says the guy who got so offended because i dared to say that we should gatekeep anime from tourists that he felt the need to start attacking me personally
Any “Based left” anti-Israel stuff must be understood from the context that they see Israel as a white colonial power and Palestinians as brown victims of colonialism. There is a vague overlap in interests, but not in motivations or in perceptions of the world, and that is critically important because the result is that the left’s “solution” is more of the same “death to America, death to white people, rah rah I love brown people” rhetoric as always.
Yeah, if it were brown people (actually basically non-European white people, because people from that region are not brown) leveling Israel, there wouldn't be a peep.
That said, both sides can fuck off. Would be nice if it weren't such a one-sided "war".
There are some light-skinned people from that region, but most people are at the very least tan. Visiting the West Bank, you're not going to think that you're in Sweden.
Israel is explicitly an ethnostate (and implicitly the weapons testing range of the deep state). Conflation of the criticism of a nation with criticism of an ethnic group is a common tool used by leftists. All leftists project.
Almost never do the actions of the governments of the world reflect the will of their people. Ethnic groups do not control nations. Small groups of elites control nations. A nation's people is it's greatest resource in most times, but a nation and a people are different. Look at the arbitrarily designed states in the middle east.
A state that is both culturally and politically dominated by an ethnic group, and where the government explicitly prioritizes that group above all others. For example, South Africa when controlled by whites wasn't really a white ethnostate - they were politically dominant, but not culturally dominant. Now it is an african ethnostate, because it is culturally and politically dominated. Germany under hitler would have been an ethnostate, Germany now isn't. Israel is, because it is dominated specifically by jewish culture and jewish people.
It has to be to an undeniable degree. For example, I would say that China, despite being pretty xenophobic as a culture, isn't really an ethnostate, or at least not to the same degree - because everyone is treated like shit there. The government doesn't promote an ethnic group, it promotes itself at the expense of anyone it can exert control over. I don't think the US was an ethnostate - while it excluded a specific group or multiple groups, it didn't prioritize one specific group - there was always a confluence of different ethnicities involved, even counting just the european groups at first.
I thought he was a Jew based on that first name, but turns out that he's a Latino.
Also, he supports political violence.
The United States of America was founded on some of history's worst violence, and every cent of its current wealth is based on the ill-gotten gains of our founding genocide and radcicalized chattel slavery. Beyond that, we currently terrorize more of the world than any previous global empire ever has, and our government surveils, imprisons, and kills more of its own citizens than any other nation.
Biden and Trump join together to torture journalists for the crime of exposing our nation's war-crimes.
President Trump was shot at while ranting against Latin immigrants like my family who both he and Biden have kept in concentration camps after illegally denying them asylum application, but we're the ones who need to be reminded to "cool it down."
When one young man is alleged to have shot at a White supremacist, neo-fascist rally, however, that's violence.
That type of universal condemnation of political violence may sound appropriate coming from a member of the clergy or be convincing to those with narrow conceptions of who is included among the ranks of the Human or who have a rose-colored perception of the tools available to the wretched of the earth. Condemning all political violence and all killing as equally and unequivocally immoral makes no effort to define "violence" or "political", and it certainly ignores the conditions and available options to the subaltern and colonized.
Why would you massacre a screenshot like that?
It's a shitty meme from /r/PoliticalCompasMemes, that's why.
Because he's a .jpg poster.
Hey now, he gets mad if you say that. By his own admission he does all original research for his posts and doesn't repost them from anywhere!
Your seething over me gives me power. Im glad you are mad. i know you dont like it when i talk about jews so i'll keep talking about jews too
Says the guy who made a whole post seething about his "otaku cred being called into question."
You can act all cool and powerful, but that little show proved how delicate your ego is, my nigga.
says the guy who got so offended because i dared to say that we should gatekeep anime from tourists that he felt the need to start attacking me personally
Nigga I been attacking you personally for weeks. Its fun, you get very angry about it, and its just an overall great time.
Any “Based left” anti-Israel stuff must be understood from the context that they see Israel as a white colonial power and Palestinians as brown victims of colonialism. There is a vague overlap in interests, but not in motivations or in perceptions of the world, and that is critically important because the result is that the left’s “solution” is more of the same “death to America, death to white people, rah rah I love brown people” rhetoric as always.
Fun hint: They're going for the slogan: 'zionism is white supremacy'.
Yeah, if it were brown people (actually basically non-European white people, because people from that region are not brown) leveling Israel, there wouldn't be a peep.
That said, both sides can fuck off. Would be nice if it weren't such a one-sided "war".
There are some light-skinned people from that region, but most people are at the very least tan. Visiting the West Bank, you're not going to think that you're in Sweden.
Perhaps you missed the post here about the first Swedes
Hey, I would support the diversification and cultural enrichment of Israel, since they think it's such a great idea in our countries and all.
Seems like they project so much. What does the IDF have to do with semitism? Technically I know the answer but still.
Israel is explicitly an ethnostate (and implicitly the weapons testing range of the deep state). Conflation of the criticism of a nation with criticism of an ethnic group is a common tool used by leftists. All leftists project.
Conflation of religion and ethnicity is also stupidly common. Racism is their hammer and noticing trends are their nails.
A nation is its people.
Almost never do the actions of the governments of the world reflect the will of their people. Ethnic groups do not control nations. Small groups of elites control nations. A nation's people is it's greatest resource in most times, but a nation and a people are different. Look at the arbitrarily designed states in the middle east.
I agree with the latter part, but what's your definition of 'ethnostate'?
A state that is both culturally and politically dominated by an ethnic group, and where the government explicitly prioritizes that group above all others. For example, South Africa when controlled by whites wasn't really a white ethnostate - they were politically dominant, but not culturally dominant. Now it is an african ethnostate, because it is culturally and politically dominated. Germany under hitler would have been an ethnostate, Germany now isn't. Israel is, because it is dominated specifically by jewish culture and jewish people.
It has to be to an undeniable degree. For example, I would say that China, despite being pretty xenophobic as a culture, isn't really an ethnostate, or at least not to the same degree - because everyone is treated like shit there. The government doesn't promote an ethnic group, it promotes itself at the expense of anyone it can exert control over. I don't think the US was an ethnostate - while it excluded a specific group or multiple groups, it didn't prioritize one specific group - there was always a confluence of different ethnicities involved, even counting just the european groups at first.
Should have reported yourself anonymously for the reward at the very least.
Free Palestine
I thought he was a Jew based on that first name, but turns out that he's a Latino.
Also, he supports political violence.
...yet he is right about some things.
you're always free to go back