Aalewis 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is Shill Bitchell known for anything other than being an attention-whoring faggot over on oyvey.nigger?

What items are on his résumé that aren’t gay tweets?

Aalewis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Crazy how the media constantly pretends he’s, in some form, attractive and not a weird alien-like entity

He’s a faggot with chinky eyes

He’s not even enough of a nigger to trip my “niggers are cool” brainwashing that I still have leftover from belonging to America’s official religion of nigger worship.

That’s how much of a reptilian slime and not an actual human he is.

Aalewis 6 points ago +7 / -1

OP mentions the United States by name, draws attention to “WA State” for “foreign posters,” and refers to the essay “Bowling Alone,” which is a famous commentary on the changing civic life in the United States.

I’m sorry you’re too retarded to catch any context clues whatsoever

Aalewis 1 point ago +1 / -0

The median is an average

So is the arithmetic mean

So is the geometric mean

Referring to the median as “the average” is completely appropriate, especially as it pertains to IQ and other things reckoned in terms of estimates of population-level statistics.

I can’t say categorically that the distribution of intelligence is symmetric, but there isn’t a very strong reason to assume it’s especially skewed like there is with—say—individual income, where there’s no hard limit to how above-average you can be, but there is a clear barrier to how below-average you can be (zero income). This is why “median” incomes are specifically identified as such… it matters in that context, but in many other contexts it simply doesn’t matter whether you are referring to the median or the arithmetic mean when you say “average.”