Israel renews military attacks on Gaza
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Nothing will stop this war till one side is off the map.
Israel wants all the land between the Nile and Euphrates rivers, annexing Gaza is only the beginning.
Batshit crazy hyperbole doesn't help you make your point.
Are there segments of the Israeli government and citizenry that would like to annex some additional lands in Egypt (Sinai), Jordan, Syria (Mt Hermon / Druze areas), and maybe even Lebanon? Yes.
Beyond the Sinai? Beyond the Golan? Beyond the immediate trans-Jordan? No.
Even the most rabid and insane Jewish nationalist knows that occupying vast swathes of territory where Jews would be outnumbered 1000:1 is a fools errand.
Israeli public opinion polling has shown, for years, that somewhere around 40-50%+ of the population supports pulling out of the West Bank even.
Israeli already gave up the Sinai once and it worked--they've had peace with Egypt for more than 40 years.
In the 2 or so months after October 7th, >300 were murdered in the West Bank, which I've been told is not Gaza and not Hamas.
Please also explain to the class why Israel was so elated for Syria's regime change. It had nothing to do with Greater Israel, right?
Go ahead and pretend that Greater Israel isn't an explicit goal of these people.
That's a complete reading comprehension fail.
Your first sentence about the West Bank is a non sequitur and irrelevant.
Regime change in Syria was obviously at least a temporarily good thing for Israel. The Assad family had been fighting Israel for more than 50 years. In the power vacuum, Israel could wipe out the vast majority of Syrian military hardware. Did I really need to spell that out for you?
Third, another reading fail. Not even a reading comprehension fail, just a reading fail.
It's the curse of most conspiracy theories that even while believing in a seed of truth—Israeli nationalist expansionist goals—the conspiracy theorist has to take things to such a batshit insane level (e.g., Israel wants to annex all land between the Nile and the Euphrates) that everyone else just gets sick of hearing about it and walks away.
By making shit up and spouting falsehoods that are easily debunked, you make anyone who is anti-Zionist and anti-Israel look like a loon.
The Assad regime was part of the Iranian influence sphere. Iran and its proxies are outspokenly hostile towards Israel. In part, in order to legitimize their own oppressive regimes. Same with Hezbollah and Hamas.
That's why Israel took out Hamas and then crippled Hezbollah, which was propping up the Assad regime. When Assad fell, the Iranian influence sphere was dealt a crippling blow.
Lindsey Graham couldnt have put it better hinself. Good job.
But they've already moved beyond the Golan heights. And they've occupied large parts of Lebanon in the past and then were subsequently kicked out.
You phrase that like they did it voluntarily and weren't forced to do so.
So calling it 'batshit crazy hyperbole' is a bit... hyperbolic don't you think?
Quoted from my OP: "Syria (Mt Hermon / Druze areas), and maybe even Lebanon"
Yes, the Egypt–Israel peace treaty of 1979.
No, saying that Israel wants to annex everything from the Nile to the Euphrates is stupider than batshit crazy. Anyone who thinks that Israel wants to control Cairo, Aleppo, Damascus, Amman, Najaf, and Karbala and the 10s of millions of Arab Muslims in those regions is willfully ignorant.
Israel doesn't even want to control Palestinians. They want to get rid of them. It's called ethnic cleansing and they've been doing it since 1948. Though to be fair they haven't managed to repeat their success of 1948 so far.
Greater Israel isn't a random conspiracy theory that someone pulled out of their ass. When you look at the fact that Israel has been constantly trying to expand since 1948 it doesn't sound any crazier than a bunch of Jews settling in Arab land only to violently displace the natives and using unconditional US support to wage constant war on their neighbors.
Read what I've said, consistently, since my first post.
Israel nationalists having expansionistic goals (specifically, southern Syria, Trans-Jordan, Sinai, etc.) is not a conspiracy theory.
I've also out that these are minority viewpoints and a very large chunk of Israeli society would even withdraw entirely from the West Bank.
"Greater Israel" meaning the Nile to the Euphrates, willfully ignorant and foolish conspiracy theory.
Then why is Israel still occupying the West Bank and Gaza? Why is Netanyahu still in power? It's irrelevant what 'society' would do if they don't do it. The only thing that matters is what is actually being done. Reality trumps wishful thinking.
Guess what their plan is.
Bwahaha yes, that's right, despite having been in conflict with Palestinians in around 3,000 sq miles of land for 70 years with no resolution in sight and thousands of dead Israelis in just the last year, Israel wants to annex 100,000s of square miles and 10s of million more Muslims. Then, they will genocide them, and the rest of the world will just sit there.
Bat. Shit. Crazy.
Their fucking flag is literally a representation of the Oded Yinon plan, aka the greater Israel project. The two blue stripes represent the Nile and Euphrates River, with Israel in between. Either you are really stupid, or you’re sitting in a government office in Tel Aviv shilling lies because it’s you job to do so. Based on your screen name, gatekeeper, my guess is the latter.
Got it. The Israeli flag, adopted more than a century ago, references the Oded Yonon plan from 1982. It also doesn’t say what you claim.
Typical for conspiracy theories you quickly fallback to nonsensical personal attacks.
Hmm, I wonder if that’s because the flag was the initial representation of greater Israel, the land jewish supremacists have believed was promised to them by god for hundreds of years, and the Yinon plan is much newer because it’s not just the idea that the land belongs to them, it’s the strategy they plan to use to take that for themselves.. How’s the weather in Tel Aviv? .
Yep, typical conspiracy nut—just keep moving those goal posts, and DARVO when you’re caught.
The historiography of Nile-Euphrates is nil.
What about both sides?
The Bible mentions Israel existing in Revelation. That would be impossible.
Islam. It needs to be Islam.
US needs to demand their money back from the Iron Dome or Israel to face sanctions and tariffs.
Instead of halting bomb shipments, Trump is talking about striking Iran.
Knew that was coming. Every bit of geopolitics is as fake and gay as our political system. Israel wanted their billions from the U.S. taxpayer, so they held off on the slaughter until after Trump and Congress could pass the continuing resolution BS, that way the American taxpayers thought their money went toward helping end a genocide….now that the money has been promised to Israel, the slaughter can continue, just as Trump and everyone in Congress knew would happen. .
Personally, I'm okay with them shutting down the "Marlboro Canal" operation.
Good. They should just end the terrorist threat.
Don't fund 'em now huaheheheahahaehehe