself in the foot in a frothing rage over it.

The fact that you can't grasp such a simple concept is why "nothing ever changes" either. Because you'll destroy everything that isn't perfect and then wonder why the Left keeps gaining ground.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

So its circling the wagon when I give you a real answer, and faking retarded when I give you a joking one.

Its okay, I get you are mad I didn't give you the answer you wanted to your weakass gotcha questions. But you should try going back and seeing that the point remained the same in both the "try hard" response and the low effort one, no pretend needed.

You just can't seem to follow and are responding only in Twitter level responses.

Adamrises 26 points ago +26 / -0

Besides the obvious reason, its also only whites that live long enough or are retarded enough to do such a thing. The benefit of being a low IQ mongrel is not being burdened with neurotic nonsense that leads to thinking about such things.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh, is this where you realize you were wrong and now start accusing me of doing things because to retroactively justify yourself?

He was retarded, got a low effort response. You asked a retarded gotcha question, got a low thought response. It ain't that deep fam.

Imp1 and I both hate women and have many of the same criticisms of them. I still called him retarded daily.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here, I'll just list a few that I have instead.

He trusts too easily and it basically ruined a lot of his first term, in both his picks and allowing Covid to unfold as it did. He is old and stubbornly stuck in a lot of outdated frameworks of how the world used to work. He is pro-Israel and falls for a lot of their manipulations.

Just because I criticize how someone goes about something, doesn't mean their point is wrong. It means they themselves are a useless idiot in how they choose to go about it and they are actively sabotaging themselves by being so shortsighted and zealous about it.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

I did nothing of the sort. I made a low effort joke post to an obvious troll to point out that all they do is list flaws and failures without proposing any form of alternative or other possibility, including that compromise might be part of the game. Its just complaining endlessly to sow division.

There is a large valley between "ignore his flaws" and "not throwing your entire plate out because it had peas on it and you hate peas." Which is what many people do, they see Trump make a bad decision and then decide to throw out everything he does or might do.

Which is especially retarded when we live in a "winner takes all" government system. So the alternative is Harris and all judgements must be made with that in mind.

Adamrises 24 points ago +25 / -1

The barrier for entry was too low, and way too many companies/people wanted in on the pot and invested a shit ton of money thinking it was an infinite growth industry.

Its the standard failure period basically every bubble goes through.

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